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How to prevent kids from smoking 3 or 4 sentences main points: whats this about (sentences topic covered)The book generally discusses ways and strategies to prevent the teenagers from smoking. It also discusses how to help them cease smoking which is not always an easy thing for the cigarette smokers. Other than that, the author discusses some of the reasons that should assist the teenage to quit smoking including the cost of cigarettes and the antismoking policy by the government. Lastly, the book in relation to prevention of teenage smoking discusses ways to regulate the behavior of smoking among these young people in their adolescent development phase.
2 to 3 sentences about the credibility (ethos) sentences-author e.g.:phd or university, audienceThe book is credible as the author is an associate professor in at the University of Michigan and hence has immense knowledge on the subject of teenage smoking. The book has also been authorized by University of Michigan which means therefore that the research carried out in order to write this book together with its author is credible and recognized by the university. The target audience is the teenagers but the youth in general can also benefit from the literature of the book.
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