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The Revolution of Technology - Essay Example

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This essay "The Revolution of Technology" discusses a side effect of technology development on the Millennials generation example which is a generation of instant gratification. They are not patient and thus want results in the quickest amount of time…
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?Ali Diop Argumentative Paper/Final Paper Anthony Santirojprapai 12/11 The Revolution of Technology. Every morning, adults roll over in their beds and hit the “snooze button” three or four times. Then, they get up. After that, they turn on the coffee pot, the computer, and the television. In addition to that, they proceed to microwave themselves some breakfast, check their text messages, their social networking pages, and emails. At some points, they will get into their vehicles, switch on the radio, and input coordinates into their GPS. This scenario is pretty typical of the average adult’s morning in this era. Now, think about how different that morning ritual might have been without the technology? In fact, most human beings consider most of the modern technology that they use today to be pretty commonplace. This is mainly because technology enables them to fully perform multiple tasks in a great and quick fashion. Of course, there is a moment when that ceases to be a good thing. Likewise, in contemporary days, most adults perceive the technology that they use at work, at home or at school, as tools to use in the aim to accomplish a specific task. On the other hand, others have a very different and potentially dangerous relationship with technology. This is the kind of dangerous relationship that arises when people, as a society, become so completely dependent upon their technology that they become nearly useless without it. Some people believe that this dependence could lead to a dark future for humanity. The Millennials, the name given to those born between the early 1990 to the present, have been inundated with the convenience of advancing technologies all of their lives (McGlynn 12-13). The Millennials possess a false sense of entitlement - a laziness that is born of excessive convenience, and a total loss of self-sufficiency. For this reason, the Millennials overwhelming fixation, total reliance, and complete dependence on technology will lead to nearly helpless and hapless future generations. As mentioned earlier, the perspective and purpose of technology has changed greatly from the period mankind first began implementing the earliest technology. Since the beginning of society, people have invented tools that make their lives simpler, more productive and efficient. For instance, the wheel changed the transportation of goods. As an outcome of this, people improved that concept with the invention of trains and automobiles. However, many people still do not see the modernizations of technology as helpful. This is because they see technology as a means to perform tasks for them, rather than teaching them how to actually do things without using the technology. To demonstrate that, some people would likely write letters by using their iPads, rather than taking the time/effort to write them with their pens. This suggests that people may lose some basic life skills (like handwriting) if they keep using the new means of technology exclusively. Generation X, the first techno-generation, was literate and comfortable with new technologies. Nonetheless, most of their skills can be surpassed by children half their age from the Millennial generation today (Rapoza 49). While Generation X was competent with technology, Millennials are completely dependent on it. Indeed, the Millennials account for approximately 70 to 80 million people, which is roughly equal to 33% of the population of the United States (McGlynn 12-16). This dependence can be dangerous if it is passed on to the next generations as that dependence will only become more natural and common. When one looks at some of the different aspects of modern technology, (televisions that respond to voice commands, computers that answer any questions you have, and GPS that tell you how to reach your destination), one can see man’s modern willingness to allow technology to do everything for them, as opposed to using them as tools to accomplish a task. This is interesting because science fiction writers dreamt of such things many decades ago. As a matter of fact, they saw the potential positives but also the dangers involved with the technological dependence long before they were created. We see the influence of technology, as presented in science fiction, reflected in the real world all of the time, particularly when Ronald Reagan named the space program “Star Wars.” Many science fiction enthusiasts believe that cell phones were designed directly from the communication devices used on the series “Star Trek.” Well, if they were right about the types of technology that would exist in the future, then why should society not also listen to their warnings? There is no such thing as a “perfect society,” that is why Utopian societies never survive. People, as a species, must not allow modern technology to become a control factor in their lives. People should never let society get them to a place where they cannot survive without technology! Isaac Asimov, a famous science fiction writer, wrote many stories concerning technological themes and artificial intelligence. Modern filmmakers have continued with that theme for decades. The “Terminator” franchise and the film “Gattaca” both show some very negative aspects of our technological future. They both offer similar warnings about mistakes human beings should never make. However, it appears that the public is not heeding these warnings because humanity is heading down a dangerous path that may lead it to becoming a slave of technology. In order to understand the reasons why it is apparent that the Millennial generation is on that path, it is best to discuss each aspect individually. The Millennials are a generation of instant gratification. They are not patient and thus want results in the quickest amount of time. They have a false sense of entitlement. This behavior may be attributable to their parents. It is true that every parent wants their children to be smart, attractive, and special. However, this generation has taken that to a different level. They continue to believe that that “specialness” they possess will be acknowledged and catered to in the world outside their parent’s homes. Furthermore, it will perpetuate beyond the social networking world which they isolate themselves with. They tend to have less empathy for the feelings and concerns of others. This suggests that they place themselves above and beyond others around them. This is why studies confirm that many college students have zero competencies in finding a book in a traditional library. In short, they expect someone else to do it for them. Unfortunately, they expect the library staff to know the book that they want (by description, not the title) and then find it for them (Foster 21-23). They are a generation of instant gratification – that is a side effect of technology. “Millennials” are accustomed to information coming within seconds of requesting it; the same way it comes to them via the internet. There is little need for patience when responses are immediate. Nonetheless, in the real world, patience is a virtue and impatience is not a redeeming quality when interacting with people. There have been multiple studies done in recent years, which principally asked graduating teens and individuals in their early 20s what they wanted to do with their lives. Countless times, their answers were “I want to become a celebrity.” But, when they were asked what they wanted to be famous for (whether it was singing, dancing, or acting), they felt completely disinterested. It seems that young teenagers simply want to start making videos of their day to day lives. By doing that, other people can hear what they think, see what they do, and most importantly, idolize them. Since the young are so “special” and entitled, why would society not want to adore them and praise them in public forums? This is the impression of reality that technology has given to them. They do not want to have a skill or a career - they just want to be rich and famous just for being themselves. This is a tremendous fictional perception of reality. The real world is not particularly fascinated in people’s life that much and it does not think they are as special as they believe they are. The more disillusioned with the real world they become, the more they become involved with technological life. This will not breed a mature and productive future generation. Studies determined that this false sense of reality makes them rather optimistic about their own futures. If the young people are not overly concerned about their future, it is because they are certain that soon or later, they will be making a large income. They have a false sense of reality that convinces them that the world will somehow provide for them what they need and when they need it (Krigman 1). There is a dehumanizing element to being more active with technology rather than interacting with human beings. In fact, many of the college students were polled: it was determined that more than 50% of those admitted in different college institutions felt that technology was dehumanizing and could even lead to loneliness (Newlon 1). But, regardless of this reality, it does not prevent them from continuing to embrace present technology and be eager to engage with the development of technology. Using technology to communicate with people can be so much easier and more agreeable than actually talking and dealing with other people’s attitudes. Millennials often have a difficult time working with others. For example, it can be hard to please a room full of people who all believe they are the most special and important people in the room at that moment. Many people are concerned about the failing ethics of the Millennial generation. Actually, they explain that they can already see it in the way that they view the information online. They feel that if they can access it online, then it means they can take it. This is an issue with copy righted material, like music and videos. People also believe that if they do not want people to take their material, then they should work harder to protect it (Van Horn 792). In the future, it would not be difficult for this mentality to lead to more serious and dangerous ethical issues. As people become desensitized to bending ethical and moral principles in small ways, logically they will eventually become more comfortable with breaking them in bigger ways. The convenience offered by modern technology has made the Millennial Generation very lazy. This is because the Millennial Generation has no real desire to learn anything with the purpose of retaining that knowledge. If they need to know an answer, understand a new concept, or define a term, then they just “Google it.” They believe that their time is somehow ever precious. In exchange, they expect a lot from people but do not furnish efforts to get it. They are lacking the work ethic ever-present in their grandparents’ generation, as well as the Generation X. As of today, the average Millennials are likely to remain in their parents’ homes longer than any previous generations. If the Millennials decide to stay at their parents’ houses for so long, it is because they do not have the ambition and self-reliance that previous generations have had. This proves that if the Millennials become frustrated at the limitations or pitfalls of technology, they do not necessarily opt to dismiss the technology – they simply complain to improve it so that it can be easier and more convenient (Foster 22-23). To define them, they are the generation that would see technology manufacturers control the world, allowing the Millennials to do nothing except reaping the benefits. This is the future they will help create and that is not a direction human beings should allow themselves to go. If one was to ask the average Millennial “What would you do if tomorrow all the electricity was off?” “What if all of the technology has been rendered useless, and you were stranded in a strange place?” Of course, their answers would be saddening. Traditional responses to the latter two questions would include: figuring out what happened, finding food or shelter. Yet, most Millennials would give other answers. They would rather focus on trying to get the technology back. Again, since they do not retain knowledge, they just “Google it” and have no idea how to repair anything. They do not have life experiences; they play simulations of experiences via computer games. Because of that, they are slowly losing their ability to even properly communicate with other people, without using abbreviations, or slangs. The offspring of Millennials could be unproductive and helpless without the technology they have become dependent upon. They may have no concept of how to live without it. People cannot allow the future of humanity to be dictated solely by machines. Again, referring to Maryville Academic Database library, these college age adults were at a loss when expected to locate items in a library, and were even bothered to know the titles of the books of the course for which they were checking them out (Foster 21-22). Those who use technology are not those that design it. In other words, the majority of people who depend on technology have no idea how it works or how to repair it themselves if it fails. If that remains true, then who will fix future technology if it stops functioning? If finding books in a library confounds the Millennials, then what would they do without technological help for a longer period of time? What will they teach future generations? More dependence or nothing at all? The threat involving the loss of technology is not that implausible or impossible according to many modern perspectives. Modern society’s technology remains entirely dependent on environmental resources that are not limitless. Meeting the needs of the world’s large populations is depleting those resources, which may force humanity to change the resources that they rely upon and/or change the relationship with technology. Proof of the environmental damages of modern society becomes more and more obvious everyday and the need to find alternatives may be unavoidable. But, what if humanity does not find alternative? This is why a generation of individuals that knows nothing about anything (other than what they can Google) is not going to save society or rebuild any kind of society after this one is lost. That is not the future that many would like to leave behind them. Also, that is not the legacy that should be left behind. In fairness, not all people feel the same about issues of the world. In fact, there are some opposing opinions worthy of acknowledgement. The perspective of some researchers is that the millennial generation, despite their impatience, self involved thinking, and dependence upon technology is not as bad as many think. Many say that, despite all of their faults, the Millennials are also an adaptive generation (that is, they quickly get accustomed with newer means of communication). Unlike previous generations that were more reluctant to embrace change, Millennials, in modern days, are more accepting of change. This may be a direct reaction to the fast-paced, ever-changing technology that has become available since the day they were born. (Ferri-Reed 18-19). Others also claim that the advantages that technology has offered the world cannot be denied. More than 62% of American polled agreed that technology’s advantages outweigh its consequences. However, there are many that feel that human technological dependence is leading to less educated generations, less humane behaviors, and finally a less moral society. While the technology keeps getting smarter, the users get dumber; and that is a dangerous direction in which to go ( The great divide over technological dependence in the present and future generations prevents either side from determining what the best compromises might be. Fortunately, there are solutions. They are not impractical, and compromise is the means to finding them. No one is suggesting that humanity pull the plug on all technology and live rural and techno-free existences. However, technology does not need to be all inclusive into every aspect and avenue of peoples’ lives. There is a decided limit on how much technology is enough. People need modern medicine and modern technology to facilitate the basic necessities of large populations (like food production, clothing, housing, and hospitals). Now, this does not mean that the average member of society should be banned from technology (such as the Internet, Facebook, and Twitter). However, society needs to restrain the present generation – that is make them realize that they cannot rely completely on their technology. As a suggestion, society should persuade people that it is important to get up, get involved, and do something for themselves. A great way to start that would be by trying to accomplish anything without a computer or any other electronic devices. Society needs to appreciate technology, as well as appreciate how it can be dangerous and misleading. In the end, the solution to humanity’s overwhelming dependency on technology will be a mixed solution. The best solution is the finding of balance between the using of technology as a tool, but not as a way of life. The issue of technology is a complicated/complex one. Where is that line we should not cross? What will they sacrifice in exchange of the potential for more and more convenience? For this reason, the topic will likely remain an issue of great debate for some time to come. In conclusion, technology offers an allure, just as it did to science fiction writers, researchers, and philosophers for generations. Indeed, it has changed industries and allowed all parts of the world to enjoy the privilege of technology. Likewise, it has made the world more comfortable, productive, and functional. At the same time, just because something is good does not mean that there is no such thing as too much of it. “All things in moderation,” is a phrase adopted by the American society long ago. It simply means that it is fine to engage in things that are pleasurable, but just in moderation. These wise words are traditionally applied to eating sweets or drinking fine wines, but perhaps it is applicable to technology too. Today, it is hard to separate people from their technology, even in public places. They are talking on the phone while shopping, watching YouTube videos, and texting all of their day to day events like clockwork. They no longer learn how to do things on their own. That is a dangerous occurrence that could lead to helpless and hapless generations in the future to come. However, the time is approaching to step back from the technology and remember it was intended to be a tool, not a way of life. In short, technology is intended to enhance human life and not to replace it. Works Cited Ferri-Reed, Jan. "Three Ways Leaders Can Help Millennials Succeed." Journal for Quality & 18 Participation 35.1 (2012): 18-19. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Foster, Forrest C. "Taking (or Is that "tech''ing) back the future." Computers in Libraries. Dec 2011. 21-23. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Krigman, Eliza. "Millennials Defined By Technology Use." National Journal. (2010): 12. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Newlon, Cara. "Study: Millennials find technology dehumanizing." USA Today. 22 Oct 2013: 1. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. Provitera, McGlynn. "Teaching Millenials, Our Newest Cultural Cohort." Education Digest 71.4. (2005): 12-16. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Nov 2013. . Jim Rapoza. “Emerging Technologies." Eweek 25.14 (2008): 57-58. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Van Horn Royal. "Van Horn's Rules." Phi Delta Kappan 89.3 (2007): 232-233. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. "Have advances in technology improved our lives or are we becoming too dependent?.", n.d. Web. 13 Nov 2013. Read More
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