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Task: Rhetorical situation It is vital to that this paper is a social awareness article. In this sense, it strives to arouse the society in order that the same responds to the deteriorating situation of the River Colorado and Rio Grande. In spite of the fact that it is informative, it has a concealed intention of triggering response of various institutions in saving the waters of their vital rivers. This paper is intended for a vast audience. However, it heralds politicians as impotent in achieving its outcries.
It is intended for ordinary citizens in rising up to protect their ecology.It is vital to note that the article rests on environmental knowledge and concerns. This is vital in the fact that many entities may rise to defend the same. It also expresses a wide network of interrelated environmental concepts. The audience is thus able to deduce that the river is more of an environmental concern than a developmental concern. The author utilized this context to express a dire a situation of the river.
In addition, it highlights the concept that governments and citizens tend to ignore. In presenting the essays’ theme, the author highly utilizes the rhetorical strategies of ethos and logos. Logos is vital in describing the situation and its interrelated concepts. Ethos is highly utilized as a follow up strategy of logos. Ethos seeks to trigger the audience in defending their rivers. In this sense, the article is highly effective in persuading its audience. This regards the chronology of presentation and the inductive analysis that the author projects into the same.
It is thus vital to provide rhetorical analysis of this paper. In terms of the rhetorical situation, it is critical to consider the context, purpose and audience. The paper exists in the context of environmental concern and ecology. This follows a pattern of showing the interaction of environmental concepts that comprise to form a particular ecology. This paper has a concern of manmade activities that contribute to destruction of the beauty and ecological benefits of the rivers Colorado and Rio Grande.
In demonstration of the same, the author mentions a famed naturalist that termed Colorado as rich of fauna and flora. In this context, the author asserts that the river had rivulets that entered the Gulf of California at majestic volumes. This article is intended for ordinary citizens and entities that may rise to defend their ecology. In this sense, the author emphasizes that politicians and their affiliates may not contribute to restoration of the same. This means that the restoration of the river rests on the power of ordinary individuals rather than wealthy people and politicians.
This paper includes an effective use of logos and ethos in achieving its mission. It is vital to note that the use, of logos, is essential for presenting facts and their relevance in the persuasion. This relates to inductive method that the article employs in arriving at its conclusion and recommendations. A vital example pertains to how that the article provides the history of Colorado (Midkiff 1). Thereafter, the article provides the present scenario of River Colorado as entailing low water levels and agricultural dirt.
In addition, there is the logic of high population that the river cannot sustain. The use of ethos is effective in arousing citizens to respond to the dire situation. A vital example pertains to how the author portrays politicians. It notes that politicians and wealthy capitalists make strategies that favor the same (Midkiff 14). In this sense, the paper achieves its purpose of convincing the audience of their potential and the environmental situation. Works citedMidkiff, Ken. Not a drop to drink: Americas water crisis (and what you can do).
Novato, CA: New World Library, 2007. Print.
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