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The Future for the Psycho-Educational Evaluation in Saudi Arabia Educational System - Research Proposal Example

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As the paper "The Future for the Psycho-Educational Evaluation in Saudi Arabia Educational System" tells, critical evaluation of psycho-educational levels is crucial in the enhancement of insights towards raising the standards of knowledge acquired and skills imparted in learning environments…
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The Future for the Psycho-Educational Evaluation in Saudi Arabia Educational System Name Student Number Institution Course Code Instructor Date INTRODUCTION Critical evaluation of psycho-educational levels in Saudi is crucial in the enhancement of insights towards raising the standards of knowledge acquired and skills imparted in learning environments. Psycho-educational evaluations ensure clear comprehension of learners cognitive, academic, socio-emotional and behavioural functioning (Alnahdi 2014). The evaluation processes are tailored to meet the individual needs of a learner and provide answers to the effective overall enhancement of the leaner. Major developments and enhancements of systems, as well as structures are occurring in Saudi Arabia education calling for the need to understand how to effectively address the issue and come up with effective strategies for implementation (Khan 2011). In spite of the increased funding of the educational sector with stakeholders and parents improving their concentration towards ensuring their children acquire better education, there lacks clear guidelines to understand causes of poor performance among learners, and especially with regard to special needs in learning in Saudi Arabia (Al-Mousa 2010). Consequently, there are no clear guidelines and structures to ensure effective and appropriate educational skills actualisation among learners (Hashem 2009). In respect to Alyahya (2014) analysis, there are no conclusive findings on the effects of mental and cognitive problems affecting learners in Saudi Arabia, as well as how psycho-educational evaluation can impact on the learning processes and performance of learners (Al-Mousa 2010). Thus, there is a need for improved evaluation processes and attributes pertaining to psycho-educational aspects among learners to enhance learning strategies. The study finds relevance in the fact that improvement of education has to ensure every learner acquires knowledge and skills imparted by the teacher. Thus, this study will bring up the significance of psycho-educational evaluation in learning institution, understanding learners’ cognitive values and abilities as well as challenges in order to establish effective strategies to initiate improved learning environments. In respect to academic, social and emotional concerns; early identification and intervention are key factors. This results in informed decisions pertaining to academic planning and placement in order to help the learner realise their full potential. The need to ensure learners also pursue their best areas of competence can be established through a psycho-educational evaluation process. According to Grigorenko (2009), by carrying out effective psycho-educational testing, establishment of how learners can acquire the best learning processes is viable. However, the process of evaluation ought to be multi-faceted to diagnose problems in the learning process of a child. Thus, the need for results from a convergence of various evaluation processes. LITERATURE REVIEW Psycho-educational evaluation processes of learners involve recognising and acknowledging any form of learning disability in a child which results in difficult or stressful learning processes (Chaiyajan et al. 2009). Thus, the understanding helps teachers and parents to establish effective strategies to enhance learning processes to ensure learners acquire the required skills and experiences. According to Khan (2011), learning and teaching processes are interrelated and the former cannot occur unless the target students learn. Barriers to effective learning processes involve lack of concrete understanding of the cognitive challenges and hindrances to the effective realisation of learners potential requires understanding of the psycho-educational levels (Wan and Gut 2011). Management of learners’ failure can effectively be conducted with effective understanding of their cognitive levels through psycho-educational evaluation. The aspect of learning difficulties are not uncommon and seeking help in the event of presence learning disabilities in an early process reducing frustrations and ensure the learners acquire appropriate services and guidance (Alyahya 2014). According to Nassif (2007), in learning processes, for children and adults, there is the need for understanding the nature of existing learning problems through psycho-educational evaluations. This results in identifying specific areas of need as well as coming up with effective treatment strategies for recommendation to bring possible solutions. Continuous and increased improvement in the education system is a priority in the Saudi Arabia quest to ensure quality and standard education. According to Hashem (2009), the need for evaluation and subsequent results bring about feelings of relief and confusion within the stakeholders of education and thus, the need for integrated and workable results. The aspect of psycho-education evaluation involves testing individuals or learners to establish their mental processes that underlie their educational performance (Chua and Chia 2013; Alyahya 2014). The need for psycho-educational evaluation incorporates lack of progress among learners in school; a learner lagging behind their peers in reading, mathematics and writing; having trouble completing learning tasks on time; lack of paying attention and following instructions, as well as behavioural problems (Bishop et al. 2009; Muter and Snowling 2009; Swanson and Jerman 2007). Learning issues have a history and critical evaluations of learners can result to critical outcomes. In respect to Hay et al. (2007) argument, the need for evaluating any suspicious issues among learners with respect to difficulty in learning gives documented evidence the presence of difficulty in learning due to consistent challenges or it is mere behavioural pattern that requires no testing but strategic change in learning. Before embarking on a formal evaluation process for a learner, parents ought to collaborate with the teacher in coming up with alternative learning strategies to assess any positive improvement (Kavale, Spaulding and Beam 2009; Crim et al. 2009). Generally, learners may be having difficulty in learning certain subjects or topics, but with a change of learning strategies or increased persistence to learning enhances their understanding levels without the need of conventional help. In the event of no change in spite of the extra help put in; there is a clear indication that presence of neurologically-based learning problems which can be established through formal evaluation processes (Dash et al. 2015; Hargreaves and Shirley 2009). RESEARCH QUESTION, AIM AND OBJECTIVES The research involves assessing the future of psycho-educational evaluation in Saudi Arabia educational system spanning all levels of learning. The main research question involves: “What is the trend of psycho-education evaluation in Saudi Arabian learning institution in promotion learning strategies and imparting of skills?” Increased improvement in the learning processes involves addressing challenges hindering effective achievement of skills and experiences. Barriers to effective learning processes may be inherent whereby the learner has impediments making them not learn effectively, or might be entrenched in the learning processes itself. In context, psycho-education level plays a critical role in ensuring children realise their potential in school and eventually acquire relevant skills and abilities whether cognitive or behavioural. This study looks into the aspect of inherent and cognitive abilities of learners to establish effective ways of improving learning processes in the Saudi Arabia education system. The main aim of the research study revolves around coming up with strategic measures to ensure effective management of psycho-educational evaluation in Saudi Arabia education system. The objectives of the study incorporate: 1. To evaluate the state of psycho-educational evaluation in the Saudi Arabian educational system. 2. To establish the trend of education challenges in the Saudi Arabian learning processes. 3. To evaluate how psychological problems among learners affect the learning processes. 4. To recommend improvements on the psycho-educational evaluation among learners with learning challenges. The specific research questions involve: 1. What is the state of psycho-educational evaluation in the Saudi Arabian educational system? 2. What is the trend of education challenges in the Saudi Arabian learning processes? 3. How do psychological problems among learners affect learning processes? 4. What recommendations can improve psycho-educational evaluation among learners with learning challenges in Saudi Arabia? RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This involves the procedures and processes involved in the research study to acquire data relevant to answer the research question as well as meet the research objectives. With an effective methodology, the research study aims at coming up concrete findings to answer the research questions and meet the study objectives. Study Design Due to lack of concrete findings on the state of psycho-evaluation strategies in Saudi Arabia education system, the need for a comprehensive study is imperative. This research study will incorporate a mixed descriptive research design, involving qualitative and quantitative research tools to come up with effective findings to answer the research question. The mixed design will be adopted to overcome limitations in the data acquisition process and thus, make sure effective achievement of viable data for analysis (Creswell 2011; Teddlie and Yu, 2007). Study Population and Sampling The study population incorporates learners, educators and parents in the Saudi Arabian education system. Target population will be sampled through stratified random sampling to acquire a representative sample of 150 respondents for the questionnaire survey and 30 for the interview process. Sampling enhances acquisition of a representative data for the study objectives, hence giving a basis of coming with workable findings (Teddlie and Yu 2007). Data Collection Methods and Instruments Data collection methods will involve both primary and secondary processes incorporating a survey process and a document analysis process. The survey will involve a questionnaire tool to be administered both parents and educators on the extent of psycho-educational assessment awareness and the challenges observed among learners in their learning process. The main objective of the tool will be to create a foundation of understanding the state of awareness among parents and teachers on the aspects of psycho-educational analysis (McEvoy and Nathan 2007). The second primary tool will involve an interview administered to learners and psychologists in the education system on the state of psycho-education challenges that would prompt the need for increased evaluations in Saudi Arabia. The interview will act as a benchmark to confirm the outcomes of the quantitative survey giving more weight to the findings and focus the study towards realising better conclusions (Chia and Wong 2010). Finally, a document analysis will be conducted on recent studies on psychological aspects in learning processes and the state of psycho-educational evaluations in learning processes. Data Analysis Methods The study targets to acquire concise statistics in respect to psycho-educational evaluation standards in Saudi Arabian education system. This is due to the fact there lacks concrete statistics addressing the study issues under analysis and thus, statistical analysis will be incorporated in the data analysis process. Acquisition of statistical findings in a research study ensures increased validity of data obtained and subsequently enhances the overall impact of research findings (Marshall and Reason 2007). The study will incorporate Ms Excel, SPSS, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis to scientifically validate the data obtained in the survey process. The findings will be presented in percentages and represented in charts and graphs to give critical representations of the study objectives. Mechanisms to Assure Quality of the Study This research project will ensure a high degree of data validity and reliability to impact positively in the Saudi Arabian education system at all levels. According to Marshall and Reason (2007), the need for improved systems of learning stems from having viable and crucial information that can be utilised to bring up strategic changes in the processes of learning to enhance end results. Prior to commencement of research study, relevant approvals will be obtained from the university and relevant authority in the education ministry to carry out this research study. The essence of any research study is entrenched in the finding of truth that numbers entice and bring up through a comprehensive research study (Frey and Rost 2010). In context, this study will embrace the culture of evaluating every aspect surrounding psycho-educational evaluation among learners in Saudi Arabia and how effective it can impact on the education system. Study Period The study will take a span of six months from project inception, data collection to final analysis and presentation of findings. The consistence of the study plan will be guided by the need for the realisation of valid and reliable data, hence critical emphasis will be taken during data collection and analysis to acquire statistical analysis and findings for effective recommendations to study objectives. The following plan graphically outlines the study period and activities to be undertaken.   July – December 2015   July August September October November December Preliminaries and Literature Search                         Proposal writing                         Proposal Defence                         Theoretical and critical literature review                         Data Collection and methodology writing                         Data Analysis, Report writing and presentation                         Fig. 1: Work Plan (Source: Author 2015) CONCLUSION In conclusion, this research study targets the aspect of psycho-educational evaluation in Saudi Arabian education system. The engagement of psychologists in the evaluation of learning problems among learners helps in identifying disability problems or other cognitive and behavioural issues affecting learning processes. Hence, the need for increased input in attributes surrounding increased inclusion of psycho-educational evaluation in learning processes brings up the fact that Saudi Arabia requires to achieve high standards of literacy levels for all learners irrespective of their cognitive or behavioural state. This research is expected to encounter limitations with regard to the consistence of respondents and their awareness of the attributes pertaining to psycho-educational evaluation. To overcome the challenge, the study will highlight various aspects of the psycho-educational testing during the interview survey in order to acquire concise data findings that meet the study objectives. From a preliminary perspective, the study proposes the need for increased evaluation on the impact brought up by psycho-educational evaluation in learning processes, and how it can be effectively incorporated into the Saudi Arabian education system. REFERENCE LIST Al-Mousa, N., 2010. 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