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How Global Warming Affects Animals - Term Paper Example

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The author of this paper presents a summary of the effects of Global Warming on animals by discussing the impacts on Habitat Displacement, Hibernation, Breeding and Migration Pattern. The author states that Global Warming is a controversial issue in today’s global world,…
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How Global Warming Affects Animals
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How global warming affects animals Introduction Global Warming is one of the World’s controversial issues that have elicited stringent research necessity in various study fields. Several studies on Global Warming in these study fields’ centers on the impact of global warming on economic and political issues while disregarding the impact it poses on the environment especially the wildlife. This paper presents a summary of the effects of Global Warming on animals. Human induced climate changes pose a great threat to the existence of animals in the world today. Animals have fallen victims of being most susceptible to the negative impacts of global warming. This is particularly due to loss of habitat in their ecosystem, damaged coastlines caused by rising water levels in seas and oceans and intense droughts. Based on studies conducted in the past few decades by means of the broad scientific accord, climate change is attributed to global warming. It is for this reason that there is a need for interceptive measures to curb accelerated effects of global warming in order to save animals that are at the edge of getting extinct. Since global warming has been attached to the rising green house gases in the atmosphere, there is need to break these gases and achieve a balanced climate system, otherwise, global warming will continue altering climates and consequently hamper survival of animals in the world for the next several decades or even years. In this paper I will discuss the effects of global warming on animals by discussing the impacts on Habitat Displacement, Hibernation, Breeding and Migration Pattern. Literature Review Global Warming is a controversial issue in today’s global world. Most research papers analyses Global Warming by giving introductory comments and definitions while disregarding the impact it has on wildlife. In essence, Global Warming should not be perceived as just but a meteorological issue. In fact, it is the biggest political and environmental debate characterized by divergent views. The impact this issue has caused the animals is so enormous that has necessitated this research. It is in the view of the researcher that the issue should receive the attention it deserves owing to the negative impacts it has on the environment and the world. According to the statistical analysis by the National Academy of Sciences the earth’s surface has witnessed a rise in temperature of about 60c in the past few centuries. In their findings, the hottest years in the world’s history occurred between 1994 and 1999. Moreover the hottest year under the mentioned period occurred in 1998 which gave an accelerated concern to global warming. It is for this reason that scientist having embarked on further research on its effects. The most disturbing reality is that scientists have for a long time been unable to agree on some research questions on whether global warming is a new occurrence or a fluctuation of climate. It is important to note that Global Warming has affected the whole world in one way or the other. For instance, the changes in climate compel creatures to adapt to the changing climate or otherwise die. However, some animals find it hard to these changes in climate owing to the strong effects it poses in the environment. It is also evident that Global Warming is yet to reach its worst points in the next few years if nothing is done to stop it. This is a scaring revelation that calls for quick interventions from researchers and policy makers on how to completely man it. If the current trend continues, it is likely that some animal species will be extinct. This causes imbalance in the ecosystem. One belief that earlier researchers based their arguments on is that they associated global warming with melting of ice in the Polar Regions and consequent disappearance of polar bears in the affected regions. The research completely disagrees with this notion because Global Warming is not only a Polar Region problem, but also a problem in the whole world. Today, many scientists have found that Global Warming effects have had worst effects on animals found in the tropics more that those found in the Polar Regions further disputing the previous assertions. For instance, with a small rise in temperature, animals within the tropical regions are at danger of getting extinct with the rising temperatures. This is because such animals have an ability of survival within small temperature changes. Further, the change in temperature causes this extinction as animals will be unable to adapt to the changes within a small period of time. In this regard, the survival of certain animal species will entirely be dictated by their quick response to adapt to the changed climatic conditions. Animals which are unable to adapt to such changes die almost immediately. Though this situation might seem natural, the final results may show a big difference between the past world and the future in terms of which animal existed in the past generation and which animal will most likely exist in the future generation. This situation is typical fight between cases of survival for the fittest against the selection of the fittest by Global Warming. Given time, every animal species in the globe has an ability to adapt to global warming. However, this time varies across different animal species limiting the available time for animals to adapt to man-made global changes. “This decreases chances of their survival and consequently causing extinction” (Lovejoy, 156). This should not be taken to mean Global Warming is the main cause of the rising number of endangered species in the world today. In fact the main cause of this high number of endangered species is the destruction of their natural habitat. However, the current trend of Global warming will most likely in few decades to come be a cause paradigm shift in this reality. In fact, it may be listed as the world’s main cause of deaths of certain animal species. The challenges that are linked to climate change have a negative impact on both the biological and physical nature. For instance, the raised water levels in seas and oceans that have been caused by climate change poses a challenge to both the social, economic and cultural aspects of life. Habitat Displacement One major ecological problem the world faces today in conservation of animals is the loss of biodiversity. This problem will in the next few years reach catastrophic levels if Global Warming continues to take the current stance. Preservation or conservation of animals is vital in the survival global nature. In fact all living creatures and plants are connected in a way to human beings in what has been known as circle of life. This means that their extinction due climate change will have detrimental effects on survival of human beings. It is for this reason that the world should direct their efforts towards manning the world’s greatest menace of Global Warming. A study conducted in 2003 on chances of survival for some 1500 species of animals showed that more than 80 percent of the sampled species are at the verge of extinction owing to stressing climatic conditions. The main effect of Global Warming is that it destroys or displaces animal habitats causing a quick shift of animals from an ecosystem that have taken several years to build and adapt to. For instance, melting ice in the polar region has caused flow of water disturbing this natural habitat of polar bears in the arctic regions. “In addition, the breeding environments for waterfowl in the prairie pothole region of north Iowa and central Alberta has been adversely affected due to rising temperatures in the springs” (Lovejoy, 156). Animals often move into new habitats whenever their current habitats become elusive to their survival. However, the current human population limits this movement since land that would otherwise have been suitable in accommodation this wildlife refuge is already occupied. “Some nations have adopted the recommendations by Pew Center for Global Climate Change (PCGCC) through creation of transitional habitats known as corridors aiding in migration of animal species to new habitats separated by human settlement” (Dicker, 76 ). With advancement of Global warming effects, prominent deserts such as the Sahara desert have been rendered weak in its ability to accommodate its animal populace. As mentioned earlier, melting glaciers in the arctic regions have in addition to causing extinction of polar bears caused an increase in the level of water in oceans. The effect this has on tropical forests is greatly affect animal habitats within these regions. The habitat of Aquatic life has also had a negative impact through oil spills causing pollution of their habitat. In addition, changes in climatic conditions have adversely contributed to inconsistent food patterns for animals which live in water leading to deaths and diminishing numbers. Grasslands which are the core of wildlife habitat have never been spared either. In fact, over evaporation, raised temperatures, frequent droughts, desertification and reduce nitrogen content in the grasslands are common characteristic of these habitats. Little nitrogen in the soil constitutes reduced forage yields that are of poor quality. Such grasses cannot be easily digested further inhibiting animal’s strength to withstand adverse weather conditions, their ability to produce and sustain health in the event of disease outbreak. Most nations have neglected the need of animal habitat as they attempt to come up with solutions to the ever-growing almost inflated human populations. In essence, forests get cleared; grasslands are inhabited to pave way for this population. It is vital to note that currently natural habitats face a threat of elimination through human activity and land conversion in an effort to settle landless persons. Animal protected areas are cut away by infrastructural developments due to human settlements. In addition to this, protected areas that earlier served as a source of refuge for migrating animals no longer serve the same purpose. This is partly due to disrupted movements by the human population threatening population viability. The most profound long term effects will likely be witnessed on the genetic makeup of animals in years to come if proper interventions are not taken. Today’s animal population is characterized by inability to mate and reproduce effectively. This has contributed largely to the accelerated loss of genetic diversity stemming from untenable hunting, limited access to natural resources. “These factors come into play as animal species move in response to global warming” (Bausch et al. 28). One great challenge in animal conservation is the ability to maintain a connection between natural habitats through creation of travel corridors. In the absence of such channels, animals tend to constrain their stay within one location encouraging inbreeding and consequent reduction animal resilience. Hibernation, Breeding and Migration Patterns Natural cyclical actions in animal lives have been adversely interfered by global warming. This is due a shift in natural timing of events caused by temperature changes and availability of food for animals at the right season. For example, scientists have discovered that birds that used to have long migration history in the past have shifted not only from their ancient practices but also in reproductive trends associated with such seasons. In addition, warm spring temperatures have forced hibernating animals end the slumbers earlier each year. Recent research indicates that different animal species respond to effects of global warming in different ways. This is a contradiction of a long held hypothesis asserting that animals within an ecosystem have different responses to global warming. This research paper understands the relationship that exists between wildlife and human species. Some of the animals that are highly affected by global warming include among others; toads, arctic foxes, polar bears, gray wolves, salmons and tree swallows. Global leaders and policy makers need to take quick decisive steps in a bid to reverse or stop the effects of global warming on animals otherwise animals such as penguins, painted turtles and reindeer are at the verge of extinction by the changing climate. It is important to note that animals play an integral part in maintenance of life cycle and feeding chain. This is because animals, plants, insects, aquatic life among other creatures are interdependent on each other in one way or the other. Efforts continue to make deserts and former areas that were earlier not habitable for human beings habitable. Many forests and grasslands have been cleared to give room human occupants which earlier supported animal habitation. As a result, due to the limitations posed by such environments animals have been forced to move into shrinking areas which often have limited space and freedom to move. In addition, such areas have witnessed food and water scarcity as they are unable to hunt and breed freely. Due to the limited space and proximity of human beings to their habitat, these animals are in danger of being hunted for by the human population even in their limited territory. Due to changing climatic conditions, human beings have cleared forests to pave way for food production. This has led to destruction of valuable herbs which act as a source of food for the animals causing starvation, death and extinction. The death of the herbivores is the same as the death of carnivores messing up the entire lifecycle and food chain. Domestic animals have not been spared either by climatic changes. In fact, they normally eat from garbage remains and less on pure pasture. This has complicated their nutrition as they normally pick on dirt, plastics and rust leading to poor health, malnutrition and death. Recent studies show that there is great change in the way animals adapt and try to fit into certain environments, their feeding habits and the way they try to access food and run away from predators and move from one place to another. These studies have shown that new born that are not healthy are being born and those with deformities are also born. Migration from one place to another has been also affected since factors like egg lying is a reason as to why insects run away from northern America. Animals normally travel for long detachment in order to rear. Problems have forced the animals to move to other new areas where there is no competition for food and shelter with the occupier natural world. This could also be compared to water animals which seek for wet environments for breeding and hibernation. Global warming affects all human life. Those effects on human life have serious effects on the entire animal life .Today’s research have shown that it is the human ability to take great accountability of protecting the world earth from external environmental effects. It is therefore a high time for men to care for this environment from comprehensive world warming. Studies have shown that man’s surroundings have undergone a huge change. Natural environment is found in scarce and can only be found in a well kept environment. Global warming has been identified as a larger amount of temperature on the earth’s surface. “It has been argued that global warming is a minor issue in the process of world transformation as compared to other world tragedies such as HIV/AIDS” (Henning, p. 120). Global warming is said to have been as a result of the failure of computers in the sense that they are unable to predict tomorrow’s weather. In fact, the computer models’ inability to predict the short term weather puts doubt on its ability to predict long term changes in climate. With increased growth of industries care must be taken to avoid misleading myths concerning global warming. This is because parties that have vested interest in continuing environmentally destructive practices for their own gain may publish misguiding information concerning global warming and its effects. One reality about climate change can be attributed to natural as well as manmade factors. “Major activities of man that are known of causing climate change include; solar activity, emissions produced by active volcanoes, greenhouse effects among other factors” (Singh et al. p.132). It is of prime importance to note that climate change contributes to a change in biological structure. In essence, different animal species respond differently to changes in climate of their ecosystem. Every species moves to its own direction and in its own speed. This means that some animals get affected faster than others while some species have the ability to maintain resilience in the face of high temperatures (Terry and Schneider, p.39). For this reason, it has been proved quite difficult to predict the behavior and response of an ecosystem as a whole. It is real that global warming has destroyed most plant and animal species for the last few decades and if this trend is not combated the entire ecosystem will one day disintegrate. This partly contributed by the impacts global warming has on biotic interactions. In fact, scientists have proven that the current ecosystems have witnessed minimal food competition as expected of any normal food chain. Rapid extinction of some animal species has often been recorded. Further, synergistic interactions among the butterfly community have now become a rare occurrence making its study difficult. What are the actual impacts of Global warming? The table below gives a summary of the impacts of global warming on animals. “The researcher categorizes contributing factors causing a rise in temperature as; social, physical, ecological or large scale” (Peters and Lovejoy, p.345). The table is drawn against the 20th century global mean temperatures. Conclusion “According to the findings of various researchers and experts who have ventured into studying global warming, Global warming is a reality that is largely contributed by human activity and therefore needs to be addressed using divergent strategies” (Biodiversity, 45). Quite surprisingly, policy makers have for a long time had a slow pace in responding to these challenges maybe due to uncertainty and indecision on what needs to be done. One thing the world should understand today is human-altered use of land by growing human population is a common phenomenon in many nations. This move has led to distortion of animal stay within their habitat. Constructions such as roads, cities and suburbs cause enormous disturbance to animal course in unfavorable climate. Such development cuts the link between some animal species and natural sites. This is very dangerous for their survival as they will be unable to respond to survival tactics in the wake of changing climatic conditions. Works cited: Bausch, Gary, and Bill McCabe; Earth Under Fire: How Global Warming Is Changing the World. Berkeley, Caliph: University of California Press, 2009. Print. Biodiversity: My Hotel in Action: a Guide to Sustainable Use of Biological Resources. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, 2008. Print. Dicker, Ibrahim; Global Warming: Engineering Solutions. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010. Internet source Lovejoy, Thomas E. Climate Change and Biodiversity. New Haven, Yale University Press, 2005. Internet resource Peters, Robert L, and Thomas E. Lovejoy: Global Warming and Biological Diversity. Yale U.P, 1994. Print. Root, Terry L, and Stephen H. Schneider: Wildlife Responses to Climate Change: North American Case Studies. Washington, Island Press, 2002. Print. Seinfeld, Henning. Livestock's Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options. Rom: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006. Print. Singh, Builder P, Annette L. Cower, and K Y. Chan. Soil Health and Climate Change. Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. Print. Read More
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