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Teacher Efficiency in Performance - Essay Example

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The paper "Teacher Efficiency in Performance" discusses that teacher efficacy is indeed an essential factor that needs to be considered when discovering the different issues that are in need of bring balanced out when the issues of demographic differences among student…
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Teacher Efficiency in Performance
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Improving Efficiency of Teachers for Better Motivational Teaching Development And Learning Advancement Among Age-Diversified INTRODUCTIONWhat is actually meant by teacher efficacy Researchers have found out that whatever the fruits of learning would be as per shown by the performance of the students certainly spurs out from the ways by which the teachers present their lessons to class or to students as individual learners. (Ross, 1994, 56) Through this illustration, it could be noted that teacher efficacy is indeed a matter of importance in terms of educational development. However, as per noted through the researches further pursued with regards the issue, it is undeniable that as diverse the behaviors of teachers are towards their profession, the more difficult it becomes for the researchers to understand the main elements that enhances teacher efficacy. Unraveling the idea about teacher efficacy however helps a lot in the process of developing a fine and efficient way of teaching students especially that of the second language education. (Milson, 2001, 32) Certainly, teacher efficacy in this sense is assessed as something that is most applicable in every sense of teaching even among age-diversified students. IT could be observed that there are indeed different factors needed to be given constant attention in considering cases of teaching students belonging to different age-bracket. Every factor though leads to the assessment of the efficiency of teachers to handle the situation in a much effective way that would be most beneficial to all the students that he or she handles in class. Education has and will always be an important aspect in the society. This idea is mainly true because of the fact that it ensures an individual sense of responsibility and it promotes independence by equipping individuals in the society valuable knowledge and skills for them to survive and become existent to their purpose. In general perspective, education significantly promotes the development and further advancement of the society as a whole by enabling the young people to become knowledgeable individuals capable of enhancing the current lifestyle and culture of the society (Campbell, 1996, 117). Thus, in like manner, the act and concept of teaching is indeed significant since it is one and the major link between education and the society. Teaching in either private or public educational institutions is always perceived to be a great and respectable profession however; challenges and problems also exist in this field (Colbert, 2006, 216). The recognition of the importance of the concept of teaching to the society is very important because of its significant benefits it offers for the individuals seeking knowledge and education. Secular teaching in the established educational institutions is generally considered by this author as a profession that is well honored and valued by the people. However, many problems and issues are still needed to be address and developed to fully recognize the significance of this concept for the society. Society has always been increasing and the population and likewise its number of students because of which, facilities in the educational institutions must also be expanded to accommodate the said increase. (Ross, 2006, 179) This author believes that every student has their own right to claim and have access to education thus they must be given a way for them to do so. Aside from the classroom, outside facilities must also be given to the student population such as laboratories, athletic fields and others. These facilities will greatly promote the enthusiasm and the educational pursuit of the students and also aid in their complete personal development in different humanistic aspect. DISCUSSIONS AND FURTHER IMPLICATIONS The Idealisms of Teacher Efficacy Teaching, generally also involves the professional and interaction between the students and the teacher wherein it is culturally perceived that the teacher has the authority over the situation (Guskey, 1993, 6). However, this author believes that the grounds for the authoritarian aspect should only concern the issue of respect of position between the two and should not be abused. To develop a harmonious educational environment, this author believes that a certain bond or connection must instead be develop by the teacher to his or her students that is based on the grounds of understanding wherein each of the two can actually learn and develop from their relationship (Roberts, 2000, 4). Through this concept, teacher can actually promote an environment for their students wherein they can grow and develop in both the academic and personal aspects. Teaching should also involve the aspect of relating the students to the social community they belong with. This concept will involve teaching the students their social responsibilities, its process of enactment, and its significance for the society. Through this concept, students will also learn to participate in their community and become socially responsible individuals. (Guskey, 1993, 6) Most often than not, this particular factor of teaching practices are highly regarded as important parts of language teaching to students of cultural diversity. This is because of the particular fact that education is not only focus on the secular education aspect of the individuals involved in it. Educators strongly believe that the concept of education also transcends all of the basic aspect of the personal development wherein it involves the physical, emotional and social realm of the personal qualities of the human being. These aspects are indeed important and must be addressed by primarily the teacher in his or her goal of guiding the students in their development to become responsible units in the human society. (Roberts, 2000, 5) Certainly, whatever the educators believe in terms of academic presentation measures their efficacy in actually teaching the language lessons to their students. There are different aspects of educational presentation efficacy depending on the belief of the teachers towards their profession as well as with the lessons that they are presenting in class. IT is then quite obvious how the importance of understanding the relationship of the beliefs of teachers with regards their efficacy in instructing the students with the language lessons that they are due of learning relates to the possibilities of the educators being able to motivate the learners in gaining the best out of the subjects that are further presented to them. In this comparative study, the said relationship between elemental factors of teaching between teaching efficacy and teaching procedures Teachers are usually the ones considered to have the privilege of having overall control in classroom setting situations. IT is through this idealism that the educators are able the different aspects of learning as they are used within classroom premises. However, in terms of classroom control, it could be noted that the present system of educational placement makes it possible for students to be part of the control system. As manager of the class, educators are responsible for motivating the students in becoming the best individuals that they ought to be. (Bandura, 1977, 195) This however, could only be done through the cooperation that exists between the educator and the students. Without the said issue on cooperation, it is undeniable that the process of classroom management would receive less positive results. The fact to consider herein is the fact that educators are not the ones in control in the class. As individuals, the students themselves are the ones who control their own behaviors. Moreover though, the educator's responsibility is to wait for the said students to realize that they are in need to apply cooperation as to how they are dealing with their educators in the class. Hence, through this thought, it is undeniable that the motivation comes from the educators and the results of such efforts are to be displayed by the students themselves. The ability of teachers to serve as motivators and educators of the students actually helps in the process of recognizing what classroom management is all about. It is in the ability of the educator in inciting the different aspects of learning within the students' characteristic and attitude towards their education that the success of classroom management usually depends upon. The development of the capabilities of the students as individuals could actually be noted from the proper assistance that the teachers provide for them. (Freytag, 2001, 76) Behavioral change from the students however, is further spurred by the educator's willingness to change their own behavior towards learning and establishing camaraderie within the class. Hence, discipline among students could be developed through personal examples as shown by the educators themselves. (Goddard, 2000, 479) An Understanding on Adult Learning and Teaching Procedures Needed For human beings, learning appears to be unstoppable and insatiable. People are always craving, curious and willing to learn new things every time. New information or methodology never fails to excite the curiosity and interest of the people thus inspiring learning attitude and enthusiasm. (Wallace, 2001, 64) Even though at adult age or middle age, the rate of learning enthusiasm of the people never declines and sometimes it even increases with every year that passed on someone' life. This idea is attributed to many factors that includes the psychological and emotional maturity of the person's perspective towards learning and education, which is characterized by an upsurge in the degree of seriousness and willingness. (Wallace, 2002, 55) Some cases are attributed to factors such as financial capabilities or time availability but most of the cases are because of the personal reason within the individual. Thus, adult education is a conventional and constructive approach to the learning process because it based on the humanistic and progressive philosophies of the human being. What is adult education then The Corley and Stedman define adult education as "all forms of schooling and learning programs in which adults participate. Unlike other types of education, adult education is defined by the student population rather than by the content or complexity of a learning program (2005)." Accordingly, it is the learning process and enthusiastic approach of adults to the world of knowledge and information through the use of the schooling methodologies whether formal or informal. There are actually many reasons why an adult wants to participate in the education process. Some adults reasoned out that they want to learn new things and information which are not yet available during their schooling periods thus they want to be updated. Others want to develop or enhance their skills by taking either a masteral or a doctorate degree on their field of career or acquire skills on a new career they wish to embrace. While other, commonly the people who have not yet experienced schooling process or became literate, wants to learn the basic skills which they have not yet learned. Because of different reasons, the adult education programs offered at the present caters to different motives or needs. These programs ranged from categories such as literacy training, community development, university credit programs, on-the-job training and continuing professional education (Corley & Stedman, 2005). In addition, due to the surging demand and popularity of the idea of adult education many institutions have already established facilities and programs to accommodate the interested students. Programs vary in organization from casual, incidental learning to formal college credit courses. Institutions offering education to adults include colleges, libraries, museums, social service and government agencies, businesses, and churches (Corley & Stedman, 2005). Adult education is normal process and something that should not be subjected to discrimination and subjection because learning is a human impulse or need that can be satisfied or fulfilled regardless of age and social status. Age and time should not be a hindrance to the acquisition of skills, information and literacy. Yes, humans regardless of age, always have humanistic and progressive philosophical aspects that continuously crave for enhance and learning to aid the development of a person in all aspects. Making A Connection Between Adult Learners and Young Students In A Single Class Set-Up MOTIVATION AND GOAL: these are the most important elements needed to be recognized in creating the needed link between old-aged learners who have had their own experiences in life and the newly oriented young students who are still to face the upcoming challenges of life as they become professionals in the field that they are to accept later on. Through this understanding, creating an effective approach to teaching these demographically diverse students is indeed an essential process to consider. (Petty, 2004, 77) One particular approach is that of the use of making the old students become the inspiration of those who are young. Communication among students is indeed essential. Through having them exchange experiences and thoughts about their courses and their understanding about life would certainly bring in a different approach to making learning options a more exciting and more applicative for future developments of the students both old and young alike. (Walker, 2000, 33) Realism: Applied as Part of Balanced Motivation Among Age-Diverse Students Educating the people in the society is a noble profession that helps the whole society strive for the best of being they could be as they are able to learn both from their environment and from their educators as well. However, educating and learning involves several factors that contribute to one's belief of what he is able to learn from his primary sources of education. Several factors of education explain a person's pattern of learning. The aspects of philosophy of thinking and learning which merely refers to the thought provoking a person to have a yearning for learning usually helps an educator determine the progress of his student with regards to what he is teaching and what his student is able to grasp for learning. The following paragraphs shall discuss the mentioned factors of education and shall clarify some points of consideration concerning the principles of learning involved in education. Learning involves the utilization of reality. What does the context of reality actually mean Reality as defined refers to the facts that are present in the society. These so-called facts support the existence of several things in the environment. Through the utilization of the realties in educating a person, an educator is supposed to help the student reject the impractical and visionary aspects of learning. Through this matter of teaching, a student is able to see the importance of what is obviously seen and not what is simply imaginary. Gaining knowledge through this way would naturally help a person understand his being and his environment as well based on constructed foundation of belief. Naturally, learning in a perennial way gives an individual the most important knowledge he has to learn from life. His experiences are generated to become sources of practical understanding, which in turn would help him cope up with life's challenges due to the fact that he has learned to face he said obstacles through his experiential learning. One's ability to value what he learns follows the process of learning. His capability of applying the knowledge he has gained is the turning point of his learning and the fact that what he has learned could be proved useful in his being and in his life. If his learned lessons from his experiences, his environment and from his educators and mentors as well are all practical and true, the knowledge he gained from those learning could now be utilized for his development as a person as he tries to apply the things he has gained from his sources of useful understanding. Education is a process inclusive of a person's development based upon his ability to learn from what is being taught to him. His capability of taking into consideration all the things he has learned from his educators to becoming the source of his practical knowledge determines the fact that he has really learned valuable lessons from his educators. Hence, the art of leaning based from the process of teaching is indeed an important concern for any special educator to consider. It is the main responsibility of a special educator to ensure that his students are able to grasp what he teaches them in a manner that they not only learn but also able to determine the importance of what they learned. This involves not simple instructional processes but in depth teaching strategies used by the educator. It is good for a special educator to incite the art of thinking to his students so that they are able to identify the importance of what they are learning in an ideal way. By this, they are able to convey to their students the most practical and the most important knowledge, which they could use in their own lives later on. Conclusion Education may indeed involve a lot of processes of teaching, inculcating knowledge, learning and gaining practical knowledge. It could also involve many ways by which a person is able to learn from his environment, his own experiences and from his educator's lessons. However, the turning point of all these is the ability of the student to apply what he learned in his everyday life. The fact that he is able to use what he learned determines the value of his learning and thus gives him a better vision for his future. Whatever the age of the student maybe, the learning that they would be getting from their lessons would likely be based upon the approach of the instructors to create a possible link between the said students regardless of their age and their experiences in life. Understandably, it could be noted that through the efficiency of the instructors to use the diversity of the age of their students within a class to implicate special learning from the subjects that they usually focus upon. This approach would both be practical and applicable for the situation of the students based on the level of understanding that they have towards life and towards the experiences that they once had in dealing with the different challenges that face them as individuals simply wanting to reach their goals for a better future for them and those that belong to them. From the discussion featured above, it could be observed that teacher efficacy is indeed an essential factor that needs to be considered when discovering the different issues that are in need of bring balanced out when the issues of demographic differences among students in class is being discussed. References: Paulo Freire. (2005). Education For Critical Consciousness. Continuum International Publishing Group; New Ed edition. Peter Roberts. (2000). Education, Literacy, and Humanization: Exploring the Work of Paulo Freire (Critical Studies in Education and Culture Series). Bergin & Garvey. Guskey, Thomas R.; Passaro, Perry. 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Wallace, Susan. Managing Behaviour and Motivating Students in Further Education. (2002). Learning Matters Publication. Wallace, Susan. Teaching and Supporting Learning in Further Education: Meeting the Fento Standards. (2001). Learning Matters Publication. Petty, Geoff. Teaching Today: A Practical Guide. (2004). Nelson Thornes; 3rd edition. Walker, Stephen. Teaching, Training and Learning: A Practical Guide.(2000). Business Education Publishers Ltd; 4th Revised edition. Read More
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