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Human Relations - Family, Peers, Media - Essay Example

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From the paper "Human Relations - Family, Peers, Media" it is clear that society teaches females to be shy about their sexuality and hence hide it but males on the other hand are taught to be assertive and proud of their sexual growth bringing about the differences in sexual socialization…
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Human Relations - Family, Peers, Media
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The information taught me a lot on this topic and how to relate with the opposite sex without messing things. The other thing that made the media impact me more is because it has many followers hence making it a more reliable source to learn sexual information and hence I got convinced of my sexual identity.
It has been suggested that sexual socialization takes different forms in males and females. Have you found this to be true or not (be specific)?
Sexual socialization is indeed different between males and females. According to research by Joshi (2012), females after becoming sexually socialized, tend to lean towards shyness and become more reserved while males on the other hand become more assertive and outspoken. This is attributed to the hormones (females have more sexual hormones that change them and even leave mood swings which makes them react differently to sexual matters compared to males with only fewer sexual hormones and hence do not experience much change in their sexuality) and sexual development that takes place in both male and female. 

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