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An example of a secondary group would be fellow students with whom I similarly share several hours a week though we are unlikely to have much actual face-to-face time and the time we spend together will likely be more cohesive and rule-based.
Max Webber’s six traits of bureaucracy according to Professor Alazzawi are a formal hierarchical structure, management by rules, organization by functional specialty, a focused mission, purposely impersonal, and employment-based on technical qualifications. This organizational form works well within a second group, however, would likely cause problems within a primary group. Humans thrive on being able to “personalize” everything around them, and while this has its obvious drawbacks within society as a whole it does make it difficult to promote long-lasting, self-sustaining relationships within any group. There is a level of inflexibility that would likely cause frustration and in fact, in many organizations that are secondary groups frustration with the role being played by the individual is often voiced.
The sexual revolution was the extremely liberal approach to human sexuality as embraced in the 1960’s it accompanied for the most part a large amount of experimentation in drugs, political approaches, and lifestyle changes as well. There have been many various views applied to the “why” of this revolution, one that I tend to embrace is that this revolution is the result of the continued stifling of free thought along with the sexist and racist approaches embraced and taught leading up to this point. It was a complete rebellion against the status quo as it were.
As for the various issues discussed, I believe that sexual violence in the form of rape, child sexual abuse, and other related forms of sexual violence is the most important for our society to address in the United States. Sexual violence with pre-pubescent (and post) juveniles easily leads to later issues when the juvenile becomes an adult. The commonly accepted “belief” is that sexual violence is generally cyclical, though this is not a rule it is a commonly accepted understanding of sexual violence. Until sexual violence is no longer an issue, I believe we will witness more crime, destruction of lives, and violence that seems unthinkable to some but maybe a daily fact of life for others. Education I believe is the best way to combat sexual violence, education of potential and current victims to their options and abilities may allow them to stop the violence from occurring now. More importantly understanding that being the victim of sexual violence does not mean you are weak, defective or, otherwise problematic is also important to bubble to overcome the pain of the original sexual violence.
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