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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Essay Example

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Instructor Date The Good, the Bad and the Ugly We expect to face all situations in life; sometimes you are up on the sky, the next minute you are down in the valley (Fryer 87). We may pursue things hoping only for the best however, this is rarely the case…
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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
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On the other hand, I cannot deny the fact that some experiences have had so far, constitute a remarkable percentage of my happiest days on earth (Fryer 87). I love my class so much for we have shared so many things together, and I also honor my teachers for all they have let me know. To give an overview of the good experiences that I have had in the university, I first consider my class. My class has had a lot of chances to visit very interesting places and I am great am part of that class (Fryer 87).

First I will never forget our visit to the fine arts Museum in Houston during one of the poetry sessions. In this trip I encountered a poet who read a poem which had an African inspiration, particularly from Congo. The poem claimed that works of art in German had their roots in the African continent. This is because the people of Congo are the ones who offered the German president the art works. The whole experience at the museum overwhelmed my heart with joy, because I could identify myself with the musical accompaniments which are very common in my African continent (Fryer 87).

Moreover, the companionship I had with my classmates as we walked round the museum, made me feel so happy. As much as I have had good times in the University, I have equally had very challenging moments. . My hopes that my classmates will finally show up were finally shuttered, when I was hit by the reality that it was already 10 o’clock and no one had arrived. I kept strong and went to the event alone unfortunately what I caught my eye was not interesting at all. I saw drunkards and smokers and I realized that was a not a place for me to be (Fryer 88).

So I stayed shortly then went back home disappointed, thinking of the time I had wasted. Even though my classmates make me feel so bad, they make me feel good as well and I love them very much (Fryer 88). I am very free with them during our interactions, but sometimes a think am shy. Despite the fact that this are the same people I interact with them daily, when am asked to address them, it seems so impossible for me. I understand that I am a visitor to this country however I seek to know if all visitors feel the way I do or I just lack confidence.

My participation in class is very poor as I am not able even answer a question in class though I may be having its answer. Sometimes I feel that it is because English is not my first language, as much as I can speak it (Fryer 88). I think if there is a way I can boost my confidence and have the courage to speak in class, I can really appreciate. In conclusion, my experience I the Rice University can be described as a normal one, because this is what people usually go through. Life is full of ups and downs and we should always learn to appreciate our experiences, because they usually give us a chance to learn.

My class members are very great and I generally appreciate the role they have played in my life. I believe the challenges I experience in my class are not extra-ordinary, since they can be overcome. If I overcome these challenges I have confidence that I will

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