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"Human Hibernation for Space Travel" Introduction Hibernation or winter sleep is the condition normally found in animals. Under this condition, there is a reduced heart rate with significant drop in the body temperature and metabolism. In case of mammals the body temperature reaches 2-4?C above the freezing point, while the organism consumes little oxygen as low as 2% of normal rates. Under such conditions an animal could stay without movement or food and does not require much energy (Long term space travel).
The phenomenon could be exploited for humans when they travel interstellar distances. During this process activities like parks, plants, hospitals are negligible and individual is required to sleep with the onset of journey and then steady state is maintained with a slow supply of fresh air and low temperature constantly till the end of the journey. This is less energy consuming process as compared to daily routine activities (Long term space travel). In a study at North Carolina University geneticists have revealed the presence of genes capable of producing enzymes critical for hibernation.
The presence of such genes is reported in humans. They are responsible for accountability of energy conservation process of body. Of these two genes, the first is capable of producing an enzyme that can breakdown their fat deposits to generate energy. On the other hand the second hibernation gene is concerned with conservation of glucose supply to the body. The conservation process takes care to supply required energy to central nervous system for the sustainability of life. Genes required to initiate hibernation are still underway.
The success of this mission is imperative for space enthusiasts as this to explore the mysteries of universe it is desired to stay in space for extensive periods, which may encompass a couple of years to five years. To meet the food, oxygen and water requirements is incredible, also the processing of their urine and faeces management is exigent. To eliminate all these hassles scientists are now looking forward to hibernated states of space travellers and Mars colonists (Hibernation Method Tested for Space Travel).
It is evident that physicians are utilizing the process to cool-down their patients in order to reduce metabolic rate. In case of hibernating animals, when they are out of their hibernation, no loss of muscle or bone mass is observed. This could not be the case with humans. They may witness loss of muscle mass and also bone mass! The authentic genetic and molecular basis of hibernation is required for the human hibernation to be a success, the altered metabolism of the body sustains life for a limited period, to remain in space for an extended duration it is essential to have a firm documentation.
Practical feasibility is not documented in humans. Reports are manifested stating survival of humans under difficult conditions, if a person falls in a deep well and could not be rescued for a period of twenty to forty days, evidence exists that postulate the survival rate in these rare conditions. Moreover, it is evident that physiology and metabolism of individuals do vary, the condition which could be feasible for one could not be accomplishing factor for the other. It is difficult to establish a firm basis for human hibernation.
Conclusion The present article underlines the advantages and disadvantages of human hibernation. Hibernation like animals sounds theoretically awesome and fascinating but it is not that trouble-free. The very thought of human space hibernation made scientist to explore genes required for maintaining hibernation, but still gene required to induce hibernation could not be detected. Moreover, laboratory conditions may vary, maintaining controlled environment for the hibernation could be erroneous.
Animals, hibernate under natural environment and their hibernation period is directly influenced by environmental conditions. As soon as environment conditions turn favourable they are out of their hibernation period, this is not the case with humans. It still needs tremendous efforts and skill of scientists to "express" the genes responsible for hibernation in a given laboratory condition and also in the space exploration. It is challenge for the scientist and biologists to keep the body cells active under hibernation condition and also to retain normal physiology of the body.
It is a challenge for the engineers to devise the space shuttle with congenial conditions for hibernation. Moreover, it is a brave step for the space enthusiasts to volunteer for such a mission. An average common man would contribute to their views which could turn out to be innovative for the human hibernation for space travel. References Long term space travel. Available at [Accessed on February 23rd, 2011]. Hibernation Method Tested for Space Travel.
Available at [Accessed on February 23rd, 2011]. Hope for human hibernation heats up. Available at [Accessed on February 23rd, 2011].
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