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The Ugliest Nightmare of Europe - Case Study Example

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According to this paper, CO2 is a problem and European drama. United Europe has been working on having a big reduction in carbon dioxide emission. Every day, all the states hope to have a clean environment without pollution and noise. Respect for the environment has become a rule of life…
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The Ugliest Nightmare of Europe
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Marco Chinicò Chinicò Freelance Journalist and report English 3 CO2: The ugliest nightmare of Europe, Reductions? Yes, we can! Elimination? Possible! Introduction CO2, a problem, a nightmare, and European drama. The United Europe has been working for having a big reduction of carbon dioxide emission. Every day, all the states hope to have a clean environment without pollution and noise. Respect for the environment has become a rule of life, to provide all European Citizens a clean city. The meetings of the most important European University have invited political, researchers and students for explaining them, the big problems that pollution can give to our environment. Cars with Gpl or petrol are indispensables in our daily lives, to move inside the city but, often, most of the cars are too old, with engines that consume a lot and emit unpleasant smells and harmful to the environment in which we live. Twenty years ago there wasn’t solution for this problem because the technology system wasn’t able to test new vehicles with cleaner exhaust gas. Today the world has changed and the modern technology has made great strides. The automotive is the first sector that has thought as our life could be better; the best solution which is immediately thought is to design a series of new cars with an electric motor, supported by operation of batteries with lithium ions. The features of this modern car are limited because the battery has a capacity of short-term duration. Two years ago, for example, the German company Mercedes Benz presented in major European cities, the new Smart. A four-wheeled model, with a lithium-ion battery, able to travel up to more than 100 km of road. A step forward compared to previous models that had batteries with short duration. The most prestigious carmakers hope to see in 2020 machines and means of transport with the single power supply. An impossible dream, at least at this time, because too many motorists have the habit to buy cars to petrol or diesel, in second place the world monopoly of oil on the international market, it is very difficult to break down. The crisis of economy has reduced purchasing power of the people and prestigious carmakers, for example, Fiat Group, Wolkswagen, Bmw and Mercedes, aren’t very happy for their selling result. Chinicò 2 One month ago, exactly February 2012, there arent a lot of sales and registrations of new cars, as during last year. The cars maintaining isn’t cheaper and, compared to ten years ago even the automobile enthusiasts, aren’t availables to buy and spend digits absurd for a machine that, regardless of the typical model, has a doubled market price. The crisis of the automotive market has two aspects: on the one hand it reduces the profits of their companies, but from another could prove to be a great springboard for electric cars. Buy an electric car means to travel all day in the city with the electric motor only, saving you lots of money in a month on petrol or diesel. The kind of work for realizing this project is very long, but the possibilities that a simple dream could be a fantastic reality, are a lot. The reduction of CO2 starts from all the cars but it will be very important the work of the principal government for achieving this goal. It’s important to explain the principal projects of the most important states of Europe about this specific sector. England, Scottish, Italy and rest of Europe have presented to journalists, teachers, researchers in-depth analysis, telling the main problems caused by pollution, too much CO2 and series of projects that their respective Governments are studying. The creating a clean and sustainable mobility, is an obligation for all people. Chinicò 3 1- CO2: United Kingdom tells: “Never emissions in 2050” England and the rest of United Kingdom are very sure. Never emission for next 2050. Having a clean environment is a dream that has become true: since 2007 the Britain Parliament has been speaking for explain how important reach this goal for the next 40 years. England would like to cut the 50% of CO2 emission for 2025: this is the first objective for arriving to 60% of reduction in 2030 and to 80% of reduction in 2050. An objective very difficult but it isn’t impossible: the environments Minister, Chris Huhne, is working for this project, together the Committee on Climate Change, a special Commission that investigates about climatic phenomena and its changes. After this study, the Commission plans the projects for counteracting the same climatic phenomena. The Carbon Budget (name of this analysis), is presented to the English Chamber of deputies which has the task to view and, if necessary, make amendments. This happens if the same Chamber of deputies doesn’t approve the document. The fourth Carbon Budget proposes big cut of emissions, after 2020 year and English people have to respect the new laws. It could be interesting sell only electric cars, without oil and diesel, and the first dream of the Britain government is to see, in 2025 year, the 14% of the electric cars on the streets of London. In this moment London is waiting the next Olympic Games that they’ll start in July 2012 and the British police are using electrics cars for circular in London streets. It could be wonderful if the all English people buy only electrics cars or motorbikes. For 2025 England is also thinking to eliminate boilers for heating. London has a lot of homes with this old system of heating and the British deputies agree that are necessary new wind energy systems. Siemens, Vestas and General Electric want to build new companies for wind energy production. A great idea but the Committee on Climate Change also has the duty to verify if this specific project might cost in economic terms. The UK is going through a period of crisis and it needs a good environmental project without excessive costs; the overseas’s countries to avoid continuous waste. The revision of renewable energies envelopment, tells that the actual state of population needs, regarding the need to resort to alternative energy, corresponds to 3% but in 2030 this state could be to 30% and after this historical date the same state of needs, will be 45%. It’s important, for arriving to objective, that economics and technological requirements can allow this. The latest statistical survey tells that, after 2025, the renewable energies will produce 40% of the electricity; another 40% will be produced by nuclear energy, 15% by gas and carbon with storage system. Chinicò 3 The English deputies always speak to parliament and people about the important role of nuclear energy. For England, have to use the nuclear because it is impossible to pass quickly from the current energy sources to renewable energy. England never made a full use of the latters and plan a life with only renewables energy is a goal to reach, but very slowly. All parties have given their consent for the adoption of this environmental program, but they said that the document could be changed if the European Union fails to comply with the agreements, for the reduction in the percentage of CO2 emissions, established for the year 2020. England will build a new electric system that gives electric energy to Windsor’s Castle and surplus energy that English authority will sell to other industry. At full capacity, the plant should be able to develop according to the designers, a power of 17 thousand kWh per year, the amount would meet the needs of 400 homes in the initial phase, but the problem is it cannot support the entire needs of Windsor Castle. The whole work, throughout the entire implementation will require a low cost, exactly 2 million. To work around the environmental impact that could have on the ecosystem, were realized two corridors within the plant that will allow the passage of fish inside, so as not to cause harm to the ecosystem with more than 40 tonnes of structure, built on the Thames. Also Scotland is working for cutting emission of CO2. The Scottish government thinks is important to cut 42% of CO2 emissions for 2020. An objective taller than the England intention, sure to reduce the 34% of emissions. The environment program was approved by all parties and also was accepted by environment association, especially by “Stop Climate Chaos Scotland”. A radical change in the industry and life Scottish. It’s correct say that, in this moment, Scotland is a nation with a climate legislation that follows the directions of science. Scotland has done the first step to show others that you can do an intelligent reduction of CO2. Scotland has a good possibility to have in the future a life with only wind energies. For 2020 year the Scottish country could have 50% of electric requirement and 20% of general need. Wind energies, earth, sea and hydroelectric resources, geothermal, biomass and other technological resources are important sources of livelihood for the whole country. Scotland is a geographic area where often there are a lot of tides; tides energy is another important element that the country would like to use for cover the energy need’s status. The Scottish government said that, for the future, wants to use the nuclear energy but exploit the coal, building new airports, roads and a central of carbon in Hunterston, North Ayrshire’s city. Chinicò 4 This program is very full and England has challenged it, because thinks that the time for realizing this projects, is very long. For Britain opinion, isn’t impossible to have all these things in 2020. Renewable and alternative energies have a future in Scotland. How Edinburgh is working in this specific sector, for building an anti-pollution system? For this country Anglo-Saxon, renewable energy is synonymous with great opportunity, being a country with wind, hydropower, biomass and solar energy. Also in other European countries, the most important resources are hydroelectric energies, wind, geothermal and solar energy. For each project, were studied the areas with their problems of ownership, planning environmental, financial and tax. It is essential, in a sector that is so dynamic, devise a solution that works efficiently. In the land of the Great Lakes, immersed in the green countryside, the researchers work hard to offer to Scottish population a country increasingly sustainable. Starting from Edinburgh to the rest of the country, environment experts are thinking about the design and construction of: onshore wind turbines, Hydroelectric projects in the electricity sector provided by waves and tides, fuel cells for energy accumulation, waste utilization for electricity generation, developing biomass and extraction of coal methane, land exploitation strategies. Very interesting is the thought that circulates in Scotland, about possible solutions for cutting CO2 emissions: some studies made by experts in the field, said that emissions of gas (53-53%), could to be replaced soon by diesels. Very important will be the use of rapeseed oil, a substance with a low sulphur content. Not all researchers are optimistic on the emissions of carbon, a very negative factor and the people of United Kingdom are concerned. Another major concern is the production of biodiesel in tropical countries, where the Earth is deforested for Palm oil production. It is a second-generation biodiesel, derived from wastes and products cultivated on land. Another current of thought is convinced that overcome these problems is possible even if the large-scale commercial production may require many years of work and investigation. Other scholars argue that, with regard to current technologies and developing second-generation biofuels, any attempt to put them into practice to reduce greenhouse gas emissions could be counterproductive. There are many companies that have tried to use the new biofuels to reduce carbon emissions. The UK retailer, Marks and Spencer, for their activities heavy transport, wanted travel with a set of biodiesel. The outcome was positive but today the functional aspect and the outcome of these biofuel blends arent very clear and the experts are afraid that maintenance costs of the same trucks couldnt be cheaper. Chinicò 5 Other companies are planning or have managed to introduce measures to cut CO2 emissions: Tesco Company is erecting wind turbines, designed to generate enough electricity and equipped with a system to recharge the batteries. DHL is working for the construction of small wind farms and then distribute the same energy that produces the rest of the United Kingdom. The ITF is sure that improving energy efficiency in the transport sector, offers much potential with a lower costs while the use of biofuels is a system judged too costly. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Absolutely yes, but with a reasonable market of prices. Chinicò 6 2- Euroco2: How the Europe would live without emission of CO2 Euroco2, the important and ambitious European program for cutting emission of CO2, was presented in 2009 year. CO2’s reduction is the objective of European Union; the most important European cities have done an important exam to understand if they will be very clean in the future. Hamburg metropolitan region and Manchester’s University have tought this ambitious project. Bruxelles, Frankfurt, Glasgow, Hamburg, Helsinki, Madrid, Oslo, Paris, Porto, Rotterdam, Stockholm and Stuttgart: these are the big cities that have done this basilar test. Have they capacities to live with the clean air and without pollution? An important contribution has given by General Electric, an industrial company that has presented her personal analysis, Green Ecomagination, about how to live in the Europe after CO2’s reduction? A very interesting question. The old objective about reduction of CO2 that the Economic European Community had designed in 1990 is outdated. The principal dream is to reduction the 30% of greenhouse gases for 2030 and to arrive at 80% in 2050 year. The project was divided: the first part consisted of an examination and during the test; the European cities have calculated your emission and energy consumption. Another simulation has done to understand how reach the goal. In the third part the commission examined the specific ways to put into practice and to achieve the desired objective. The possibilities for reduction the carbon emissions, aren’t simple utopias. The Italian cities of Naples and Turin have undergone a particular examination: Naples city has done four simulations and her municipality, for 2025, has to reduction 32% of carbon’s emissions. This result it could be possible if the Italian work aim to trade and service’s development. The local economy could grow by 1%. For 2025 year, sun energy could meet 25% of needs while photovoltaic energy could satisfy the 15% of electricity needs. This report offers interesting tips to have a good CO2’s reduction into all Naples’s area: the Italian Government is expected to approve rules and incentives that discourage consumers not to use more natural gas, giving aid to the region for the restoration of many historical buildings of the city, offer help to all those families with financial difficulties to help them to adopt new technological means, able to provide them maximum efficiency. The third objective is to study what technologies can put in modern buildings. The local administration of Naples has to offer a good percentage of incentives to promoting efficient energy into public offices. Chinicò 7 Public transport is the real problem of Naples because the most of surface transport and naval are old, with the use of fossil flues. Public electric transport, car sharing and private electric cars, could be the ideal solution to have a clean life. In the city of Turin, the main purpose of the simulation has been identified; Piemonte region want to reduce a big percentual of emissions for 2025 and to arrive, very quickly, to another reduction for seeing her environment very clean. The scenario got a reduction of 38%, a possible result by 2025: the local public administration has played a key role in reducing energy consumption and scored the system for reducing emissions through the towing of renewable energy. The closure of the heavy industry in the area has led to a reduction in demand for heating industry. The use of private vehicles has decreased due to an increase in working from home. This, with improvements in energy efficiency, has produced a reduction in the demand for cars. The Turin Province receives its electricity mainly from coal-fired with low-emission. The provinces economy has grown at an average of 2% per year, with a population increase of 2%. There is a sharp increase in the number of residential buildings but a corresponding reduction in the size of households. This has meant that the electricity consumption was decreased in both sectors. Local authorities were a key factor in successfully for reducing demand. The cost of energy has risen, which has helped to reduce the use of energy. A network was created for heating in the area of the city of Turin, densely populated, providing 50% of the energy needs. A further 15% and 20% of demand for heating in the residential area is covered by renewable energies. The emissions were decreased of 10%; a phenomenon that is caused from a consequent reduction in energy consumption. The movement of vehicles on the roads is reduced because more people are working from home, and the upgrading of railway lines at high speed has developed public transport, a particular result facilitated by an increase in population density. So the new railways lines have led to an increase in rail freight transport and the European legislation with regard to CO2 emissions from road vehicles, has led an increase vehicles with efficiency engine. This is a new generation of vehicles that will be present in the international market for next ten years. A combination in the reduction of road trips and an increase in vehicle efficiency: this is the ideal solution that could bring a 45% of reduction in energy use for road vehicles, in 2025 year. The intensity of use of fossil fuels for electricity production is reduced throughout Italy. The solar energy production, especially in the South, represents the 15% of electricity demand. A further 10% of need is covered by wind energy. Chinicò 8 In Turin three incinerators were inaugurated, increasing the production of electricity with the heat burned of garbage. An additional 1% of electricity in the province of Turin could be generated using large-scale solar plants. This long process for the reduction of CO2 emissions is easy to carry to term or has some obstacles? The reduction emissions, says the study, is hampered by the lack of technological and financial resources, and the difficulties of accessing the technologies for energy efficiency. In this regard, the Report proposes policies of tax cuts, even at national level, for the industrial sector, and the installation of renewable-powered systems ad hoc, for individual industrial buildings. The transport in Turin area currently generates 22% of CO2 emissions; the report recommends, for a reduction in emissions in 2025 year, the adoption of support policies of public mobility, bike lanes and electric vehicles. The report also highlights that Turins province, is already carrying out important measures for achieving goals into municipalities that are part of it. Frankfurt gave these important tips to reduce CO2 emissions: the share of renewable energy used for electricity production must be increased significantly; this is only solution for having 25% of the total reduction in emissions. It is necessary to reduce significantly (25%) the consumption of electrical energy, Encourage electric mobility in the city (20%) and increase energy efficiency in industrial production processes (10%). Conclusion The projects for cutting the emissions of CO2 are very ambitious; having a clean environment is our dream. The European cooperation is the most important solution to have a clean country, without pollution. The work to be done to achieve the objective consists in a life without emissions. The objective is long, very difficult, but not impossible. McKinnon, A.C. (2008) ‘The Potential of Various Economic Incentives to Reduce CO2 Emissions in Goods Transport’ Report prepared for the International Transport Forum on Transport and Energy: The Challenge of Climate Change, Leipzig 22pp Green Style, Italian online newspaper of environment questions and problems. Title of articles: “Britain: 80% less CO2 in 2050 with renewable”. Writer: Claudio Schirru, 19 of May 2011 Risparmio di Energia, Italian site of environment. Title of articles: “Hydropower for Windsor Castle”. Date: 09 September 2011, Italian online newspaper of environment. Title of article: “CO2 emissions: in England by 2025 a cut of 50%”. Writer: Anna Tita Gallo, 19 of May 2011, Italian newspaper insert Title of article: “France, Germany and England were convinced: we have to reduce Co2 emissions by 30%”. 15 of July 2010, Italian site of environment. Title of article: “Emissions, France, Germany and Britain decide the reduction to 30%”. Writer: Marco Mancini, 16 of July 2011, Italian site of environment. Title of article: “Naples can reduce Co2 32 per cent by 2025; Turin can point to a 38% cut”. 04 of November 2011 Autoyes, Italian site of environment edit by Enrico Mainero. Site address:, Title of article: “The Euro 5 standards for gasoline and diesel vehicles”. 06 of March 2012 Adnkronos, Italian press agency. Title of article: “Britain pledges to reduce Co2 emissions by 50 percent by 2025”, 18 of May 2011 Narada Press Communication, Italian site of environment. Title of article: “Scotland announced that, by 2020, will have reduced 20% of emissions. An example to follow”, Source: Italian site Qual Energia Read More
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