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The Lady with the Pet Dog by Anton Chekhov - Essay Example

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The paper "The Lady with the Pet Dog by Anton Chekhov" highlights that Jim's analysis is very informative and his contribution to the story’s plot is noted. Jim being younger and leaving his girlfriend enlightens him and when he teams up with Joe we find him being his sidekick…
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The Lady with the Pet Dog by Anton Chekhov
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We find Gurov's confusion and his selected chauvinism being replaced with mature understanding and a deeper view of not only Anna but also, all the women he slept with previously.

            “In his appearance, in his character, in his whole nature, there was something attractive and elusive which allured women and disposed of them in his favor; he knew that, and some force seemed to draw him, too, to them.” (Chekhov 1.5)

Gurov also comes out as very judgmental when we see him refereeing to women as the lower race. Gurov’s relationship is founded on his past life and experience. Gurov is very important as the author uses him to develop almost every theme and depicts the main theme of a loveless marriage.

Anna is no more of the main character as we spend less time with her as compared to Gurov. All we know about her is that she is 22 years old, married at a tender age, and does not enjoy her marriage. Even the first time she has sex with her husband she was not satisfied. Anna just like her husband is eager to live “ I have been tormented by curiosity” she said in one of the conversations (Chekhov 6). Anna contributes to the story in many ways which include where her unhappiness in life and her marriage depict a scene of reality, where one draws several lessons from what she undergoes.

Angel’s response

I agree with angel's analysis of the story, the main character's analysis is on point and very informative. Joe undergoes a series of related issues and he is left with no choice but to employ his detective skills, and all these he has to do to save lives. Read More
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