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Increasing Energy Use in Commercial Buildings - Thesis Proposal Example

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The paper "Increasing Energy Use in Commercial Buildings" highlights that the structure provides sufficient time for data gathering and analysis, which will ensure that the inferences made from the research process will be accurate and relevant to the area of commercial building constructions…
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Increasing Energy Use in Commercial Buildings
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Energy saving & analysis in Commercial buildings Executive summary Commercial and al buildingsare the major consumers of electrical energy. Saving of such energy is a significant challenge for the energy consumer, as well as the environment. Technological advancement has led to the proliferation of smart meters that create an opportunity for the energy consumer to monitor effectively the consumption of energy in Kilowatt per Hour. Such enables algorithmic analysis of the potential energy saving costs from the energy savings measures adopted. The analysis also ensures that experts have the potential of understanding the operating parameters of the building. This proposal provides an outline of the way to understand the energy saving and analysis of commercial buildings. The study intends to use both qualitative and quantitative research methods to gather substantial data, which will be analyzed using statistical tools and software. The anticipated time period for the completion of the study is two months. Table of Contents Executive summary 2 Introduction 4 Problem statement 4 Scope and issues 5 Aim and objectives 6 Literature review 6 Introduction 6 Energy demand in commercial buildings 7 Literature weakness 7 Research questions 8 Methodology 8 Introduction 8 Research design 9 Quantitative research 10 Qualitative research 10 Sample 11 Data analysis 11 Structure for the dissertation 12 Structure justification 13 References 13 Introduction Energy use in commercial buildings is increasing as the users focus on more energy using strategies in the process of cooling and heating buildings. Thus, lack of adequate supply of energy would imply that inhibition or operation of the commercial buildings would be minimal. Commercial buildings focus on achieving energy efficiency (Bruce 1977). Energy efficient refers to the measures of ensuring that minimum energy is utilized in the process of cooling, heating, lighting and powering of equipment as necessary in ensuring that buildings offer comfort conditions for the occupants. The building envelope influences the energy efficiency level of the building. Such includes walls, foundations, roof, doors and windows (Zanenga et al. 2010). These components should work together to ensure that a building remains warm as expected in winter and cool during the summer. Problem statement Commercial buildings consume a lot of energy. The existing methods of identifying energy saving involve building operators who have knowledge on the normal operations of the buildings, but they do not have the resources and expertise levels of evaluation of the energy savings. As such, energy saving measures has to be adopted, which ensures that the building has the potential of maintaining its normal operations while saving on the consumed energy (Roberts 2008). Such involves having an algorithmic approach, which aids in data analysis on the energy saving strategies of the buildings. However, the adopted approach has to consider that buildings have different operation modes, which indicate a variation in the level of energy consumption based on the operating mode. However, energy savings and analysis measures should have human understandable operating parameters to ensure that experts have an easy access to the essential information on how to improve on the operation and performance output of the building in terms of energy saving (Thilmany 2013). The performance energy in a building has a direct impact on the rental income, as well as the resale value of such a building. Thus, commercial buildings owners experience significant challenges in terms of ensuring that their buildings are energy efficient (Zanenga et al. 2010). Hence, this study will facilitate in gathering substantial information on energy savings and analysis of the commercial buildings. Scope and issues This study focuses on the area of energy saving and analysis in commercial buildings. Thus, the results and analysis to be obtained from the study are a representative sample of the energy saving measures and analysis in commercial buildings only. Several improvements in the buildings, which focus on energy efficiency, have been made. These include insulation, lighting and controls and plants. However, the energy consumption of each building is variant depending on the systems operation and the fabric designs of the building. For example, cooling and heating systems in buildings consume a lot of energy depending on the adopted operation strategies of the building. In order to determine the efficient levels of buildings in energy consumption, energy audits and analysis are conducted, which include evaluation of the improvements on how the building has the potential of enhancing the attainment of the energy efficiency level (Bruce 1977). Such includes conducting tests on the lighting, equipment, cooling and heating on how these work all together in an efficient and effective manner. Introduction of renewable energy sources for the commercial buildings will ensure that these buildings have the potential of attaining their desired energy levels. Energy saving process entails several stakeholders. Such include: a) Meter operator who has the responsibility of installation and maintenance of the metering equipment, b) Data warehouse that stores and enables access to essential data on the meter, c) Building operator who has the responsibility of building maintenance, management, as well as the equipment, d) Energy saving measures implementer, who implements the developed energy saving measures, e) Software provider who offers essential software tools for the visualization of meter data, analysis and reporting, and f) Energy expert who uses domain knowledge on energy saving measures and makes recommendations for a given building. Aim and objectives The aim of this project is to determine the methods, which are essential in energy saving and analysis in commercial buildings. Such includes having a clear understanding on how to attain energy saving efficiency in commercial buildings. This will include a review of the current trends on how to make the buildings more self-sufficient, intelligent and sustainable with reference to energy consumption. As such, the study is governed by the following objectives: 1) To determine methods and strategies of energy saving in commercial buildings, 2) To establish the best approaches for energy analysis in commercial buildings, and 3) To evaluate the different forms of energy, which are used in commercial buildings. Literature review Introduction Commercial buildings relates to several types of buildings, which include shopping malls, offices, police stations, libraries, hospitals, schools, hotels, warehouses and worship centers among others. Each of the commercial building has its own energy needs, but most of the commercial buildings use energy for lighting and heating purposes (Roberts 2008). Natural gas and electricity are the most common fuels used in commercial buildings. Thus, the installation and use of the fuel as a source of energy in commercial buildings determines the efficiency level of energy for such buildings. Hence, having effective energy evaluation and analysis strategies ensures that energy saving occurs effectively in the commercial buildings. Energy demand in commercial buildings The high demand of energy for commercial buildings depicts a need for energy conservation. Such includes adoption measures, such as reduction of energy consumption by adopting energy efficient measures and effective energy management strategies, use of the alternative and renewable sources of energy, design of the buildings such that they are able to attain thermal efficiency and conservation of energy sources, materials and water (Zmud 2008). Solar energy is the most suitable renewable energy source that needs adoption in the commercial buildings. Energy performance is a critical consideration in the construction of commercial buildings. In determining these energy performance indices, there is a need to take into consideration of the severity of the climate, occupancy hours and types of activities, which are carried out in the building (Zmud 2008). Such facilitates in the attainment of the energy rating of the building, which aids in identification of the effectiveness of the building in addressing the issue of energy saving (Tubbs et al. 2009). These also support the process of conducting effective analysis of the energy that is consumed in commercial buildings. Literature weakness However, the literature does not provide adequate information on strategies, which have been used in the process of ensuring that energy saving occurs effectively in commercial buildings. Such indicates a weakness of the literature. Another source of weakness is that technological advancement has occurred in the area of commercial building constructions. Such illustrates that technical and methodological approach in the construction of these buildings, as well as ensuring that they have an energy saving mechanism change with time. These changes have not been documented effectively in the available literature sources. Research questions This study will be accomplished by the following research questions 1. What are the methods used in energy saving and analysis in commercial buildings? 2. Which are the most common forms of energy in commercial buildings? 3. Are there technologies, which facilitate in energy saving and analysis in commercial buildings? 4. Who are the key stakeholders of the commercial buildings and how do they relate to the energy used in these buildings? 5. What are the benefits and challenges of having energy saving measures and analysis in commercial buildings? Methodology Introduction This proposal focuses on the review of energy saving and analysis approaches for the commercial buildings. The survey-questionnaire intends to have 40 commercial buildings, which include 4 hospitals, 3 centers of worship, 3 police stations, 10 office buildings, 10 single-family buildings and 10 schools. The selection of these buildings will occur in a random manner. This study focuses on using a mixed research method, which employs both quantitative and qualitative research approaches (Cooper & Schindler 2003). Such a selection of the research methodology aims at ensuring that a wide variety of data is gathered during the research process, which will be substantial in providing answers and solutions to the research questions of this study. Research design There two common research designs used in studies. These two research designs are exploratory and descriptive research designs. Exploratory research designs facilitate in conducting an effective literature review on re-positioning strategies, as well as the background information of the company. Descriptive research will aid in gathering information on energy savings and analysis in commercial buildings. This will include an evaluation of success and failure attained by such strategies (Cooper & Schindler 2003). Therefore, the use of both exploratory and descriptive research designs will enable in identification of the required information on energy use in commercial buildings. The study has adopted exploratory research since exploratory research focuses on identification of new ideas and knowledge, which a researcher is not familiar with. As such, exploratory research will facilitate in gathering adequate information on energy saving measures in commercial buildings. This research method is suitable in cases where the levels of general ignorance and uncertainty are high. As such, exploratory research uncovers environmental boundaries where situations, opportunities, or problems of interest exist. This research also exposes salient variables, which may reside in the environment and are necessary for the study. Business research is classified under three perspectives: 1) The information being sought, 2) Objectives based research, and 3) Application based study. However, these perspectives of research are not mutually exclusive. This depicts that there is a possibility of classifying research study as a perspective of the other. For example, application based research may also be viewed as objective based research (Cooper & Schindler 2003). As such, the three perspectives are adopted for the use in this study in order to gather credible and reliable information on study variables. Quantitative research Quantitative research illustrates an empirical research, which involves the collection of data in the form of numbers (Freedman 2005). Such a research focuses on large-scale process of data collection where the data sets are many. Surveys are the main methods of collecting such types of data. Qualitative research Qualitative research indicates a data collection method, which does not focus on the form of numbers. Such is vital in the clarification of ideas, behavioral traits of groups and comprehension of the existence of phenomena. The process of this method is naturalistic, subjective and holistic (Freedman 2005). Hence, this method facilitates in the study of single cases and has an element of dynamic reality. As such, the study will collect primary through a survey questionnaire, as well as secondary data by conducting literature review on energy savings and analysis in commercial buildings. Secondary data will entail focusing on published reports, journals, books and articles on energy savings and analysis in commercial buildings (Freedman 2005). The data to be obtained from the secondary research will then be compared with the data, which will be obtained from the primary research during the study. The survey questionnaire will entail the formulation of survey questions, which address the issue energy savings and analysis in commercial buildings. As such, the questions include opinion and attitude based questions, factual questions, self-perception questions, projective questions and questions directed on eliciting positive response from the respondents to provide the desired information. Scaling of the questionnaire will also occur to ensure that it has the potential of achieving the intended purpose of gathering reliable data from the study population (Crotty 1998). Moreover, the questionnaire will have close-ended questions, open-ended questions, as well as Likert Scale questions. Such will ensure that gathering of information and data on the questionnaire occurs effectively. Prior to the administration of the questionnaire in the field, a reconnaissance will occur, which will involve conducting a pre-test of the survey questionnaire aimed at identification of the complexities in the questionnaire. Sample Sampling is a technique, which involves identification of the representative population for the study. Such a technique is based on the concept that having a few population elements, which the researcher has the ability of managing aids in gathering credible and reliable information, which depicts the relationships, patterns and the characteristics of the entire population (Crotty 1998). For this study, random sampling technique is used in the process of the identification of the study participants. Such includes the identification of the buildings, which will act as the basis for the gathering of data on energy saving and analysis in commercial buildings. As such, 40 commercial buildings, which include 4 hospitals, 3 centers of worship, 3 police stations, 10 office buildings, 10 single-family buildings and 10 schools, are selected as the key buildings for study in a random manner. Data analysis The data, which is collected from both primary and secondary sources, will be analyzed at the end of the study in order to identify patterns and relationships on the variables. Statistical thematic analysis will aid in analysis of the secondary data based on various groups and themes. Such will facilitate in having an effective interpretation and comprehension of the results, which are obtained from the study (Campbell & Fiske 1959). Primary data will in turn be analyzed using discrete statistics, which includes the use of the statistical software SPSS. These will ensure that facts and ideas, which are expressed during the study, can be seen clearly. Hence, it will be easy to make a representation of the data results in graphical, as well as other visual forms, which will ensure that inferences can be made effectively on the study conducted. The reliability and validity level of the data gathered from the field will be ensured by making a comparison between the primary data sources and secondary data sources (Campbell & Fiske 1959). These will illustrate clearly any differences on theoretical and practical energy saving and analysis approaches for the commercial buildings. The research process adopted in this study includes research design (this involves the definition of the research problem), sampling (this involves the selection of various units to be used in the study), data collection (this involves the of selection of primary and secondary methods as means of data collection), data analysis (this involves the presentation of results and analysis), and finally report writing (this involves the writing a report of the research conducted). Structure for the dissertation Structure justification The above structure will be suitable for the dissertation since it will facilitate in gathering of adequate data on energy savings and analysis for commercial buildings. Such includes identification of the potential areas and measures that need to be adopted in order to improve on the performance output of the commercial buildings in terms of energy savings. The structure also provides sufficient time for data gathering and analysis, which will ensure that the inferences made from the research process will be accurate and relevant to the area of commercial buildings constructions. References Bruce, A, 1977. Solar Energy: Fundamentals in Building Design. Mc Graw-hill, Campbell, T, & Fiske, D, 1959. Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the Multitrait Multimethod Matrix. Psychological Bulletin, 56, 81–105 Cooper, R, & Schindler, S, 2003. Business Research Methods. The eighth edition. McGraw Hill higher Education. ISBN 072498706. Crotty, M, 1998. The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process. London: Sage. Retrieved from: Freedman, D, 2005. Statistical Models: Theory and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. Roberts, S, 2008. "The Science of Small." innovative Home, Spring. 65-75. Thilmany, J 2013, HIGHSTANDARDS, Mechanical Engineering, 135, 7, pp. 46-49, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 October 2013. Tubbs, J, Meacham, B, & Kimball, A 2009, Evacuation Design Strategies and Considerations for Tall Buildings: Suggested Best Practices, ASHRAE Transactions, 115, 1, pp. 182-190, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 October 2013. Zanenga, E, Leonello, D, & Bottasso, C 2010, Feasibility Study of Rotorcraft Fire Fighting for High Rise Buildings, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 23, 3, pp. 166-175, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 October 2013. Zmud, M 2008, Public Perceptions of High-rise Building Emergency Evacuation Preparedness, Fire Technology, 44, 4, pp. 329-336, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 October 2013. Read More
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