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The Great Search for Oil Sources - Essay Example

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In the paper “The Great Search for Oil Sources” the author focuses on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. There are those who view the site as a potential plethora of oil that would be funneled into oil-consuming countries, especially the United States…
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The Great Search for Oil Sources
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The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is just east of Prudhoe Bay in Alaska's "North Slope," which is North America's largest oil field. Currently, the Prudhoe bay area accounts for 17% of U.S. domestic oil production.[1] In 1987 and again in 1998 studies released by the U.S. Geological Survey have estimated significant deposits of crude oil exist within the land designated as the "1002 area" of ANWR, as well.[2][3][3] ," ("Arctic" p.1). A noticeable action came when, "In 2005, Congress twice affirmed their constituents' belief that America's remaining wilds are important and rejection of claims that Arctic Refuge oil is any sort of answer to the nation's dependence on foreign oil.

In November 2005, leaders of the House removed provisions that would have allowed drilling in the refuge from a massive budget bill. And in December 2005, the Senate withstood an attempt by Republican leaders to attach Arctic drilling to a "must-pass" defense spending bill," (NRDC p.1). Taking a more sensitive approach, the website makes this plea as they champion the importance of the refuge; "The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is home to arctic foxes and caribou. It's the most important onshore denning habitat for America's vanishing polar bears.

And, each year, millions of birds from all across the country make their way to this special place," Adding that, "Yet, for all its unique beauty, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge remains under assault. Year after year, Big Oil's high-priced lobbyists push legislation to industrialize this national treasure. Isn't it time that this special place got the lasting protection it deserves" ("Help" p.1)? That last question in itself has become the major tipping point for the issue of drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge.

The decision as to whether in life the opportunity for oil, or for nature's oldest inhabitants, is valued at a greater consideration. In the end, it a sad decision to have to make in the first place. To make the choice between having the oil to fuel the cars and to heat homes, or to forgo what has become such a necessity in life in the name of preserving a pristine environment and the vulnerable animals who call it home and have done so for many years. Numerous experts of come out to say that what little oil that would be gathered through Alaskan drilling would not amount anywhere near to what would be called a great benefit and as such begs the question as to why even drill there in the first place The historical fight between man and beast continues to rage on.

The notion that one life has far greater value than another has not been lost among some for centuries. When it comes down to it, a decision like this must be reached not through political means, but through means that honor all that's living on this Earth. After all, as it has been said, "All life is precious" and in this case, that is very true.

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The Great Search for Oil Sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words.
(The Great Search for Oil Sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words)
The Great Search for Oil Sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
“The Great Search for Oil Sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”.
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