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School of Nights Presentation Part five of Bayard’s work relates to the obituary Google search that explains of Cornelius Snowden’s death. Snowden was reported to die at the age of 66 and the obituary quickly explains that he was a bookseller and was dedicated to the works of Elizabethan history (Bayard 28). This obituary was to reveal the kind of relationship that Snowden had with Styles as well as the events that led to his death. Lily uncovers that Styles and Snowden had a problematical relationship as Styles just hunted books just for the sake (Bayard 29).
Through the part, it is evident that Alonzo had an endless grudge with Alonzo especially due to the Snowden business. Styles had covered a particular volume that was of interest to Styles yet the police never probed him; thus, the continued conflict. However, the main question would to be to question to motive this move gave Alonzo (Bayard 29). This part exposes a lot as Henry reveals that he had an encounter with Styles and what happened to the original replica of Ralegh’s letter. Henry also realizes that he cannot tell if the letter is original or not.
The cost of the letter is questioned were it to be sold in the market. It is also important to question how much money Styles would have offered to have the letter back. Lily seems to be touched by this entire unfurl of events (Bayard 29). This part is very interesting one as the characters get a glimpse of a version of the truth. Work CitedBayard, Louis. The School of Night. London: John Murray, 2011. Print.
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