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Education and Learning - Literature review Example

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The paper "Education and Learning" suggests that the need for education and learning among human beings is considered necessary. The same helps attain the necessary skills and qualifications needed for employment and sustenance of a favourable lifestyle…
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Education and Learning
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Learning: An analysis of Social Constructivist learning and Social Cognitive Theory Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction – Education and Learning 2 Theories of Learning 3 Social Cognitive Theory of Learning 3 Merits of the learning system 5 Challenges of the learning system 6 Merits of the learning system 7 Challenges of the learning system 7 Bibliography 9 Journal References 10 Website References 11 Introduction – Education and Learning The need for education and learning among human beings is considered to be a necessity for human beings. The same helps in the attainment of the necessary skills and qualifications needed for employment and sustenance of a favourable lifestyle (Dilber et al. 2009). However, the main question that arises is the fact that is it highly essential to restrict the learning and development of a child according to specific norms of learning and development systems? Also, is it justified to withhold an individual to be able to adopt a learning and educational style that is more suited to the characteristic of attributes of the individual (Watson et al. 2006). These aspects are believed to have led to the formation of different theories related to learning and education. The main aim of this academic presentation is to be able to study and discuss two main theories related to learning and education – social constructivist theory of learning and the social cognitive theory. The analysis and evaluation of the same are believed to lead to the establishment of different important outcomes that can serve as a key reflection in the planning and development of learning and education structures. This makes it necessary to throw light on the same. Theories of Learning Social Cognitive Theory of Learning The Social Cognitive theory of learning had been suggested by Bandura (1986). It is based on the principle and ideology that a particular learning system is considered to be effective and efficient when the same encourages the learners or individuals who are part of the learning system to be abreast of the action of others. The theory in itself suggests that the behaviour of human beings is largely influenced by the behaviour of others. The most significant observation in this case of learning is the development of a kind of imitation of the actions and behaviour of role models in the learning system (Rafferty, 2009). Vygotsky (1962) stated that human beings are highly socially dependent individuals and the experiences and learning which forms an integral part of the human existence in the world. These are best derived when the same are achieved through various exercises and endeavours that require the effective teamwork and involvement of human beings in groups (Cobb, 2006). The same is believed to increase the participative learning of the individuals. As they are not only able to contribute effectively to the entire learning process by presentation and application of their inherent knowledge and experiences, but are also able to enhance the same aspect among others (McInerney and McInerney, 2009). There is actually a very thin line of imitation of the actions of the individual set as a role model by the ones, which inadvertently become the followers of these role models (Denny and Duffy, 2008). The fraternity is able to derive the benefits through the production of more successful students and are also able to establish a norm prevailing within the institutions which seek to identify the performers as model examples. However, like in the case of the social constructive theory of learning, this particular theory of learning is also characterised by the presence of benefits and challenges. The characteristic feature of this learning system is the fact that it involves presentation of role models in a school learning scenario and the main kinds of role models are as under: 1) Academic performers of the school who are presented as role models. 2) Students having exceptional performance levels in athletics and sports. 3) Students who have a good track record of participating and excelling in co-curricular activities and events both at an inter school and intra-school level. An important aspect that needs to be highlighted at the very onset of the discussion about the various theories and ideologies related to the learning process is the fact that the learning in an individual is supposed to enhance his understanding of the different factors. The same encompass human existence, in order to prepare the individual to face the future (Daniels, 2007). The main necessity that is related to learning is the fact that it enables an individual to be able to develop the knowledge in the initial stages of life. The subsequent application to everyday existence will help the person to be able to address the challenges and issues presented by different factors prevailing in the environment with greater confidence and ability. Vygotsky’s social constructive learning theory is the one which has been considered to be most appropriate in this academic discussion. It is based on the fact that this particular of learning is especially useful for the provision of education to young individuals, particularly young adults and adolescents. A student is more likely to participate in learning and education systems that involve the participation of other students (Wertsch, 2007). Not only is this due to the increase in the interaction among the students, but the same is also because of the fact that the participation in educational and learning activities as part of a group is also believed to increase the student’s ability to interact and contribute in a more effective manner. Education is an important part of the development of the knowledge process whereby an individual is basically imparted the different ideas and theories related to a diverse range of aspects. The same have been developed by academicians over the years, and have been subsequently presented in the form of academic theories and concepts (Duckworth, 2006). The norm of education requires a child or a learner to get accustomed to a particular set of predetermined norms which are supposed to be the same for every learner, especially at the earlier stages of one’s life. This ideology itself has led to the selection of two particular theories of learning and education that is common in application and practice in almost all learning systems. These are the social constructivist theory of learning and the social cognitive theory of learning (Boggs, 2008). Merits of the learning system The perceived merits of the Social constructive learning theory are believed to be particularly relevant for the educational and learning systems which incorporate a lot of group activity for the students. One of the main perceived advantages that are believed to be associated with this is that it enables the learner to develop the skills and qualities that are required to be developed to contribute to the personal development of the learner in the professional world as well. The interaction with different group of students and teams are believed to enhance the skills of teamwork and conflict resolution among the students form a very early stage (Hilbert and Wrenkle, 2007). The learning system involves participating in educational objectives as a group. This enables each and every participating member to be able to analyse the viewpoint of the others with those of his and the perceived idea and knowledge about the subject material (Clark and Elen, 2006). Another important advantage is that the application of the social constructivist theory of learning in educational and developmental process enables individuals to be able to learn the skills of delegation and accountability from an early stage in life. The same becomes a competence when later in the professional world, when the individual is required to solve professional challenges through team work and consensus development. It leads to the rendering of the individual as a more successful and competent human resource to the organisation (Clark and Elen, 2006). At the same time it is believed that the application of the theory enables a learner to have a more balanced outlook to life as he is able to learn the difference of a social circle and an acquaintance circle from an early stage. Challenges of the learning system The perceived challenges that are related to this mode of a learning system are it becomes very difficult for the evaluators to assess the development of the students. As generally in such cases at a school level, the same involves group participation which often results in the limitations or weaknesses of an individual student being concealed under the collective success of the group effort. Instances may occur whereby the assessment of the students in groups might lead to the fact that one among the entire group has not been able to develop his competencies to a level of that of his peers. The same often remains un-noticed by the mentor when the collective efforts of the students lead to a very positive and remarkable presentation (Meyer, 2009). Social cognitive theory is perceived to be associated with the aspect of development of the competency of the students in schools. The application of the same in the development of the learning system is associated with increasing the competitive abilities of the students, which may or may not necessarily lead to sustainable development. Schools are the primary medium of imparting education to students. The development of an educational system is hence considered to be highly important. The other important aspect that has been highlighted as a limitation to this process is that often young students become dependent on finding solutions to problems as part of a group. Individually, the same student might find it difficult to adjust to a professional scenario that involves the completion of certain projects all by him. The reason behind this is the fact that the student in such cases is unable to quickly devise solutions whereby his own individual efforts will lead to the generation of solutions and outcomes to challenges. The relevance of this fact is established as not in all cases and professions do an employee or individual get the opportunity to be involved in team work or group activity. Individual efforts are needed for the completion of job responsibilities that has been allocated to him (Tobias and Duffy, 2009). Merits of the learning system The perceived advantage of this theory of learning is that the same is closely associated with common human psychology. It influences the behaviour of individuals to closely monitor the action and methods of learning of the successful individuals in the society and be able to adopt the same in own pursuits of learning and development. If a student considers the actions and mode of learning of a successful student to be more appropriate in the educational system, chances are automatically enhanced that the individual will be self-motivated in developing own learning habits and competencies. As he expects that someday even he would be able to achieve the same level of competence demonstrated by the role model (Bullock and Merrill, 2007). It is believed to save the educators and mentors of colleges and universities the humungous task of constantly monitoring the performance of the students of the colleges and universities. The other perceived benefit of the same is that it enables the leadership or the fraternity of a particular learning or educational institution to be able to establish a culture and habit of learning which is characterised by the prevalence of self-motivation among the students. As most of the students would engage themselves in developmental activities that will supposedly increase the proximity of the same to the role model in terms of results or outputs. Challenges of the learning system Though the particular learning theory is often considered to be more appropriate to be applied in the learning and educational systems of the different institutes and universities, there are significant drawbacks that need to be highlighted. The first among them being the fact that the mere imitation of the actions of the successful students looked up as role models, diminishes the personal characteristics traits of the students. These are often associated with identity crises of the students by the student community. Such presentation of role models should inspire students rather than lead to loss of individual characteristics and traits (Edward et al. 2011). The other factor is that in such educational systems, there is immense pressure created on an individual student. This is because of the fact that he or she is expected to be like the role models of the educational establishment, not only by the fraternity, but also by the parents of the concerned individual. This leads to the development of depression and anxiety, especially when they fail to achieve the same results as of their role models in the educational establishment as there is a major difference in the intellect and competency in both cases (, 2014). The important aspect that needs to be highlighted is the fact that in cases of the development and implementation of the school curriculum, adaptation of a learning system in accordance to the social cognitive learning theory makes it easier for the teacher to present role models. The same can be in academics, athletics and co-curricular activities. The reason being there is a common outlook to the development and performance of all the students in the school. However, as far as the students are concerned, the main challenge arises for them to be able to improve themselves to the competency levels of the role models. At the same time, it might also become increasingly difficult for the teachers to be able to ensure development for all the students based on the same curriculum, when supposedly it does not allow intervention on an individual level. In light of the above, the main challenge lies in the identification of the suited educational system for individual students. Conclusion The aim of this academic presentation was to identify the different factors and aspects that are related to the development and implementation of a learning and educational system especially among adolescents and young adults in close accordance to either of the two highlighted theories of learning. The theories of learning are based on the ideology and outlook of the authors who had presented the same through their research and studies into the development of an individual from a student. The social constructivist theory of learning highlights the aspect of the importance of engaging in participatory learning. The theory of social cognitive learning states that the development and presentation of a role model to the learners have significant influence on their learning behaviour and development of action plans in an educational institution environment. The analysis of the same has highlighted the advantages and challenges that are presented by the adoption of each of these particular learning theories. The important fact that needs to be taken into consideration is that an educational system needs to be designed to enhance the process of learning in an individual. The same should also lead to the derivation of benefits in the real world. Definitely the adoptions of these theories of learning in the development process of students are an important factor and are expected to provide benefits to the students. However, it also needs to be noted that the limitations identified in case of each need to be considered as well. For the analysis of the application of these theories in a learning and development scenario specifically as the same will help the reader to identify the relevance of the same more effectively. Bibliography Clark, R. E. & Elen, J., (2006). 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Contemporary Education, 64 (4) p.226. Watson, J. R., Swain, J. R. L., & McRobbie, C. (2006). Students’ discussions in practical scientific inquiries. International Journal of Science Education, 26(1), 25-45. Website References ‘Socia Cognitive Theory of Learning’. Available online at (Accessed on 02.04.2014 at 1815 hrs GMT) Read More
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