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Use of English Language - Essay Example

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The essay "Use of English Language" is about a discourse community refers to a community which has its members using a given form of language or discourse. Nevertheless, there are various types of discourse communities; in fact, their attributes offers an illustration of their versatility…
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Use of English Language
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Use of English Language Reasons for use of Language within a Particular Discourse Community A discourse community refers to community which has its members using a given form of language or discourse. There are various types of discourse communities; in fact their attributes offers an illustration of their versatility. Therefore, this community can be described as a group of people sharing common interests such a group of highly knowledgeable technicians or scientists, lawyers. These groups of people use a common language, thereby leading to the term discourse community (Wolfgang, 22). On the other hand, use of a certain language by these discourse communities offers a basis on intersection between linguistics and anthropology and other associated social science. In this case, analysis of these communities can lead to establishment that languages used offers a reflection of the makeup of a community. Discourse communities utilize idiomatic terms to assist in defining form of common language, which they use. In fact, these words are referred to as “jargon” or “lingo”, whereby they are sets of terms or applied within a given discourse community. Furthermore, other specific terms include “techno-babble” or “geek speaks”, which are applied in giving illustration of the way members of these discourse communities, communicate. However, this can be established through informal analysis of discourse communities, which may resonate around fields such as information technology or heath care. Nonetheless, it is difficult to identify the common language, attributed to a given discourse community, thereby making it a cohesive unit. Issues of Exclusion and Stereotyping through Language use Some people try to avoid using language in stereotypical manner; in fact, biased language commonly occurs with gender, though it can also involve groups of people in terms of their sexual orientation, ethnicity, political affiliation, or race. Stereotyping in language involves people making assumptions that stereotype about a certain group of people. For instance, a person may express an idea indicating that blonde women are not bright, whereby they may say “despite being blonde”. Apparently, use of stereotypes words or phrases should be avoided because they are demeaning or offensive. In this case, people should avoid using gendered adjectives that are considered irrelevant such as “lady doctor”, “male nurse,” or “woman lawyer”. Issues of exclusion through language use involve explicit gender dichotomies, which are involved in social and linguistic awareness of speakers. In fact, this depends on whether there are social implications of gender non-stereotypical linguistic terminologies. Nevertheless, in order to identify this exclusion, there is need to analyze and pay attention on the stereotypical gender binarities, which are associated with social awareness and linguistic. For instance, there are divergent cultures and languages presented as indicative can lead to gender polarization, which is reflected in global and local trends of perception towards language. There are complex interdependencies, which exist between gender and languages can be explored in regard to theories associated with language and gender interplay; for instance, there are social cognitive approaches and social constructionism (Wolfgang, 23). Therefore, gender stereotypes are considered inherent based on the perception and application of language. Nonetheless, language and gender stereotypes may be assumed, while the discussion is based on the conceptualization of languages and gender, thereby referring to impact of gender stereotypes on language perceptions. Interesting Event Involving Language within the Community One of the most interesting events involving language within a community involves a special public or semi-public event, where an organization seeks to develop a sense of “political correctness”. In fact, this event starts with a short opening speech and cultural performance. Application of language during these openings is belief, in a way that facilitates creation of public awareness regarding conventional language in a given location. On the other hand, this session offers speakers increasing confidence regarding their knowledge. In addition, during this event, there are ethnic divisions and misinterpretation of widespread in principal section of population. This event is also considered interesting due to its revitalization program mediating with local media in situations of positive events to report. Therefore, concentrating on language and achievements associated with culture, people in the community assist in broader understanding of the public. Language is considered a positive theme by media and broad population. Non-Verbal Communication within the Community Non-verbal communication within these communities entails messages, which are not words and they are used to communicate by members. For instance, there is oral communication, which involves symbolic messages, which are disseminated through intonation, tone voice, body posture, gestures, and facial expression. Apparently, a significant meaning of a message is conveyed through non-verbal cues, though this may be accompanied by oral discourse. Therefore, a spoken message is considered to be in two levels, whereby it is in verbal and non-verbal nature; thus, this prevents being constrained in mere emission of words. On the other hand, non-verbal surpasses verbal communication, given that people depend on non-verbal for expressing their ideas since when they are born. In this case, due to innate attributes of non-verbal behaviors, this leads to its significance in communication. For instance, some people use body gestures and facial expressions before uttering sentences, whereby they try making sense through symbolic messages. Furthermore, non-verbal cues are considered trustable they are elicited unconsciously by people through their behaviors. Moreover, there are notion that non-verbal cues are not delusional; in fact, member of this community have a conviction that non-verbal messages are applicable where verbal messages are contradicting. In this case, people focus on creating meaning of their non-verbal behaviors through attachment of meaning by observing what others are doing. Therefore, symbolic messages assist people in interpreting intentions of the speaker, and this is an indication of the significance of non-verbal communication in the process of interpretation. In this case, non-verbal communications are considered very helpful in situation whereby people do not understand messages communicated by a person through verbal communication. In addition, there is deprivation of an interpreter to fall back on other ways of facilitating understanding of the speaker. At this situation the non-verbal communication is utilized to offer subtle hints regarding the way a message should be understood. Works Cited Wolfgang Teubert, Meaning, Discourse and Society. Cambridge city: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010 Read More
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