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Crash Genre: Drama Director: Paul Haggis Run time: 112 minutes Synopsis: American society aiming to achieving cultural integration and facing the obstacles faced with. The movie has an emotional appeal and social message contained in it. It has aimed at presenting the challenges faced by the American citizens.America being a cross cultural society has mix of individuals hailing from different ethnic backgrounds and affiliations. These differences when grouped together give rise to the challenges of integrating them within.
The element of Ethos is being addressed and highlighted and presented in form of the variance as the people of different cultural individuals bring along with them. The society of America is amongst the most dynamic ones in the context of cross cultural individuals. It has for decades remained center of attention for people from different parts of the world, as a result bringing along different ethos, different norms, different personalities and other elements. This at times makes it difficult for smooth running and more often than not, conflicts and contrasts are seen with regard to their co existence.
The movie overall shows local inhabitants how they are divided, fragmented within, then it shows people who have long settled in American society and how they undertaken their own existence. Another example presented is that of a American born Japanese origin individual and the identity crisis they are faced with. All relating to the social context of the American society and individual’s personality.The very first scene of the movie challenges the audience and invokes the questions of helplessness and fragmentation that the American society exhibits.
The first scene of the movie sets a strong foundation for the overall theme of the movie and the future events that are to be followed.The movie has a clear purpose and objective to its making. It is one of those movies that carries the social and cultural meaning that needs to be conveyed to the masses. The movie has a message for gender equality, words against racial discrimination, and clear message against the ethnic conflict and the challenges that America faces in the light of cross cultural existence.
The movie quite successfully addresses the problems faced and in a covert way presents them before the eyes of American citizens. It is in a way highlighting of the problems which in turn would enable overcoming these problems. The movie and its plot aims at highlighting the challenge of ethno centric approach that is carried by number of individuals in the American society.Parts of the movie depict the challenges faced, the other, the ray of light and hope for improvement with individuals acting above their cultural backgrounds.
There are instances in the movie where cultural assimilation, acceptance and coherence is shown. This is shown through the individuals’ actions and events. The action of individuals that are reflective of them being Americans first and ethnically different provides a hope and has a message for the common citizen of America. The movie fares well with regard to its goals underpinned conveying the important message.References:Imdb. Crash. 19 Oct 2004. 3 March 2014 .
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