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Should Films and Computer Games with Violence be Restricted - Essay Example

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Should Films and Computer Games with Violence be Restricted? Introduction The 20th century witnessed an explosion of technology, with perhaps the most pervasive inventions being television, film, and the computer. These technological inventions were not only spectacular for their innovative processes, but also for their widespread use among the general public…
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Should Films and Computer Games with Violence be Restricted
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Today computer games such as Grand Theft Auto allow users to actively engage in car theft and murder. Films such as Die Hard glorify violence. With the increasing liberalization of subject matter, a growing body of concern has emerged as to the extent that films and computer games with violence should be restricted. This essay examines this question through an examination of opinions both in favor and against restrictions on film and computer game violence before ultimately arguing that there should be a level of restrictions on violent video games and films.

Analysis Perhaps the most pervasive argument in favor of restrictive measures on violent films and video games is that these media outlets cause real life crime through desensitizing the viewers and game players. There are a variety of perspectives on this issue. Some of the most powerful and convincing arguments have emerged as a direct result of psychological research. Dill (2000) conducted a study that is argued to demonstrate engagement with violent films and video games “provide a forum for learning and practicing aggressive solutions to conflict situations” and there is the understanding that such violence “appears to affect aggression by priming aggressive thoughts.

Longer-term effects are likely to be longer lasting as well, as the player learns and practices new aggression-related scripts that can become more and more accessible for use when real-life conflict situations arise." If true, these are powerful conclusions. Essentially, Dill is arguing that through participation in violent video games and films, participants are actually able to rehearse how they will act in violent or criminal contexts. This perspective is not far-fetched when one considers that violent films often implicitly ask the viewer to identify with a protagonist who is willing to engage in violent acts as a means of solving conflicts.

Video games go even further in allowing the user to actually participate in the violence. Ultimately, it’s clear that the potential desensitizing effects of violent films and video games is a pressing concern. Another prominent concern is that violent video games have a detrimental effect on the individual’s cognitive development. While traditional video games have been demonstrated to contain addictive qualities, growing bodies of researchers argue that the addictive quality of violent video games has an increasingly negative impact on cognitive development.

The addictive nature of video games has been a long established fact with a sect of players referred to as ‘gamers’ oftentimes participating in upwards of 40-50 hours of video game playing per week. When such video game playing occurs in the context of a violence gaming world, the potential for negative cognitive development occurrences is argued to become a readily apparent fact. Indeed, a number of instances have been recorded where extreme consequences have occurred for individuals. In one instances, regarding a child in Moscow it’s noted that, “He had not only received bad marks but was also known for bad behavior in class.

  Denial of video games is, by all rights, appropriate punishment and I’m sure no one thought that it would lead to his jumping from his 19th floor apartment

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