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Student Learning Experience - Essay Example

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This paper "Student Learning Experience" focuses on the fact that dealing with geriatric patients is a difficult thing. The author has learned that working with such patients has been a satisfying experience, and he has found out the nuances related to them in an easy-going way. …
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More than that it is the satisfaction one derives is indeed the basis of learning even more. I have also felt that since clinical experience is a gesture that goes a long way, dealing with the geriatric patients is immensely filled with hard labour and pain, but does have its own positives nonetheless. I saw so many things happen to the patients that made me get acquainted with the true value of life. It also made me feel excited about what new things I found out about and how these explained the old concepts in the light of the practical actions.

Therefore this student learning experience is one to gain insight from. I discerned the true basis of making someone happy and how this goes a long way at giving something back to society. I am glad that I did something which gave me inner satisfaction more than anything else.  

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Student Learning Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 279 Words.
“Student Learning Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 279 Words”, n.d.
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