Online Education - Future of Educational Technology Essay.
Online Education - Future of Educational Technology Essay.
First, I have come to appreciate the value of personal commitment and input in learning. In the online classroom, I learned to pay closer attention to the discussion, as well as remarks from Scott. This, I believe aligns with Bates's (1997) description of a learner-centered. In this learning environment, I was constantly following what other students wrote and comparing them with my thoughts on various topics. There is no doubt the online engagement sharpened my participation in discussing key concepts.
The engagement we experience with other peers in the online class may not have been possible with a traditional face-to-face. This was possible because asynchronous learning had an overwhelming impact on my motivation to study and have my input count towards my learning in the course. A discussion of asynchronous learning would be incomplete without considering the vital input of other peers and Scotts. Comer and Lenaghan (2013) point that student participation in online classes affords them opportunities to provide original examples on topic issues.
This one area has helped me gain from my peers. In the future, I would reinforce my tendency to develop creative postings that promote diversity of ideas in every discussion. Most important, it is worth noting that Scotts excelled in offering us direction and invaluable comments. This is a mark of credible and supporting teaching, which I say a big thank you. To all peers, you made this course intriguing and accelerated my learning.
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