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Volunteering Learning Diary - Essay Example

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The paper "Volunteering Learning Diary" states that the author will be more careful hewn handling learners from different social and cultural. These are factors affecting behaviour and communication among learners and as a teacher, a person needs to be more proactive and culturally competent…
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Volunteering Learning Diary
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A significant incident during my volunteering was a conversation with a child about her academic performance. The child informed me one of her biggest problems was parental neglect which was causing her a lot of stress and affecting her performance in school2.Reflection and analysis of the specific incident (what are your feelings and thoughts about the incident/activity?)The incident invoked my thoughts about the factors affecting not only the performance as well as the social and emotional welfare of that particular child but many others.

As teachers, we are called upon to look at our students from broader perspectives of family, social and cultural backgrounds to positively influence and turn around their situations. 3.Generalised analysis and learning - moving away from the specific example, what did this raise about how the volunteering practice and theory relate to each other more generally (e.g. did a conversation raise any issues about the methods used by the agency? or about working professionally? or did the meeting or activity raise issues about policy or systems or procedures?)The conversation really made me understand the importance of volunteering practice as a bridge between theoretical work and practice.

The school encourages teachers to be very close to the unique needs of students. The teachers are expected to act on the student’s needs in manners that motivate and encourage renewed energy. This was one case that invoked me to place myself as the teacher in the shoes of the student in the Oder to understand her predicament and act practically appropriately.

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