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Advocacy Project - Assignment Example

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Advocacy Project
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Due to the fact that an increasingly technological society does not perform nearly as much physical labor as was required in the recent past, coupled with the fact that diets have not kept pace with the changes to human behavior and activity, has instigated a situation by which both children and adults are becoming increasingly overweight; oftentimes obese (a means of measurement to define 20% or more over ideal body mass). Whereas current average obesity rate is approximately 32% within the United States, New Jersey experiences a childhood obesity rate in excess of 39% (Gollust et al., 2013). This creates a systemic issue not only due to the fact that it is a precipitously higher level of obesity than the national average but due to the fact that such a high rate of childhood/adolescent obesity impacts negatively on the current and future health that these individuals can necessarily expect.

As such, the purpose of this analysis will be to engage the listener with an understanding of the fact that action is required with regards to the epidemic of obesity; action that can ultimately help the current generation to enjoy a more healthy and active life than they might otherwise (Fletcher, 2014). Recent scholarship has indicated that the situation regarding childhood obesity, in the United States, is reaching and alarming level. Scholars have indicated that roughly one in three children currently living within the United States can be considered obese.

The obvious problem that exists with regards to this is not necessarily due to the fact that these children are merely obese; rather, the problem that exists is due to the fact that children who suffer from obesity facing exponentially higher risk of developing any number of other diseases (Rabbit & Coye, 2013). These can include but are not limited to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and many others (Anderson et al., 2012). Moreover, the issue with childhood obesity, as is

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