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Physical, Emotional, and Social Changes In the Young Adolescent Learner - Essay Example

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According to Breguet (2007), cyber-bullying is a forceful, deliberate act or conduct that is done by a group or an individual over and again and after some time against a casualty who cant without much of a stretch protect him or herself. Cyber-bullying is the aggregate name…
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Physical, Emotional, and Social Changes In the Young Adolescent Learner
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Cyber-bullying is rampant among adolescent youth aged between 11 – 15 years, who bully their age mates mostly through instant messaging, social networks or short message services This is where adolescent youth use online platforms to threaten their peers and make them feel humiliated. Most of the time the receiver of this message will feel terrified and their ability to concentrate will be affected. Naughty adolescent youth steal the password of others and wrongfully log in to their accounts to post information or pictures that are embarrassing, tainting the image of the account owner.

When this happens in a restricted platform, the owner of the account ends up being punished for things they did not do. The casualty is threatened of physical harm by the perpetrator. Since mostly the perpetrator’s identity is hidden, the casualty anticipates being hurt every time they are alone making them live with fear. The students, parents and teachers of middle school need to be involved in ending this wrongful behavior, protect the victims and reduce the effects. According to Kowalski, Limber & Agatston (2012) parents need to create an environment that is free and open to enable their children to openly air out the challenges they are facing.

By so doing, a student who is bullied will be able to share out the negative experiences. Over reacting will make the student avoid opening up, thus the need for the parent to react moderately and take serious precaution to curb the practice by contacting the school so as to ensure the student is safe at all time. By monitoring the child, the parent can be able to identify the emotional needs of the child and provide them emotional support. Such matters should also be reported to agencies of law enforcement The teachers need to be well informed of the forms of cyber-bullying and its consequences on the student’s performance.

Regular counseling sessions will help reduce the instances of bullying in the institution.

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