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My Strengths and What Needs Improvement - Essay Example

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The paper "My Strengths and What Needs Improvement " discusses that generally speaking, the feedback particularly helped the author to improve himself since they highlighted his weaknesses and they clearly stipulated areas that he needs to improve on…
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My Strengths and What Needs Improvement
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The second strength that was affirmed by the feedback that I received was that I am knowledgeable since my presentation was touted as very professional. Additionally, I provided helpful information in the presentation and I spelled out a clear definition of leadership, which was supported by several substantive quotes.
However, because of the fairness of the assessment process, I was also made aware of areas that I need to improve, which include ensuring that I use photos that directly relate to the topic of discussion. Secondly, I need to slow the pace of making a presentation, and thirdly, I need to use my voice whilst making the presentation.

Based on this feedback, discuss your plans for addressing two areas that need improvement; specifically, what will you do?
In the feedback received, it was noted that I should improve the presentation by using my voice during the presentation. I will do this by simply making an audio file that directly interrelates with the presentation i.e. words and symbols on a particular slide.
Secondly, I will change some pictures to make all the pictures fit with the concept of leadership and that will give the presentation a stronger meaning. I will locate such pictures by simply conducting an in-depth internet search and retrieving relevant pictures that are aligned with the topic of discussion or the concept of leadership.

What have you learned from this assignment and feedback?
This assignment has helped me in redefining what a leader is and it has helped me in developing a deeper understanding of the concept of leadership since I used visual images to r clarify further on certain points. At the beginning of the semester, you wrote your understanding of leadership. Please include this in this journal.
At the beginning of this semester, I understood leadership as a practice whereby a person who in this case is a leader can influence others to achieve the goals of the interest they present, which could be individual or organizational.

Now include your understanding of the leadership at the end of the semester. Comparing these two, what is different, what have you learned, and how has your understanding changed?
At the end of the semester, I have a different view as well as an understanding of leadership based on what I have learned throughout the semester or whilst making the presentation. In particular, at the end of the semester, I view leadership as a very wide concept that is not only limited to the ability to influence others but it is the ability to understand, correlate, gain trust from others, and command authority from others which will enable the leader to influence others.
Therefore, my understanding of leadership has mainly changed because I view leadership from a wider perspective that involves asking critical questions as to how leaders gain their influence over others besides being in a powerful or leadership position. Read More
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“Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words - 39”, n.d.
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