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Wifldlife and Landscape - Essay Example

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The paper "Wildlife and Landscape" presents that the Botanical Survey for Phase 1: Habitat Survey of Fashawew Gate Farm which is a small and non-intensively managed livestock farm to the south of Sheffield. The vegetation of the area provides an idea of the overall landscape…
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Wifldlife and Landscape
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An Ecological Survey of Fanshawe Gate Farm Faculty Table of Contents Introduction 2. Fanshawe Gate Farm 3. Habitat Survey 4. Monitoring Strategies and Objectives 5. Conclusion 6. Reference 1. Introduction This essay covers the Botanical Survey for the Phase 1: Habitat Survey of Fashawew Gate Farm which is a small and non-intensively managed livestock farm to the south of Sheffield. The vegetation of the area provides an idea of the overall landscape of the particular region, its climatic conditions, soil type, water, wind flow and many others. Fauna and flora of any place depends on its ecosystem and they are the part of this ecosystem. 2. Fanshawe Gate Farm The site is situated at southern side of the valley of Totley Brook. This is a small farm. As per the information available on other sources, this farm is situated at the South of Sheffield. Figure 1: Location of Fanshawe Gate Farm The site is divided into six field which are entered to the Countryside Stewardship Scheme in order to achive environmental benefit of the land. The vegetation across the field is diversified. The main areas covered within the study scope of this paper consisted of acid and netrual soil and grass as the main vegetation. Figure 2: Six Field division The slope transacts of Figure 3 provdes the idea of slopy lanscape. The height recorded at field 1 is above 250 meters whereas the same towards field 3 or 450 meters aways is nearly 180 meters. Figure 3: Fanshawe Slope Transact Soil The soil data (see Appendix 3) indicates that altogether the soil type of the field is acidic, with variation in the acidic property throughout the field. The texture of the soil consisted of sand, silt, clay and organic matter that and the mineral nutrients that varied across the fields. The distribution of the soil material in three fields areas along with map is provided in Appendix 3 and Appendix 4. 3. Habitat Survey The habitat classification adopted for two of the fields of the studied sites are based in JNCC (1993) that covers the inland habitat types. The recording technique used for the study is based on the National Vegetation Classification (NVC). The plant species data for the sloping area of Field 6 through Blackboard has been collected. The vegetation recorded in these two fields consists of five varieties of grasses. The Phase 1 Habitat classification recognises give grasslands i.e. “unimproved, semi-improved, poor semi-improved, improved and arable grasslands” (JNCC, 1993). B1: Acid Grassland: These are the grasslands with soil pH of less than 5.5. value. These can have wavy hair grasses, mat grasses, hard rush grasses, heath bedstraw and sheep’s sorrel types of grasslands. B2 Neutral Grassland: Meadow Fescue (Festuca pratensis) indicates that the soil range is pH 5.5 -7.0. Table: Habitat classification for Acid and Neutral grassland B Grassland and marsh B1.1 AG Acid grassland Unimproved B1.2 SAG semi-improved B2.1 NG Neutral grassland Unimproved B2.2 SNG semi-improved There are various aspects of the grass identification process. Grasses are densely tufted or spread, how these are held together, junction of leaf blade and leaf sheath, position and structure of modified shoots, distribution of Rhizomes below the ground, leaf development, annual or perennial grasses, surface texture of leaf, colour and inflorescence types are particularly important aspects (Ecological Survey Techniques). Habitat Survey: There are 62 species of plants reported in the whole site that included species like Agrostis capillaries (Common bent) in abundance covering most of the areas for field 1, 2, 4 and sloping part of fields 5 and 6. Festuca rubra (Red fescue) is also present in large quantity in sloping parts of field 6. Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire fog) is present in large quantity in the field 1 as well as low cover in field 2, 4 and sloping parts of field 6. This species is at intermediate cover on field 3, field 5 and flat area near the stream for field 6. Trifolium campestre (Hop trefoil) covers field 3 in large quantities whereas it is absent in most of the fields except 2 and 4 where it is recorded low cover. Trifolium repens (White clover) is covering fields 1 and 3 with abundance, it is completely absent from the sloping areas of field 6 whereas to the remaining areas it provides low cover. Anthoxanthum oderatum (Sweet vernal grass) is found in every corner of the farm along with Agrostis capillaries. Anthoxanthum oderatum is recorded low in the fields of 1, 2, 3, 4 and sloping area of field 6 and recorded providing intermediate cover to field 5 and flat areas near the stream of field 6. The distribution of the remaining species in the farm is attached in the Appendix section. 4. Monitoring Strategies and Objectives Field 2 Sampling strategy The sampling is based on random sampling wherein in the first step uniformity of vegetation or type of vegetation was recorded. This was followed by the dividing of the area based on grid system and selection of pairs of random numbers from different quadrat locations. Quadrat size The Quadrat size was used as recommended by the NVC which is 2x2 for the short herbaceous vegetation. Abundance and frequency was calculated for the recorded species in both the fields. Species Recorded In the field 2 Agrostis capillaries were more than 33% of abundance and Festuca rubra was 25-33% in abundance. Agrostis capillaries is a grass and belongs to the Gramineae family. This requires cool and moist which is available in temperate climates to vegetate. The soil where it is presence indicates high levels of organic matters. Festuca rubra is the common grass that can vegetate in different climatic conditions and require abundant amount of sunlight to grow. These also form good feeding grass. Best Monitoring Strategy to Achieve the Objectives This is clear from both the fields that the soil type is acidic to neutral in these areas. In order to active the unimproved grassland there is a need of continuum grading with one type of grassland to others. The mat grasses and soft grasses are vulnerable to the fungal and others pest infections. This requires use of fertilizers and chemicals for the agricultural improvements of the productive species of the grasses. Unimproved grassland will have less richness of species. A uniformity of the vegetation should be aimed and there should be a balance maintained for the growth of herb vegetation so that grassland is not affected. Field 6 Sampling strategy The sampling is based on random sampling wherein in the first step uniformity of vegetation or type of vegetation was recorded. This was followed by the dividing of the area based on grid system and selection of pairs of random numbers from different quadrat locations. Quadrat size The Quadrat size was used as recommended by the NVC which is 2x2 for the short herbaceous vegetation. Abundance and frequency was calculated for the recorded species in both the fields. Species Recorded Agrostis capillaries was more than 33% and Holcus lanatus, Anthoxanthum odoratum and Festuca rubra were in 25-33% abundance. Agrostis capillaries is perennial grass of the family of Gramineae family. The soil requirement for this type of grass is acidic. This is also known as one of the bent grasses. There are many branches of in these grasses. These have an open and ovate panicle. The spikelet consists of one floret. Figure 2: Agrostsis (Bent grass) Holcus lanatus This is a soft grass from the Gramineae family that thrives in the soil that is poor in drainage and acidic. Anthoxanthum odoratum This is also known as vanilla grass which grows in high acidic soil as compared to other grasses which can not survive in that. It is also used as lawn grass for decorative purposes. Festuca rubra This is a common grass that can vegetate in different climatic conditions and require abundant amount of sunlight to grow. These also form good feeding grass. Festuca are less branched panicles. These are erected with large spikelet. Figure3: Festuca 5. Conclusion This study is based on the samples collected from the different spots of the Fanshawe Gate farm in a specified period and observations made for the understanding of the distribution of vegetation in the farm. This is clear from the study and observations that vegetation in the areas selected varied across the field that indicates variation of soil condition. The soil condition of the farm is acidic to neutral. There are some plants which are abundant in the sloppy area near the stream but not elsewhere in the farm. Change in the soil composition can help in the growth of desired species as well as limit the growth of less desired species. 6. Reference JNCC (1993). Handbook for Phase I Habitat Survey: a Technique for Environmental Audit. JNCC. Chinery, M (1993) Collins Field Guide to the Insects of Britain and Northern Europe. Collins. Appendix 1 Map of Farm Appendix 2 Fanshawe Gate Farm Plant Species List     Field Scientific name Common name 1 2 3 4 5s 5f 6s 6f Achillea millefolium Yarrow   R     R   R   Agrostis capillaris Common bent A A F A A F A F Alchemilla vulgaris Ladys mantle R       R       Alopecurus pratensis Meadow foxtail R R             Anthoxanthum oderatum Sweet vernal grass R R R R F F R F Anthriscus sylvestris Cow parsley R R   R         Arrhenatherum elatius Common oat grass R R R F         Bromus hordaceous Soft brome     R           Campanula rotundifolia Harebell         R   R   Carex flacca Glaucous sedge           R   R Carex ovalis Oval sedge               R Carex panacea Carnation sedge           R   R Centaurea nigra Black knapweed         R R   R Cerastium fontanum Mouse-ear chickweed R R R R   R   R Cirsium arvense Creeping thistle       R R     R Cirsium palustre Marsh thistle           R   R Conopodium majus Pignut   R     R       Crepis capillaries Smooth hawksbeard           R     Cynosurus cristata Crested dogstail F R F R R F   R Dactylis glomerata Cocksfoot F F R R R   R R Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted hair grass         R R   R Elymus repens Couch grass R               Festuca rubra Red fescue R F   R F F A F Galium saxatile Heath bedstraw         R   F   Heracleum sphondylium Hogweed R R R R R       Holcus lanatus Yorkshire fog A R F R F F R F Juncus articulatus Jointed rush           R   R Juncus conglomeratus Compact-flowered rush           R   R Juncus effuses Soft rush           R   R Lathyrus montana Bitter vetch         R   R   Lathyrus pratensis Meadow vetchling   F R R R R   R Leucanthemum vulgare Oxe-eye daisy                 Lolium perenne Perennial ryegrass F R F R         Lotus corniculatus Birdsfoot trefoil   R     R   R R Lotus uliginosus Greater birdsfoot trefoil           R   R Luzula campestre Field woodrush         R   R   Phleum pratense Timothy grass                 Pilosella officinarum Mouse-ear hawkweed             R   Plantago lanceolata Ribwort plantain R R R   R R R R Poa pratensis Smooth meadow-grass R   R           Potentilla erecta Tormentil         R   R R Potentilla reptans Creeping cinquefoil           R     Prunella vulgaris Selfheal           R   R Ranunculus acris Meadow buttercup R F   R R R   R Ranunculus repens Creeping buttercup R   R R   R   R Rhinathus minor Yellow rattle   F R R R       Rumex acetosa Common sorrel R R   R R R R R Rumex crispus Curled dock R       R       Senecio jacobea Ragwort R       R       Stachys officinalis Betony         R       Succisa pratensis Devils bit scabious         R   R   Taraxacum officinale agg. Dandelion R R     R R   R Trifolium campestre Hop trefoil   R A R         Trifolium dubium Lesser hop trefoil       R         Trifolium pratense Red clover R R R R R R R   Trifolium repens White clover A R A R R R   R Veronica chamaedrys Germander speedwell R R     R   R   Veronica montana Heath speedwell             R   Vicia cracca Tufted vetch   R             Vicia sepium Bush vetch R R R R R       R - species recorded at low cover F - species at intermediate cover A - Most abundant species s - sloping part of field f - flat area near stream Appendix 3 Fanshaw Gate Soil Data Field Area pH Texture   Mineral nutrients Sand Silt Clay Organic matter (%) P (mgl/l) K (mg/l) Ca (mg/l) Mg (mg/l) 1 10 5.61 44 44 12 24.18 14.21 95 1563 137.5             15.43       10 5.61 44 44 12 24.18 14.82 95 1563 137.5 9 5.51 52 40 8 20.8 39.42 45 1888 62.5             39.36 50 1763 62.5 9 5.51 52 40 8 20.8 39.39 47.5 1825 62.5 8 6.06 40 48 12 23.22 17.66 119 2412 75             27.92   2975 162.5 8 6.06 40 48 12 23.22 22.79 119 2694 118.8 2 7 5.2 42 48 10 22.59 19.36 175 87.5 37.5             15.36 300 400 50 7 5.2 42 48 10 22.59 17.36 237.5 243.8 43.75 6 5.74 56 22 22 8.97 14.21 100 1513 50             16.55       6 5.74 56 22 22 8.97 15.38 100 1513 50 3 5 4.66 52 42 6 29.33 15.74 187 100 12.5             15.53 246 62.5 2.5 5 4.66 52 42 6 29.33 15.64 216.5 81.25 7.5 4 4.33 70 26 4 36.81 6.599 100 150 12.5   4.5 62 26 12 17.29 7.513 122.5 312.5 25 4 4.415 66 26 8 27.05 7.056 111.3 231.3 18.75 3 5.48 34 48 14 23.97 11.36 115 1475 37.5             15.36 135 1513 37.5 3 5.48 34 48 14 23.97 13.36 125 1494 37.5 2 4.69 64 34 2 8.3 6.497 71.25 275 12.5   5.08 64 22 14 190.0 6.091 87.5 825 37.5 2 4.885 64 28 8 99.14 6.294 79.38 550 25 1 5.66 48 32 20 31.2 15.84 202.5 2538 137.5             14.72       1 5.66 48 32 20 31.19 15.28 202.5 2538 137.5 Appendix 4 Read More
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