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Unusually Unique Character One was particularly amazed at the way my grandmother used to her immense talents at multi-tasking. When I was just about five years of age, I vividly remember her concocting aromatic meals in her favorite nook at the kitchen, amidst the array of silver pots and pans and the amount of colorful vegetables being minced to make a bowl of salad; together with the family’s favorite preparation of fried chicken. There seemed to have a perennial pile of dirty laundry being entered in separate batches in the noisy and old washing machine.
To top it all, there were files of documents, examination papers, and folders waiting to be perused in her working table just beside the large mahogany dining table. My grandmother was a college professor with a doctoral degree in education, in addition to being a good cook, a relentless laundry woman, an intelligent consultant, a loving mother to an only child (my father), and the dotting granny at her best. I found her unusual and unpredictable since, despite her age, she manifested vigor and strength analogous to my mother.
At one time I see her cooking and an instant she was dressed in flashy gold outfit ready for an evening party with members of her favorite civic organization. She wore extremely large earrings and fixed her hair high with the help of a hair spray. She was gregarious, highly sociable, cunning, intrusive and sometimes, impossible. She would give me and my brothers’ daily tasks to comply such as watering the plants, cleaning the yard, picking out withered leaves in the middle of our play time.
She would demand to be taken to almost forgotten scheduled itineraries by my apprehensive father, with us crying siblings driving along. What I loved most about my grandmother was her genuine love for the family. She would go out of her way to prepare lavish dishes and buy special gifts for each of us to commemorate extraordinary days. She loves setting the dining table in intricate and elaborately designed table cloths and chooses the daintiest dishes, depending on the occasion. Christmas and New Year are the best holidays due to the diversity in foods prepared and the number of colorful and shiny gifts wrapped in ribbons of red, green and gold under the tree.
I remembered her giving me the most important lesson in life: “work hard and be happy”.She told me when I was grown up and she has immensely aged that what matters most in life is that we have identified what we want to pursue and that we have designed ways and means to fulfill our goals. Also, she told me to remain steadfast in our faith and to believe in the ethics of reciprocity: that of doing good to others so that in turn, they will do good to us. She taught me the value of work, of responsibility, of time management, and of completing our education.
“The best thing that parents can give their children”, she said, “is a good education.” In turn, as children, we are expected to study well so that the future would be bright for us – as it was for her. I loved her and I missed her despite her unusual, yet amazing ways.
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