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MARRIAGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY Introduction The of marriage in the 21st century is marked by a number of challengesthat threatens to create division as well as disharmony among families. The challenges can be traced to various factors such as financial strain, children, poor communication, busy schedules, and ignorance among others. Financial struggles among couples is an evident of inner strains that arises due to conflicting personal goals, different values and misunderstanding of roles within the family.
Poor communication leads to unresolved matters that pile up to create tension within the marriage. Ignorance is presented by lack of sufficient information on the expectations of the institution of marriage as well as unrealistic expectations that most couples have before they enter into marriage. All these factors are bound to create dissatisfaction within the marriage leading to divorce as a means to freedom and self-sufficiency (Anne-Marie, 2014). Causes of divorceCases of divorce have been on the rise in the current generation resulting to a number of concerns on the sustainability of the institution of marriage in the present century.
Cultural factors is regarded as one of the main causes of divorce presently. This is evident by the increased cases of secularization trends, liberalization of norms regarding individual choice as well as less religious influence on marriage. Marriage has indeed become a personal choice rather than a covenant before God that binds individuals for the rest of their lives. As a result of the emerging sociocultural trends in the world, divorce laws have increasingly been liberalized making it easy for couples to file for divorce.
This has made divorce to be socially accepted due to loss of stigma that was initially attached to it and increased opinion that it is the easiest solution to marital problems (Booth, 1999). Increased rise in individualism has led to a lot of emphasis being laid on rights as opposed to duties leading to people viewing the institution of marriage as lacking mutual responsibilities. Individualism that is marked by an ideology of self-gratification has greatly affected marriages as people seek divorce in search of happiness, companionship and fulfillment.
Lack of tolerance within marriages as is the case in the United States and other Western nations does not offer room for solving marital problems as they emerge. Divorce can also be traced to demographic factors such as the age at which people get married. Past studies have indicated that youthful marriages are more prone to divorce than those who enter marriages at an advanced ages. This is due to inability to manage conflicts arising within the family. Cases of cohabitation and premarital births are likely to cause divorce hence marriages need to be formalized if stability and sustenance is to be witnessed (Anne-Marie, 2002).
ConclusionTightening or changing the laws that concerns divorce alone may not help reduce cases of divorce among couples. Other strategies need to be adopted so as to minimize cases of divorce. Such include well-structured pre-marital counselling that aims at educating the young people on the challenges they are likely to face in marriages and the need for tolerance in the midst of challenges moments. Increased advocacy for religious consideration of marriages will enable people to consider it as a covenant that binds them at all cost rather than a mere act of personal choice.
References, A.-M. (2001). Families in the new millennium. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Booth, A. (1999). Causes and consequences of divorce: Reflections on recent research. In R. A.
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