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Introduction Video gaming is the popular past-time of millions of people. While many people, especially those involved in gaming, find this activityto be harmless, research has proven that video gaming, while having the ability to be educational, can also be emotionally and mentally damaging when abused. The gamers that play consistently and without breaks to enjoy life beyond their games risk being influenced by the violence of their games, losing sleep, and maintaining an unhealthy diet. With staggering numbers of increased gamers and the amount of time devoted to games, it has become known that video games are very much an unhealthy addiction.
Conclusion When video games are played in intervals, allowing the gamer to take time to exercise, read a book, or simply just get away from their gaming system, video gaming can be an acceptable hobby. However, without a break to rejoin the real world, video gaming can be an unhealthy addiction that can lead to health and mental problems. Given the research that has been gathered to show that video gaming can be dangerous in lengthy periods, and that the AMA feels that video game addiction should be considered a mental disorder, it can be said that addictive video gaming should be stopped before it is taken too far.
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