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Conflict resolution Conflict resolution Without naming full s, who were the two people that you selected to take the assignment on your behalf? Why did you choose these two people?Conflict is a clash of opinion, interests, values or direction (Taylor, 2010). People disagree because they view things differently, want distinct things, think in ways that encourage them to oppose, or are inclined to disagree. Conflict is inevitable and is sometimes a helpful and necessary thing (Taylor, 2010). It is seen as interpersonal dynamic, which can be controlled, solved and can lead to innovative problem solving.
The two major types of conflict are organizational and interpersonal conflicts (Taylor, 2010). Contrary to what the majority population thinks, the conflict you are most likely to run into is interpersonal conflict even at the work place. Interpersonal conflicts are the most difficult to manage and arises when two people see the same thing in two totally different ways (Hocker & Wilmot, 2010). Every individual attempts to handle conflict in different ways depending on the intensity and relative importance of the conflict.
This paper examines my conflict handling skills by conducting a mini-survey on the subject where Hank and Lucy are the respondents. Lucy and I both play for the campus soccer team and Hank is one of the employees at Maggi’s where I work part time after my classes. I trust that Hank and Lucy evaluated me without any bias. It is apparent from the survey that both Lucy and Hank believe that I get very defensive in most conflicting situations. I tend to avoid conflicts more at the workplace than at the soccer ground.
More results showed that I am more accommodating and I would rather collaborate with the other person in most conflicting circumstances I meet at the workplace than at the soccer field. I believe in standing up for ones rights and defending a stand I believe is correct. Therefore, it was not unexpected to me when both Hank and Lucy stated that I often get aggressive in most disagreements.2. What were your scores on each of the five conflict styles at work or another non-home environment? What were your scores in your home/family environment*?
My conflict assessment results according to Hank and Lucy Person A Hank Person B Lucy Never = v, rarely = w, occasionally = x, frequently = y, always = zV = 1point, w = 2points, x = 3points, y = 4points, z = 5pointsPerson | Person Hank | Lucy aI_____ avoid situations that “put me on the spot,” so I would rather keep conflicts to myself. ZXbI_____ influence people to get my opinions accepted. X XcI____ divide conflicts to try and obtain non conflict point. Y XdI_____ generally try to satisfy the other’s needs.
Y WeI_____ try to investigate a problem to find an answer appropriate to us. Y WfI_____ usually evade open discussion of my disagreements with the other person. Y XgI_____ use my power to make a ruling in my favor. W XhI _____try to find a common course to settle an impasse. Y XiI usually accommodate the other’s wishes. Y XjI _____try to integrate my viewpoints with the other’s to come jointly up with a resolution. Y XkI_____ try to keep away from clashes with the other. Y XlI _____use my proficiency to make a decision in my favors.
W XmI _____suggest a common ground for breaking impasses. X XnI _____agree with the other’s demands. Y WoI_____ attempt to encourage others to say what is bothering them in order to solve a discord. . Y XpI_____ try to avoid misunderstanding. YXqI _____usually follow my side of a problem. W XRI_____ talk with the other to reach an agreement. Y X(Taken from Hocker & Wilmot (2010, chapter 5))3. What were the results of each of the people who took the assessment the assessment on your behalf?Scoring: Add up your scores on the following questions:A | B A | B A | B A | B A | B a.
_5_ | _3_ b _3_ | 3__c. _4_ | _3_ d. _4_ | _2_ e. _4_ | _2_ f _4_ | _3_ g. _7_ | _2_ h. _4_ | _3_ i. _4_ | _3_ j. _4_ | _3_ k. _4_ | _3_ l. _2_ | _3_ m. _3_ | _3_ n. _4_ | _2_ o. _4_ | _3_ p _4_ | _3_ q. _2_ | _3_ r. _4_ | _3_ A | BA | BA | BA | BA | BAvoidanceCompetitionCompetitionAccommodationCollaborationTotalsTotalsTotalsTotalsTotals Accommodation table Collaboration table entity Hank Lucy D 4 2 I 4 3 N 4 2 Total 12 7 Competition table Avoidance table (Taken from Hocker & Wilmot (2010, chapter 5))4.
What reaction and/or impressions did you have when you compared and contrasted your results with those of the two people who took the assessment on your behalf? Any surprises or not and why?As much as avoiding or withdrawing from a conflict always seem like an appropriate approach to managing many clashes, it often fails to solve the problem. This method is suitable when a cooling-off time is required to acquire an improved awareness of the conflict. Therefore, this approach should not be used if the dispute deals with a problem that is of urgent concern or is critical to the achievement of a project.
Accommodating or smoothing is a satisfying style of stressing areas of agreement while willingly avoiding opinions that provoke disputes. Obliging is another key conflict controlling strategy (Hocker & Wilmot, 2010). However, it sustains peace only for a short time and does not yield a lasting result. Collaborating is an effective conflict handling skills since it incorporates multiple viewpoints from differing perspective and the results provide a long term solution (Hocker & Wilmot, 2010). However, it is not very successful when several players are involved and their viewpoints are unique.
Competition involves confrontation with disagreements tackled directly. This approach involves pinpointing the problem and solving it objectively by identifying the problem, gathering necessary information, analyzing alternatives and selective the appropriate alternative. Competition, in my opinion, provides the ultimate resolution to any conflict.Looking at the analysis, it is clear that my conflict handling strategies differ significantly in the two environments. Both Hank and Lucy feel that competition is my strongest conflict handling skill.
My accommodation and collaboration skills at the soccer pitch, on the other hand, need to be developed. These results bore little surprise to me as I have always considered myself a very assertive person. My policy in any conflict has always been to be straight forward and honest with the person. Most conflicting situations I encounter at the soccer pitch are often insignificant and due to petty misunderstandings. In such situations, and circumstances where a person has a rigid attitude or is difficult to reason with, I consider other options like collaboration or avoiding a confrontation with the individual altogether.5. Based on this assignment, what insights did you gain about yourself?
Did the results reinforce what you already know about your primary conflict style(s) or not, and why?This experiment emphasized on what I already knew about primary conflict management skills. The key to solving any conflict involves looking for a win-win situation, collaborating when necessary, formulating conflict management strategies, using effective communication and appreciating cultural diversity among peers, workmate and project stakeholders. Conflict, however, also has some positive benefits.
Some interpersonal conflict has been proven to make internal information flow better. An intense argument among members of a group has the unexpected helpful outcome of recognizing false hypothesis, which improves the quality of information.ReferencesHocker, J. & Wilmot, W. (2010). Interpersonal Conflict. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.Taylor, M. (2010). Does locus of control predict young adult conflict strategies with superiors? An examination of control orientation and the organizational communication conflict instrument.
North American Journal of Psychology, 12(3): 445-458.
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