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Charity Organisation in the United Kingdom - Essay Example

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The paper "Charity Organisation in the United Kingdom" discusses that the Tree Council is the umbrella body for UK organisations that conduct tree-planting activities. It was established in 1974 to sustain the National Tree Planting Year in 1973. It organises National Tree Week…
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Charity Organisation in the United Kingdom
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?Planning an Effective Strategic Event: Tree Planting with Celebrities Executive Summary Event organisers are increasingly seeking for many ways to amuse, entertain, and deliver more than the expectations to their clients as well as participants. Many forms of events have evolved to become tradition, while the rest become obligatory ceremonies participated in only by government agencies and their staffs, and have reduced their importance to the masses. Unless the presence of celebrities is ensured, it was not easy to predict the success of any event. This event is a tree-planting venture less the obligatory photo-opportunity for government officials or their favoured election candidates by the Tree Council. It will enlist the participation of thousands to educate as well as motivate to engage in tree-planting. Celebrities will also be involved in the process and will round the reforestation area where the participants will plant trees. Aside from the incomes from participants, the event will also raise funds for the sustenance of the planted seedlings to ensure survival, as well as fund other environment campaigns to follow so that ticket sales will be maximised even for those who will not be able to attend. It will apply the AIDA theory to develop and market the event. Introduction Increasingly, organisations need to find creative ways to build their business or cause, enhance stakeholder and customer relationships, and get their key messages across in order to drive growth and success. Events of all kinds nowadays are considered important and influential components in an organisation’s strategy, to help it meet key objectives. An organisation will examine its image, ethos and internal/external environments in order to use events effectively, and so must ensure it develops an effective policy and planning framework within which events will be developed and operated to achieve stated and specific strategic objectives. Charity Organisation in the United Kingdom The Tree Council is the umbrella body for UK organisations that conduct tree-planting activities. It was established in 1974 to sustain the National Tree Planting Year in 1973. It organises the National Tree Week which is part of the winter planting festival. Some of their campaigns include the Tree Care Campaign, Walk in the Woods, and Seed Gathering Season. It was registered as a charity by 1978. It holds events across the UK annually with the objective to maximise involvement in planting, caring, and enjoying trees and woods. It has 8,000 Tree Wardens across the UK organising volunteerism, community activities, fund raising, advise, and research on trees. Their campaigns include the Tree Care Campaign that ensures survival of young trees as well as Hedge Tree campaign that promotes the Biodiversity Action Plan of the UK government (The Tree Council, 2011). The Event: The event is a tree-planting reality, live show in an area identified for reforestation. It will involve celebrities and high-profile government officials to conduct tree-planting demonstration prior to mass participation of which various tree-seedling types will be ready for every participant to plant. A performance by the guest celebrities will cap the event (Brown and Isaacs, 2005). Event Design and Details: Seedling trees and planting tools and equipment will be purchased as package to participating department stores, shops, and other retailers in the form of a purchased ticket. All the materials will become available at the designated reforestation area on the day of the tree-planting event. The event will teach all participants /ticket buyers how to plant seedling trees properly in order for them to engage in the activity in their personal time at their personal space. It will also teach them the importance of trees and how they can actively contribute to the improvement of the current state of the earth’s natural environment. The event will involve celebrities and high-profile personalities as demonstrators (Ducate et al, 2001). Prior to the event, a team of tree-planting experts will teach the celebrities the proper methods of planting seedling trees in order for them to become “experts” during the demonstration/event itself. The event will be broadcast over a widescreen in order for all event attendees and participants to view the proper methods of tree-planting. It will also provide expert tips and advice in the process in order to educate the attendees about tree-planting and ensuring that the seedlings will survive and grow as full-pledged trees. After the celebrity demonstrations, all participants will take their own pack and seedling to conduct the tree-planting, but another live demonstration of a celebrity broadcast over a widescreen will guide them throughout the process. Aim and Objectives: 1. The main aim of the event is to raise funds for environment sustainability project for the Tree Council. 2. Demonstrating actual tree planting and engaging participants to a tree-planting project will educate them about the advantages of trees and their role in planting, and encourage them to actively pursue the activity. 3. Another is to engage participants to conduct their own tree planting projects with confidence, and devotion. 4. Promote tree-planting as a fun and fulfilling activity and hobby. Stakeholders of the event The key stakeholders of the event aside from the Tree Council are proponents of environment causes, organisations that promote environment development. But if one were to be honest and sincere about it, all individuals with a sense of responsibility are stakeholders of an event that promotes environment development and consciousness. It is therefore conclusive that everybody should be a stakeholder in this instance. This event will be similar to a fund-raising fun-run, or marathon that makes participants pay in order to run for their own health improvement or good. This time around, participants will pay to engage in tree-planting activity. Instead of limiting to improvement of health through exercise, additional benefits will be done for humanity and the environment by planting trees. Risk assessment of the event The Strength of the event will be on the presence of celebrity endorsers or promoters who will participate in the event. Its novelty – providing a reality show-type tree-planting activity – will encourage curiosity and participation among target audiences. Target audience is wide – children to adults who need to be properly educated in a popular manner about tree-planting. This event has not been done as a fund-raising before. Fund-raising has always involved other means, and tree-planting activities have always been regarded as ceremonial – conducted by high government officials in photo op (photo opportunity for publicity) manner of which actual planting will be delegated to paid government employees, usually form the utility or sanitary departments of local government agencies and their equivalent (Hall, 1992). This practise has made the activity devalued, trivial, and relegated to a less-fulfilling task which could have been as enjoyable and marketable as any gardening activity (Raj and Musgrave, 2009). It seemed only individuals and groups who have the affinity to garden or cultivate plants were the ones engaged in tree-planting. Through the strength of educating and properly providing guided process to participants, the event will hopefully be a success. The event is a novelty, although which time should have come long ago. Weakness –The logistics is one of the main challenges of conducting such event. Where is the most conducive location to conduct a massive tree-planting activity? Transport of seedlings and equipment is also another challenge although engagement of major industries, such as freight and forwarding will definitely turn the weakness into strength. Engaging celebrities and the multitude of constituents to a tree-planting activity is also another challenge for organisers. Tree-planting is messy and a difficult task for beginners. How to make them even be interested is a key challenge. Opportunities – All the challenges provided in the weakness section can be overcome by turning these into opportunities. By engaging the support of government agencies tasked at environment preservation, conservation, protection, and development, the Tree Council will make the event workable, practical, and successful. In addition, as mentioned earlier, major industries should also be tapped: the freight and forwarding organisations for transport, media organisations for information dissemination and promotion, retailers for engagement of popular participation, celebrities to attract participants, and many others. This will be a great opportunity to educate and involve the masses to actively protect and help improve the natural environment. Threat – Government agencies are always difficult to deal with especially for novel ideas. New and untested ones like the proposed activity will definitely take time and attract unnecessary bureaucratic criticism, scrutiny, and even suspicions. Another threat to the idea is themselves stakeholders who have vested interests – such as government contractors for reforestation or related services. They will serve as a threat to thwart proposals that will undermine their capability as well as source of income. Together with their insider connection in government offices, they will do all necessary actions in order for the event not to push through. Venue selection and justification The event will take place in an area where natural environment regeneration or rehabilitation is very much needed. This may be a deforested area, a previous mining site that needs to be rehabilitated or other areas that may be available. It may be a private or government property. It should accommodate at least a few thousand seedling trees for planting, and have a cleared area for the audience-participants during the demonstration process. The justification is obvious. The venue should be the reforestation / rehabilitation area itself in order to engage actual experience as much as rappelling or mountain-climbing. This will minimise transport and other costs as well as logistics challenges. Staffing and management structure The Organiser is on top of the chart. He will consider everything that will work towards the achievement of goals. Since the celebrities are still the main performers in a different manner, the organisers should see to it that proper education and training about tree-planting is given to the celebrities or high profile. An expert should guide and train the celebrities how to plant properly to ensure survival of the seedling tree. The organiser will work with his staff who will be assigned their own tasks as follows: Event Staff– Will ensure that all of the celebrities, guests, and attendees are well-informed, prepared, and properly coordinated with. He or she will ensure that the event programme will be followed in a manner that will sustain interest of the audience and participants. Marketing Staff – Will communicate with Sponsors for tie-up, financial, and other support. He or she will contact and establish cooperation with government agencies, major industries, retailers, as well as local organisations to promote, sell, as well as ink joint-venture with the project-event. He or she will be engaged in all major aspects of support from the public and private sectors. Logistics Staff – will be charged with venue inspection, transport and delivery, security, and all physical matters with regards to the event. He will see to it that the audience-participants, staff and celebrities, guests, sponsors and vendors will have their properly assigned space and needs provided. He will also see to it that all materials needed for the demonstration like an elevated stage, widescreen, technical support, sound and lighting system, and others are in place. He will also ensure that proper waste disposal, comfort rooms, and water system are in place where they are needed and required. He is also above the proper clean-up and after-event inspection of the venue. Security, Utility, Production, and others. They will provide support during the event at the venue. Many are contract workers/staff who work with agencies. They are usually well-trained but since the event is something that have not been done before, the Event staff will make sure they are properly briefed of what to do, expect, as well as deal with on-venue issues and problems (Pitt, Parent, Berthon and Steyn, 2010). Legislation impacting on the event of the event There had been several legislations that deal with conservation, protection, and improvement of the natural environment. Consequently, there are also public and private areas declared for rehabilitation or reforestation. The various legislations supporting the impact of the event are: the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (WCA), the Environmental Impact Assessment (England and Wales) Regulations 1999, the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 (NERC), and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (Plymouth City Council, 2011). Target audience and numbers attending of the event A few thousand, like 5,000 or less is the ideal target audience. Where supporters may not be able to present themselves during the event, those who are present may proxy to plant one or more seedling trees on their behalf. This information will be included in the information dissemination and promotional campaign. During the ticket-selling, it will be promoted to require participant to indicate actual attendance or proxy-planting in order to control the audience or crowd. The tree-planting will require a big space unlike a stadium or open-space venues that hold thousands of audience due to the need to disperse as well as locate the proper space for tree-planting. It is therefore important to control confirmed attendees so that by the time a number has been reached such as 5,000, all succeeding ticket buyers will be properly informed that accommodation has been filled and that their participation will be proxy. Marketing and Promotion plans of the event The first step in the event is to ensure who will be the celebrity participants to demonstrate tree-planting and cultivation advice. The confirmed presence of the celebrity will provide a big impact on all communication materials as well as spark interest on prospective agencies and industry sponsors. By enlisting celebrities like Bono of U2, or Robert Smith of the Cure, or even power celebrity couples Victoria and David Beckham, or even Stella McCartney, the event will ensure attendance, and therefore, industry support (McDonnel, Allen and O’Toole, 1999). From this point onwards, the Organiser may proceed to sending proposals to government agencies and even the private sector with rehabilitation or reforestation areas under their care. The project proposal details all needed support from the agency or organisation as well as the participation of the Organisers in said project. When confirmed, it will become a Mutual Agreement or Joint Project of which parties will sign indicating their contribution (Hall, 1992) to the said project. The areas of concern under this will be the area for reforestation, agency to provide for seedling trees, as well as agency to ensure that water, organic fertilisers, and others needed for the tree-planting will be provided for. From this point, the Organisers will then proceed to seek cooperation with transport, freight and forwarding organisations or firms to ensure that the materials will be properly transported or delivered in the venue. In addition, portalets, water or electricity systems must also be coordinated at this stage. After the establishment of transport, the Organisers will then proceed to seek media and retailer support (Wood, 2004). The media partners will provide for extensive dissemination and promotional campaign for the said event. The retailers will provide for ticket outlets. Internet ticket selling will also be used to maximise sales and support. The communication and promotional materials will contain the aims and objectives of the event. However, it will highlight the participation of celebrities as well as the environmental advantages the buyers and participants will contribute (Langlois, 2003). It will also inform the audience about tree-planting and its many advantages for the welfare of humanity. The event will employ the AIDA marketing theory. AIDA is often referred to as Attention or awareness of customer with regards to an event; I meant interest which focus is on the advantages or benefits of the event; D is desire through building up on the belief that the event will satisfy their needs; A is for actions of customer to support the event (Ferrell and Hartline, 2005). Use of the celebrities as well as a popular global issue will ensure to sustain the AIDA campaign. Budget breakdown Tickets will be at ?50 each and will include tree-seedling, an area for planting, planting tools, fertiliser, and actual tree-planting demonstration by celebrities. Since the event is a multi-pronged, environmental advocacy project, it will minimise expenditures as much as possible. It will target a participation of 4,000 (present participants) and at least 20,000 to sign up support. Actual seedling trees to be planted will be about 7,000. All others will be used for expenditures and the remaining will be budgeted to cultivate and sustain the survival of the planted trees, and for the promotion of subsequent tree-planting promotional activities in various localities. Maximum targeted ticket sales will be ?1,000,000. The Budget Plan is as follows: Activity Source of Fund Duration Expected Cost Enlisting of Celebrities through formal invitations, actual visit, and follow-up. Organisers 1-2 months ?200 Enlisting cooperation with various government agencies through formal invitations, actual visit, and follow-up. Organisers 1-4 months ?500 Signing up sponsors and mutual agreements. Organisers 1 – 2 months ?200 Advertising and Promotional Campaigns Organisers, Sponsors & Media Partners 2 months ?2,000 Venue planning for tree-planting, sourcing of tree-seedlings, fertilisers, water system, and planting tools Government Sponsors and Private Sector Sponsors 3 months ?3,000 Certificate and Tokens of Appreciation for Guests Sponsors 1 week ?500 Transportation of Guests, supplies, equipment, etc. Sponsors 1 week ?2,000 Food and other requirements for guests Sponsors 1 week ?800 Other operational expenses & Salaries Organisers 24 months ?34000 Maintenance & Cultivation of Planted Trees Government Agency 1 year ?3000 TOTAL ?46,200.00 Programme Outline: 1. Opening Ceremonies Municipal Mayor of Reforestation Area 2. Briefing for participant areas for planting 3. Tree-Planting Demonstration Bono, Robert Smith, Victoria & David Beckham 4. Expert Advice to Ensure Survival Bono, Robert Smith, Victoria & David Beckham 5. Actual Tree-Planting for Participants Guided by the agency experts 6. Break time (Participants may seek their food, snack or refreshment from sponsor vendors in the area. The celebrities, staff and guests will be provided for by a caterer). 7. Entertainment Live Performances from Bono, Robert Smith and Guest Band 8. Closing Remarks Environment Agency Head / representative Evaluation against the event’s SMART objectives and how you would plan the evaluation process(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) Evaluation Specific – the objectives of the event is to plant trees, engage individuals to tree-planting, and fund other same projects by the organisation. Measurable – the target maximum participants to the tree-planting is five thousand individuals as maximum, ideal at four thousand, and sales of twenty-thousand tickets. The reforestation area for the tree-planting is also measurable and specific at about 2 metres distance of 7,000 seedlings. Achievable – Tree-planting as a paid activity for learning and actual engagement is considered rare, but achievable. Many sectors harp about protecting the environment, recycling, and even carbon trading but so few are actually engaged in tree-planting which is considered the most effective means of any individual activity to help preserve and improve the natural environment. Realistic – Tree-planting poses no immediate danger, nor physically demanding as some other paid, leisure activities such as bungee jumping, sky diving, mountaineering, wall-climbing, and other strenuous activities. Likewise, it is also relaxing and addictive, prone to becoming a hobby. This makes it realistic. Time-bound - The Event itself will take about one year to plan and another year to ensure the planted trees will survive. The Gantt Chart (Appendix A) illustrates the activities to be conducted and their estimated date of accomplishment. Reference: Brown, J., & Isaacs, D. 2005. The world cafe shaping our futures through conversations that matter. San Francisco: Berett-Koehler Ducatel, K., Bogdanowicz, M., Scapolo, F., Leijten, J., & Burgelman, J. C. 2001. Scenarios for ambient intelligence. The Luxembourg: European Commission. Ferrell, O.C. and Hartline, Michael (2005). Marketing Strategy. Thomson South-Western. Hall, Colin Michael. 1992. Hallmark Tourist Events: Impacts, Management and Planning. Belhaven Press. Langlois, R. 2003. The vanishing hand: the changing dynamics of industrial capitalism. Industrial and Corporate Change, 12(2), 351–385. McDonnell, Ian, Johnny Allen, and William O’Toole. 1992. Festival and Special Event Management. Wiley. Pitt, Leyland, Michael Parent, Pierre Berthon, and Peter Steyn. 2010. Event sponsorship and ambush marketing: Lessons from the Beijing Olympics. Business Horizons 53, 281-290. Plymouth City Council. 2011. UK Legislation. Accessed May from Raj, Razak and James Musgrave. Event Management and Sustainability. CABI. The Tree Council. 2011. About Us. Accessed May from Wood, Emma. 2004. Marketing information for the events industry. Festival and Events Management, Pages 130-157. Appendix: Event Gantt Chart Activity 1st-2nd months 3rd-4th 5th-6th 7th-8th 9th-10th 11th-12th + 1 year Enlisting of Celebrities through formal invitations, actual visit, and follow-up. Enlisting cooperation with various government agencies through formal invitations, actual visit, and follow-up. Signing up sponsors and mutual agreements. Advertising and Promotional Campaigns Venue planning for tree-planting, sourcing of tree-seedlings, fertilisers, water system, and planting tools Certificate and Tokens of Appreciation for Guests 1 week Transportation of Guests, supplies, equipment, etc. Food and other requirements for guests 1 week Other operational expenses Maintenance & Cultivation of Planted Trees Read More
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