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Assessing a Teacher Created test system for Elementary School Level Children. Teachers do conduct a lot of tests in different styles for elementary school children, but the effect of the method of chosen system of test need to be noted to find out how much reach it has among the children. One of the tests that were conducted during my elementary school days was of the pictographic guessing. It means the teacher will try to explain the lesson in terms of a rough picture drawn in the black board, once she finishes the lesson; she makes a link with the picture and the lesson.
So it becomes quiet easy for the students to recapitulate what was taught in the particular class room, and to be more precise the student will be able to revise easily during the examinations. Drawing the picture does not mean that drawing the exact picture, but an outline approximately, which could be guessed easily by most of the students. This explanation will make the student to find the link between the logic of what has been given in the lesson, and he or she will be asked by the teacher to guess further lessons in the same way before going for explanations.
For example if the teacher teaches the story of “the miser who kills his hen for gold eggs “ would be explained in terms of eggs drawn in yellow color with a man’s hands over that , and the corresponding picture will depict a man in crying style by showing tears running down from his eyes and hands over his head. This picture if asked in exams the children will be able to recollect the story, characters and the moral. This method was employed in elementary school level. As the thinking of those children will be up to certain level of maturity, and in that age they would be probably problematic in listening, remembering and revising.
This was treated as a successful method to make them enjoy the essence of the class room. One more thing is that children are attracted towards colors, so they take special attention in listening, and even those who do not pay attention will try to concentrate a little than what they had been doing before.Recommendations for the pictographic test:1. It should be noted particularly that a class room is composed of all levels of students starting from dull to brilliant students, so any system for instance should be implemented with the notion to improve the quality of learning of all levels of students.
In the case of dull students the standard of understanding and remembering becomes quiet doubtful. Because not all the dull students will have benefits from this method.2. Teacher should concentrate more on the performance of dull students than those who show considerable improvement.3. The choice of colors could be more of a bright nature.4. When the teacher asks the question in terms of showing a picture and guessing, he or she should come voluntarily and help the students till they get accustomed with this method.5. This method could also be applied while conducting tests for higher class students but they should be given a partial picture so as to enhance their reasoning power and ideas.6. Finally if a student fails even in this method the teacher should find out the spot where the student has the difficulty.
Because while analyzing this test method it is comparatively an easy one to understand the lessons.
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