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The people of the village are controlled by fear of the Unconsecrated who continually try to infiltrate the village in order to satisfy their need for human flesh. The villagers live with the constant fear that the village could be breached at any time and they all would be infected which would turn the village into a world of zombies. Every day life is ruled by this fear, for instance, those villagers who were not of the Guard had to stay away from the fences in case of being bitten. Thus, it can be said that this fear was a form of social control; for, it forced the villagers to live in a certain way and adhere to certain rules.
The villagers have limited options as what to do with their lives. Mary explains that “In my village an unmarried woman has three choices. She may live with her family; a man may speak for her, court her through the winter and marry her in the spring ceremonies; or she may join the Sisterhood.” The only real option the men have is to join the guard which patrols the fences, ensuring that no unconsecrated breach them. These options leave no room for free will and places duty above any personal wishes.
These restrictions show how the villagers are obliged to live within these restrictions which tightly control their social lives. Ryan seems to be pointing at those social structures which limit our choices and free will. For instance, it is the common belief that has been passed down over generations that it is a woman’s duty to marry and have children. The Sisterhood of the village which is the religious mothers of the village so to speak also practices social control over the villagers. The Sisters believe in religious order, and tell the villagers that they are the only humans left on earth.
Therefore, they are to protect their society whatever the cost, even if it means killing a loved one who has become infected. They also enforce the belief that God’s word is not to be questioned. On each door in the village, a scripture is carved into the right of the door. Before, anyone is to enter or leave a building they have to place their hand on the scripture. Mary tells us that “It is our habit and duty to press a hand against these words”, demonstrating how easy it is to simply obey and get caught up in social control.
The sisters have taught that this practice will protect the villagers and make God aid them. Whereas, if they do not follow these religious practices, God’s wrath would descend on the village. When Mary is forced to join the sisterhood she discovers that she has no choice but to abide by the sisters’ laws or else she would be cast out into the forest to join the ranks of the unconsecrated. Mary’s belief that there is a world beyond her village and the forest is bolstered by the arrival of the outsider, Gabrielle.
Mary then realizes that the sisterhood has been keeping secrets from the villagers in order to force them to follow the edicts laid out by them. When Mary discovers that Gabrielle has become an unconsecrated, she explores the forbidden section of the Cathedral and learns that the sisters had caused Gabrielle to turn as part of an experiment. This completely shatters Mary’s belief in the sisterhood and all that they represent. The sisterhood created the Guard which Mary later finds out also kept certain secrets, such as placing stocks of food, water and weapons on the two fenced paths that lead away from
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