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Analysis of Irreversible Climate Change Study by Solomon - Essay Example

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The author examines the Irreversible Climate Change study by Solomon according to which human endeavors have increased the concentration of varied greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. According to the UN, the probability of humankind influencing the recent climate change is 50:50.  …
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Analysis of Irreversible Climate Change Study by Solomon
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IPCC Problem According to Solomon et al., human endeavors have subsequently increased concentration of varied greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Oreskes mentions in her article that according to UN, latest findings, probability of humankind influencing the recent climate change is 50:50 unlike former years (Oreskes, 2005). Solomon et al. mentions that the continued, uncontrolled release of gases such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere would bring dire consequences that man would not be able to change for many coming years.

It is time various stakeholders across the globe rethink about the future generations and the impact our current activities will cause them. Besides, if emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere continue, we would experience even more serve climate changes in the next millennium or longer (Solomon et al., 2008)Impact of climate change on the world Adverse carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere in coming years will lead to drastic climate changes that will exist on short and longer scale.

However, these changes are bound to be irreversible (Solomon e al 2008).The various climate changes caused by anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have a great impact to the world in general. Some of these changes occur promptly in association with warming while other changes buildup under sustained warming due to the time lags of the involved process (Solomon et al. 2008). Some of these impacts by climate change are Arctic sea ice retreat, a major increase in heavy rainfall and flooding, permafrost melts (Solomon et al. 2008). Other impacts of climate change in the world are increased intensity of hurricanes, loss of glaciers and snowpack with attendant changes in water supply (Oreskes, 2005).

Solomon also states in his article that these climate changes will cause adverse increase in sea levels that will eventually lead to unavoidable inundation of many small islands and low-lying coastal areas. Irrevocable sea level rise Increase in emission of carbon dioxide in the environment will lead to irreversible sea level rise (Solomon et al 2008). According to Solomon, the latter occurrences can be understood via various phenomena take place. For instance, warming causes the ocean to expand thus leading to rise of sea level.

In addition, loss of land ice also contributes majorly to sea level rise as the world warms. According to study, using current ice discharge data suggests that ice sheet contributes close to 1-2 m to sea level in the next century (Solomon et al 2008). Measures to mitigate the problems There are several measures that ought to be put in place to limit the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and curb the problems the latter causes in the atmosphere. For instance, we ought to put extreme policies that prohibit the burning and emission of green house gases into the atmosphere.

The latter will reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide and other green house gases in the atmosphere (Solomon, et al). According to eraskas, if the rate if production of these dangerous gases were to stop, their concentration would eventually decline due to the atmospheric removal process (eraskas, 2005).subsequently none of these physiological phenomena that lead to drastic climatic change are natural and stoppable. The only way to stop all this menace is to start using alternative fuels and fossils that do not liberate green house gases like methane and carbon di oxide into the atmosphere (eraskas, 2005).

References Solomon S, et al Irreversible Climate Change, 2008 Oreskes N,The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change, 2005

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