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1) Do you plan to write about The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in a positive or negative way?
This book is a positive reflection of an individual who is intelligent and reading the Adventures, one can tell that there is no substitute for a sharp mind and astute skills of observation (Arthur, 14). Holmes’ intelligence is intertwined in his epic stoicism, sharp humor, and encyclopedic memory.
2) Do you plan to focus on the plot, the narrator, or the characters as the driving force in your enjoyment or boredom with these stories? Or, do you plan to talk about all three equally?
I would like to focus on the plot because; the development of this story is boring. It is until one reads a number of the adventures that, the flow is realized. Holmes’s character and purpose in the adventures are realized when connecting the themes of all the Adventures and this is the sole reason for focusing on the plot of this piece of literary work.
3) What examples do you plan to use for your discussion of the plot of an average Sherlock Holmes story?
Some of the examples that I would like to use in discussing the plot of this piece of work include the personal lives of Watson as a doctor and Holmes as rumors had that does cocaine.
4) What examples do you plan to use for discussing the narrator?
The part, when a helpless client enters to explain his mind on the determination of his case by the police. The presence of both the narrator and Holmes in the house and the subsequent events, that saw the narrator express his feeling of elucidating the most singular case, is a critical section in describing the narrator. It indicates his thinking ability, royalty, and sincerity.
5) What examples do you plan to use to talk about the characters?
I will like to talk about the time or periods when the two primary characters carry out an investigation of a case and take pleasure after work well done. For the case of an investigation, I enjoy following Holmes's apt investigative skills and the skillful ultimate interpretation (Arthur, 19). In the second experience, the two characters enjoy drinking and smoking. This indicates the other side of the two characters during leisure time. They do all sorts of things in a bid to enjoy themselves.
6) How do each of these things affect your enjoyment level of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes? Do they add to or subtract from your experience?
The first experience benefits me, particularly when trying to imagine Holmes’ natural skills of investigation and solving cases (Arthur, 25). On the other hand, the second experience did not benefit me because of the reckless drinking and smoking, which indicates the bad side of the two characters.