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The Use of ICT Technology in Teaching - Research Paper Example

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The paper "The Use of ICT Technology in Teaching" discusses that ICT technologies play a significant role in improving the value of teaching and learning. The report has indicated that the use of ICT technologies in schools, which have embraced the technology leads to improved learning outcomes…
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Report on the Impact of increased Leadership support for learning with ICT Technology, and its use in Australian schools to the Students Learning Outcomes Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 3 Definitions 5 Research Question 5 Purpose of the Study 5 2.0 Method 6 Research Design 6 Data Collection 7 Participants 8 3.0 Findings 10 4.0 Discussion 14 Conclusion 17 References 18 Report on the Impact of increased Leadership support for learning with ICT Technology, and its use in Australian schools, to the Students Learning Outcomes 1.0 Introduction The recent past has seen an increased number of Australian educationist and leaders support the use of ICT technology in teaching and learning processes of the Australian schools. This has led to increased use of the ICT technologies in most of the schools. Educational technology plays a crucial role in teaching and learning results. The rapid growth of ICT and Internet has affected the educational field in carrying out many functions. This is because it has led to increased demand for ICT technologies in the process of giving instructions, as well as, in other teacher-student learning programs. Australia is one of the countries, caught in the wave of the development of ICT technologies in the educational field. There has been an increase in the numbers of schools, which have embraced this technology as timely, and resourceful in boosting the learning outcomes. This is evidenced by the use of computers and the internet in various Australian schools (Education Network Australia, 2000). The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), which was formulated at the beginning of the year 2010, has also played a crucial role in the development of the use of ICT technologies to give instructions in schools. The body, which aims at fostering high quality professional development for teachers and school leaders, supports the use of ICT technologies by the teachers in Australian schools. This has been accompanied by various policy recommendations, which has seen many Australian schools embrace the ICT as a tool of instruction, learning, and research. The importance of educational technology cannot be underscored. The ICT instructional technology has made learning more effective, interactive, and friendly to both teachers and students. It has significantly improved the learning (Australian Education Council, 2005). The study of educational technology is particularly critical, because of the immense impact this technology has to the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. In the wake of the IT society, the need to embrace ICT in teaching and learning is not just beneficial, but necessary. This is because of its significant impact in improving the learning outcomes of the students in the Australian schools (Chandra & Lloyd, 2008). Indeed, the use of ICT in education and learning process plays a vital role in encouraging activity of the learners in the teaching-learning process. This technology has made teaching and learning activities shift from being teacher centered to student centered. This is paramount in the teaching learning process, for it makes the learners active players in the process. Research has proven that increased activity of the learners in the teaching and learning process often concedes with increased learning outcomes. This deductively implies that the use of ICT technologies in Australian schools plays a significant contribution towards increased learning outcomes (Moyle, 2006). There are many modes of use of the ICT technologies. This may involve the use of internet technologies in conducting research for class work assignments. It may also involve the use of email between teachers and learners in sharing knowledge. It may involve the use of slide presentation in giving instruction to the learners. Other may include, use of educational CDs (CDs), the media audio and video in teaching and learning. The use of the ICT technology in most of the Australian schools has tremendously impacted the learning outcomes of the students in schools, which have embraced this technology. This paper seeks to understand the impact of the increased policy support for ICT technologies in education, as well as, its use to the learning outcomes of the Australian students. Definitions Educational ICT Technology is a set of tools helps to enhance teaching practice and improve student’s achievement. ICT stands for Information Communication Technologies. Learning Outcomes-the results from the teaching and learning process. Research Question Australian educationists have strongly supported the use of ICT technologies in schools. What is the impact of increased leadership support for learning with information and communication technologies (ICT), and its use, to the students learning outcomes? Purpose of the Study The purpose of this report is to find out the effect of increased support for ICT technologies in schools, and its use to the learning outcome of the students. This research evaluates the use of ICT technology to effectively, support students learning and development. The core reason of the study is to establish the correlation between the learning outcomes and the use of ICT technologies in most Australian schools. Hypothesis This research holds the following hypotheses: Increased leadership support for ICT technologies is responsible for the fast pace of use of this technology in Australian schools. The use of ICT technologies has had a direct and positive impact in the learning outcomes of the learners in schools that have embraced this technology. 2.0 Method This research report is a culmination of an in-depth research conducted on the increased use of ICT technology in most Australian schools. The report reflects the results, analyses, and discussion from information collected from various sources. Indeed, the need to present a quality, valid and reliable report paper made me engage both the primary and secondary sources of data. The need to bring out a balanced paper led to a careful analysis of the information collected regarding ICT technology, the increased use of this technology in Australian schools, and the impacts of this technology to the learning outcomes of the learner. Research Design The research design employed for this research report involved three steps. These steps were identified as necessary in aiding a smooth flow of the research process. They also enabled the research process to be effective in reaching out to the expected outcomes. The steps include: Step 1: Identification of the research problem This step involved finding out the research problem worth conducting a research and related to education in Australia. I considered various options and found ICT technology use in Australian schools, as one of the critical problems, which needs research. Step 2: Collection and Analysis of Data After identifying the research problem of focus for this report, I had to establish the sources, which I would employ to address the research problem. This process led to me to establish the need to employ both the primary and secondary sources. The research process employed these sources in collecting data. The secondary sources employed were books, journal articles, and electronic sources. The primary source was a study conducted among randomly selected Australian schools on their views, experiences, and perceptions on the impact of ICT technology on the learners learning outcomes. The data collected was well analyzed and its findings presented in the finding section of the report. Step 3: Reporting This involved the process of reporting on the information collected and analyzed. The process involved documenting information from the analysis conducted. This research report paper is a reflection of the reported information from this process. Data Collection The research involved collecting data from the two main sources. These are the primary sources and the secondary sources. Various secondary sources were resourceful in the process of collecting data. The secondary sources employed in the research process include journal articles, books, and one electronic source. They played a significant role in giving information on the subject, as well as, on the previous research studies conducted in this subject area. The availability of various books and journal articles on the use of ICT technologies in Australian schools played a critical role in the success of this paper. Most of the findings from these literature materials played a significant role in the discussion part of this research report. The research also employed the use of primary research to collect information. I chose to employ a primary research for this case, because it allowed the report to capture the real view on ICT, and its use in Australian schools from the ground. The primary research allowed the report to focus on the views of the teachers and students in the respective schools picked at random. This involved collecting data from teachers and students from the randomly identified Australian schools, which have embraced ICT as a tool of teaching and learning. Participants The participants of this research study were the students and teachers of the randomly selected Australian schools. This study involved the use of questionnaire forms sent to Australian schools, which were selected at random. The choice to select the schools at random was to make the study authentic and well balanced. Most of these schools had structured their learning programs into the junior school (age>6 years), Middle School (7-9 years), and senior school (10>12years). The main target of the study was the middle and senior school students and their teachers. The schools randomly selected, which were involved in this study, included were as following: Somerville House, Metropolitan Brisbane; Ainslie School, Metropolitan Canberra; Charnwood-Dunlop School, Canberra; Kaleen Primary School, Kaleen, and Namadgi School, Kambah. The teachers and the students were to fill the same questionnaire form. The responses collected from the questionnaire form were treated as binding and an independent view of the respondents. The questionnaire form employed in the research process was as following: 3.0 Findings The process of collecting the result was a success, because of the high number of respondents, who filled the questionnaire form. From the five schools, it was expected that 50 responses would be collected, with three teachers and seven students each filling questionnaires in each of the five schools. A high success rate of 99% was arrived at, after one questionnaire being cancelled, being found illegible. From the analysis of the data, a number of things became evident. First, most of the respondents explained that the core objective of the school program is effective teaching and learning process. In this regard, they indicated that before a school gets to embrace ICT in teaching and learning process, then a clear vision of the outcomes of the learning process should be drawn. They asserted that it is the need to boost the learning outcomes of the school drives the process of embracing efficient modes of instruction like the ICT technology. Most of the respondents asserted that the increased leadership support for learning with information and communication technologies (ICT) in Australian schools had contributed aiming to boost the learning outcomes. They also agreed that this support has played a critical role towards many schools embracing ICT technologies as one of the strategies of teaching and learning. The respondents also indicated that leadership support towards the use of ICT in schools has played a remarkable role towards increased the increased number of schools, which have embraced this technology. However, most of the felt that there was a need for more investment of creating structures for the development of this technology in schools. In other words, they felt that there was a need for the school leaders and the Australian educationist to invest more on building structures, which will support the development of ICT as a tool for teaching and learning in Australia. On the factors that motivated them to embrace ICT in their educational pursuits, most of the respondents of the study reported interactivity, as the top most cause that motivated them to embrace ICT in the teaching and learning process. In this regard, the respondents cited that ICT tools provided them with the opportunity to learn directly. The students found the use of ICT technology in teaching and learning as a big player in increasingly their interactivity with their teachers, as well as, with the learning concept. They said that ICT made learning interesting through the activities of learning they were involved. Most of the students mentioned that even the subjects, which were perceived passive and not interesting, became interesting, because they enjoyed interacting with ICT in the process of learning. The other points mentioned as significant motivators included the issue of time, where the students asserted that they found it easier to conduct research through the internet, submit their work in time through the email services, and access the notes faster through the PowerPoint lecture notes presentations. Other respondents also noted that they were motivated to use the ICT technology, because it created lasting experiences through the interaction they had with the knowledge. A number teacher response also indicated that they got motivated into the technology for its convenience. They reported that the process of planning and execution of instructions easy with ICT technologies, such as the slide technology, which made it easy to prepare for class lectures. On the strategies, they saw in schools, which support teaching and learning with ICT, there were varied responses. However, most of the respondents indicated the development of web based form of research in their libraries, purchase of projectors, and development of communication mediums, which were used to facilitate the spread of information from the teachers to and from the learners. The development of web based research options in the libraries allowed the students to use the computers to access the desired data and information. The purchase of projector machines allowed the teachers in the schools to employ the slide technology in giving instruction. The development of communication mediums, such as, class emails and websites also played a significant part in developing a conducive school atmosphere where the technology would be used. A good fraction of the participants agreed that their schools had to embrace a number of changes to accommodate ICT as an instructional mode, with potential to improve the experiences in teaching and learning. Most of the respondents indicated that their schools develop new instructional policies, which allowed the use of ICT in the process of teaching and learning. In addition, the respondents also indicated that ICT was being incorporated into the various schooling levels in Australia, stating that this had implications on the need for learners to learn to interact with the ICT tools. They argued that not understanding how to use the ICT at a lower level would make it difficult for one to use it at a higher level. They however, appraised the consistency of the system, defending that it promotes better learning outcomes. Most of the respondents agreed that the use of ICT in teaching and learning affected students’ learning process. In this regard, most of the teacher responses asserted that after their schools embraced ICT in the processes of teaching and learning, the learning process has been effective. Most of the teachers indicated that they were able to complete the curriculum per term in time. They indicated that the ICT technologies brought efficiency in time and delivery of the learning content to the learner. The responses from the students also pointed out their favor for the technology, for its convenience. Various teacher responses also indicated ICT as a motivator of learning among the students. In this regard, they stated that most of their students increasingly got motivated and engaged in the learning process than before. Most of the students loved solving problems, which involved the application of ICT. In this regard, ICT played a significant role not just as a tool in the process of teaching and learning, but as an environment, that boosts the teaching and learning process. In other words, the ICT technology acted as a tool of learning, and as it did this, it changed the environment of learning. Most of the student responses confirmed this. Most students acknowledged that the introduction of ICT technologies in the process of teaching and learning positively changed the teaching and learning experience. They admitted that they were more attracted to the teaching and learning process than before, after the introduction of the ICT technology in the process. In addition, most of the responses on whether there is sufficient educational leadership support towards information and communication technologies (ICT) in Australian schools, tested positive. Most of the respondents agreed that Australian schools are embracing the ICT technology with fast speed. Most respondents asserted that the role of the educationist in Australia towards the development of ICT in Australian schools is immense. Finally, most respondents of this study agreed that learning outcomes of the students and the use of ICT skills in the process of teaching and learning is a direct relationship. In this regard, they confessed that the introduction of ICT technologies in their schools has been accompanied by increased academic performance of the students. Most of the students increased their grade, thus it is a technology worth bring fully embraced in the educational field. 4.0 Discussion The findings make evident the direct relationship that exists between the use of ICT technology in the process of teaching and learning, with the learning outcomes. There are a number of features of the ICT technology, which makes it boost learning outcomes. These features make ICT an important tool of teaching and learning. They make the teaching and learning process, which use ICT more attractive and interesting to the students. The first feature is that ICT technology used in teaching and learning is embedded across the curriculum. This means that its use is not limited to a particular subject of study. The learners and teachers in the different field can use it in the teaching and learning. This creates consistency in the teaching and learning process, which ultimately increases efficiency of the whole process. Consistency encourages the continual use of the technology in giving instructions, and in carrying out other roles, such as, academic research (Moyle, 2006). Secondly, ICT technology in the teaching and learning in Australian schools encourages Learning to learn (L2L). The L2L mode of learning is a powerful tool in increasing efficiency the teaching and learning process. This is because it allows the learners to learn beyond the teacher expectations. In this regard, it will involve the learners learning new concepts, as they go through the learning experiences they have. This feature of the ICT technology has made the technology preferable in carrying out core learning activities, such as, conducting research (Janet Mei-Chuen, 2008). In addition, ICT technology in education fosters inquiry-based learning. ICT tools, such as the use of slides in teaching, allow the teacher content be structured in order. This helps the students to follow up on the teacher, and the student is encouraged to make an inquiry on the areas, which are not well understood. Inquiry-based learning plays a significant role in improving the learning outcomes. This is by allowing the learners to capture with the gaps of learning, as well as, to flow with the pace of the teachers. The learners also have other avenues they can make inquiries apart from the teacher, such as, the internet (Moyle, 2006). The other feature of the ICT, which makes it pivotal in improving the learning outcomes, is the problem-solving approaches that it encourages. Indeed, the ICT tools of learning allow the student to take up an active role in solving a number of problems they encounter. There are various problem-solving approaches, which are advanced by ICT learning technologies. In this regard, the use of these approaches helps the learners to adequately, comprehend the learning content. This ultimately leads to improved learning outcomes. The ICT technology also encompasses authentic tasks being performed. For instance, the learners may be able to conduct various computational tasks through the computer worksheets and related programs. This develops the skills of the learner, in addition to making the learning process more efficient. The student’s skill in the integration of technologies into developing solutions to computational tasks is also developed. Finally, ICT technologies in teaching and learning enable the learners to learn much about the perspectives and cultures of other learners beyond their neighborhood. Learning has no end for every time is learning time. In this regard, the use of ICT technologies, such as, the internet opens up the minds of the learners to the views of others. It enables the students to learn the cultures in other communities. It opens up the mind or the learner to new possibilities in the areas of research. All these plays a critical role towards the development of the learning process, thus improves the learning outcomes (Tondeur, Braak & Valcke, 2007). The findings of the research conducted made clear that ICT technologies are significant in the process of teaching and learning. However, there a number of things, which research has proven as important for schools to realize the full benefits of ICT. Giulieri (2005) advances that for Australian schools to realize the full benefits of ICT, there e need for the school administrators and teachers to adopt effective methods in the use and management of ICT learning resources. Giulieri (2005) emphasizes that in developing the use of ICT in schools, there is need for a broader view of ICT from just the availability of the infrastructure to the use and management of the ICT to yield the desired learning outcomes (Giulieri, 2005). Giulieri (2005) suggests a number of elements that schools need to embrace that will promote proper use and management of ICT technologies in schools. The first element that teachers need to address is creating an enabling environment for teaching and learning. In this regard, ICT is a tool that boosts the learning experience, but it needs an enabling environment for teaching and learning. The role of the teachers is to ensure that the environment for learning is conducive for learning. This creates a good platform for embracing ICT tools in the learning process (Giulieri, 2005). Secondly, the Australian schools also need to get committed to supporting the professional learning of teachers, and subordinate staff on ICT technologies and its use. Effectiveness in the use and management of ICT resources in schools will not only depend on the availability of the resources, but also on the skills and competencies that the teachers and staff would have on ICT technologies. The third thing of importance is the need to improve the administrative processes of the schools. In this regard, the schools will even do better when ICT technologies are not only applied in the academia field, but are also applied in the administrative areas of teaching and learning. Finally, there is need for schools to support effective information management, as it interacts with the ICT technology of teaching and learning (Cox & Marshall, 2007). Educational technology plays a significant role towards improved learning outcomes. They schools should make use of the opportunities that come with ICT technology in the teaching and learning process (Lin, 2008). For instance, the Australian schools should use ICT to extend and differentiate the learning opportunities offered for learning. The school leadership should also develop the ICT vision, which would offer support to the implementation of the technology in the different areas of learning. In addition, the schools need to invest on professional learning. This will play a critical role towards the integration of ICT into the pedagogy and curriculum (Plomp Pelgrum & Law, 2007). Conclusion This research report has studied the increased use of ICT technology in many Australian schools. The research has analyzed the implication of education leadership support for use of ICT technology, as well as, the impact of this technology on learning outcomes. The findings of the report are that ICT technologies play a significant role in improving the value of teaching and learning. The report has also indicated that use of ICT technologies in the schools, which have embraced the technology leads to improved learning outcomes. References Australian Education Council (2005). Australia's Common and Agreed Goals for Schooling in the Twenty-first Century: Review of the 1989 Common and Agreed Goals for Schooling in Australia (The 'Hobart Declaration'). Chandra, V, & Lloyd, M. (2008). 'The methodological nettle: ICT and student achievement', British Journal Of Educational Technology, vol. 39, iss. 6, pp. 1087-1098. Cox, M, & Marshall, G (2007). 'Effects of ICT: Do we know what we should know?', Education & Information Technologies, 12, 2, pp. 59-70. Education Network Australia (EdNA) (2000). Learning in an online world. School education action plan for the information economy, Giulieri, M (2005). 12 years of ICT and change in school? What we have learned! NAVCOM, Victoria Australia Janet Mei-Chuen, L. (2008). ICT education: To integrate or not to integrate?, British Journal of Educational Technology, vol . 39, Issue 6, pp. 1121–1123. Lin, J. (2008). 'ICT education: To integrate or not to integrate?', British Journal Of Educational Technology, 39, 6, pp. 1121-1123. Moyle, K. (2006). “LEADERSHIP AND LEARNING WITH ICT, Voices from the profession”, Australian institution for teaching and school leadership, viewed 23 September 2012. Plomp, T, Pelgrum, W, & Law, N. (2007). “SITES2006–International comparative survey of pedagogical practices and ICT in education', Education& Information Technologies”, Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 83-92 Tondeur, J.; Braak , J. ; Valcke, M. (2007). Curricula and the use of ICT in education: Two worlds apart? British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 38, Issue 6, pp. 962–976. Read More


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