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The U.S Education System - Essay Example

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The paper "The U.S Education System" states that high education institutions and students are distributed differently across various colleges and universities. The 2009 enrollment rates show that most of the 2-yr and 4-yr colleges are privately owned but enrol a small percentage of students…
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The U.S Education System
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? Topic: Lecturer: Presentation: Introduction Education is very important in society as it prepares individuals to take up roles that are beneficial to the society after graduation. It affects all aspects of our lives; economic, social and political. In the United States, students undergo elementary, secondary and higher education before joining the job market. According to Jackson high education institutions and students are distributed differently across various types of colleges and universities.1 The 2009 enrollment rates show that most of the 2-yr and 4-yr colleges are privately owned, but enroll a small percentage of students than the public colleges and universities. For example in 2009, the private institutions enrolled 3.7 million students and spent $ 22,514 per student while the public schools enrolled 7.7 million students and spent $12, 812. There is thus a great variation between the colleges therefore, driving the need for change to the future of higher education. Jackson also noted that there were increasing costs in education and student debts which raised much concern over the future of these institutions.2 Furthermore, these institutions are expected to produce individuals with skills that are relevant in the job market. Since most students enroll in public institutions, there is need to effect changes in those institutions to ensure efficiency and productivity. Information technology in this case, if incorporated in schools can play a great role in delivering the much needed change. The high demand for incorporation of IT in schools has been necessitated by the many challenges faced by educational institutions in a dynamic global environment. First, there is increased need of expanding the content of the curriculum to cope with the demands placed on education by the society. Education is expected to deliver more content due to growth of knowledge. There has also been tremendous growth in reasoning and critical thinking skills hence IT is needed. Due to increased diversity of students, the traditional methods of learning are proving to be incapable of fulfilling learner’s needs besides being expensive.3 Changes in the methods of teaching and how students learn are therefore needed and the only solution is to make IT more central to teaching and learning processes. There are various IT technologies such as use of personal learning environments, tablet computing, use of mobile devices, game-based learning, online learning, user generated learning among others. The paper will concentrate on the five educational technologies that will hold the most influence on teaching, students and the classroom environment over the next ten years which comprise of: learning centered design, user generated content, mobile devices, tablet computing and game-based learning. Education in the United States is based on a comprehensive system of elementary, secondary and higher education. Children below five years are enrolled in preschools after which they proceed to elementary school at age 5-7 to age 11-13. Secondary education begins at age 9-12 after which those who graduate proceed to graduate schools. The education system is decentralized hence the schools have a greater role in decision making process rather than relying on the state. It also means that the service providers have to ensure high quality education as they are held accountable by the parents as well the government.4 The U.S education system is dependent on the economic resources hence in case of economic downturns the impact on education is great leading to low enrolment levels and increased drop out rates. This is especially so for racial groups and the minority groups who have less chances of enrolling in secondary schools.5 The secondary schools are divided into parochial, private, and public schools. The parochial schools are owned and funded by religious entities while private schools are owned and funded by private individuals or organizations. The public schools on the other hand, are funded by the state. The private schools are presumed to be better than public schools in that they produce the best graduates and offer quality education due to competition in the market. However, they are also viewed as encouraging social class differences as they mostly enroll students from high socio-economic status families due to the fees charged. Those from low social backgrounds join public schools which are free. Students proceed to graduate schools after graduating from secondary schools. These institutions are expected to produce students who have the skills required in the job market. Due to economic changes and technological advancements, there have been greater needs to for graduates who possess technical skills relevant in the business field. Students thus need to be updated with the latest programs in software and technology to enable them to land a job after graduating.6 Graduates are often accused of not producing individuals with the right skills demanded in the job market. There is therefore, a great emphasis on incorporating technology in the school curriculum so as to impart the necessary knowledge and skills to students. In higher education institutions there is a digital divide pitting those who have ready access to technology with those who do not have such skills.7 Most people have the basic skills in IT such as how to search internet using various devices such as the desk top computer, laptop, and mobile devices. Most people also have an online identity such as e-mail, twitter, face book, and Google among others. Those who do not have such skills have a risk of being left behind at technology advances. Since students already have the skills and spend a lot of time gaining information and data from such sources, the teachers also need to keep up to date and find ways of incorporating what the students learn outside the classroom to the learning in the class. Some educational institutions thus have training for teachers in IT but most of them make use of professional development and mentoring causes to impart such skills on teachers. 8 For example, a report by Babson Survey Research Group and Qualog Research Group in 2011 found out that informal mentoring for teachers accounted for 58% and internal courses 72%. It also found out that a great proportion of teachers carry computers to class for access to students and devices such as Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and Digital Light Processing (DLP) projectors, interactive whiteboards, and digital cameras are also available in class every day for instruction purposes. Most of the institutions have therefore incorporated IT in teaching and learning. Moreover, the rate of online enrollment in higher institutions has been on the increase since 2003. Teachers use various types of software and internet sites for classroom instruction activities and administration purposes such as simulation programs, subject specific programs, internet, wikis, and social networking websites. Students on the other hand, used education technology to practice basic skills, conduct research, prepare written texts, solve problems, analyze data, and conduct experiments among others.9 Though technology has been used in institutions for a long time, in recent years, technology has shifted from institutions to mobile individuals with the locus of control and responsibility also shifting to external providers to one’s location to the ‘cloud’. Technology continues to advance and the five educational technologies that will most influence teaching, students, and the classroom environment over the next ten years include: e-book, tablet computing, game-based learning, personal learning environments, and natural user interfaces. One technology that will have influence in future is the e-book. Traditional learning concentrated much on use of text books and face-to-face contact with the learners.10 However, with emergence of cheap and efficient technologies this has greatly changed. Instead of the students carrying many hard copy texts to and from class for class work and assignments, now this burden has been eliminated. Text books are available in electronic format namely e-books. One only has to visit sites like Amazon and Barnes and Noble to access any textbook. Another influence of e-book on teaching is mobility. Educational institutions have been encouraging the use of mobile devices in classrooms by implementing ‘Bring Your Own Device Programs’ (BYOD).11 Almost all students possess mobile devices such as smart phones, iPhone and Android which have numerous applications powered by Apple and Google which can be used in learning. Furthermore, they are portable hence the students can learn whenever and whatever she/he wants without having to go to classroom. This is very convenient for both students and teachers as learning can go on no matter the situation. The mobile devices can also be used to store note books in an organized manner hence easy to search for information. The use of e-book also encourages interactions between teacher and student and peers. The students can read articles, share them with others, make comments, or store the content to study at a later date.12 One is also able to answer questions from the teacher who also gets the responses in real-time. The teacher is thus able to determine whether the students understand the materials. The mobile devices also have applications with interactive components hence students can learn by doing instead of just listening to the teacher; for example, the ‘evernote’ application allows students to add videos, photos to notes and share them. Besides being accessible, mobile, and interactive, e-book technology is also affordable. Since the network is easily available and accessible, the education institutions can invest in infrastructure to provide devices to students who cannot afford thus eliminating the digital divide problem.13 Devices such as iTune can be used to publish full course curriculum hence making provision of education inexpensive. Furthermore, adding applications is simple and inexpensive. There is also a wide selection of eReader in the market necessitating competition and consequently improved quality and more features at a lower price hence increased demand for this type of technology. For example, the first eReader was Amazon but in recent times more developed devices such as iPads have emerged which have more technological capabilities.14 Another technology that will have great influence in the next ten years is the game-based learning. This technology involves a variety of games which can have a single player, a small-group, multiplayer games, and alternate reality games. Gaming technology has been incorporated in some institutions and some organizations have also taken steps to collaborate with schools in designing and implementing games.15 These institutions have therefore integrated gaming mechanics into the educational experience. Games are challenging and one needs to succeed in one level so as to proceed to the next level. If this technology is incorporated in learning situation, it can motivate students to work harder in order to succeed. Team work is required in playing games if the team has to win. Game-based learning in this sense increases interaction between players in education setting and encourages collaboration since the game players need to work as a team. It also encourages leadership qualities as one learns how to manage and control the situation in order to win.16 Just as one discovers various methods of winning a game, in education learners involved in game learning also make a lot of discoveries thus encouraging creativity and innovation which are a preliquisite to a successful career after graduating; one develops the skills required for integration into employment. Game-based learning is also an effective learning style that is helpful in cognitive development and skills. While playing the game, one learns skills such as communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. These skills are very important in teaching and learning since learners will be able to understand most of the materials learnt by critically evaluating them and in trying to find solutions to problems. The method has also been acknowledged by the National Education Technology Plan as an ideal method for student assessment to determine their comprehension levels as it provides immediate feedback.17 Online games allow one to make mistakes and try to play again by not repeating the steps that brought about the failure. There is also the possibility of getting rewards for success hence motivation. Though one may lose, there are no high stakes involved hence no consequences for failure. As such, if students experiment this in learning situation, it will encourage them to explore new possibilities and learn from their mistakes. They therefore gain fresh perspective on course content material; they can learn using different learning styles.18 This technology will therefore be very influential in future. Another technology that is expected to have a lot of influence on teaching and learning in future is the Learner Centered Design. It is based on the idea that people have different styles and pace of learning thus this technology is the right tool to help the teacher to understand how the students learn and mode the teaching methods appropriately.19 Due to increased online enrollments in US educational institutions besides the normal enrollments, there is increased student diversity. Students come from different cultural, economic and social backgrounds and have different intelligence levels.20 Furthermore, different individuals have different personalities hence require different learning styles. This technology is the solution to this problem of diversity. Each student can tailor learning to his/her needs or control learning hence enabling the teacher to understand what style each individuals prefers or understands best. This technology offers flexibility in teaching and learning in ways that traditional face-to-face learning does not offer. It involves personalizing events and experience and individual level. Individuals are free to download applications from mobile devices or tablets hence use the style that fits them. Since there are so many applications, it is rare for two individuals to download the same applications as one uses his preferences when doing so. As a result, it is easy for the teacher to understand the learning style of each student. A lot of content is available and using tools such as wikipedia and You Tube learners can learn new content and also give own views hence disseminate own content and enrich whatever is available.21 The use of mobile applications or Tablet can enhance the learning process. Through cloud computing, learners can easily store the content they want. As such this technology will help learners to approach learning in ways best suited to their needs. It will also assist learners in keeping track of their own resource collections. Most of all, it shifts control over learning to individuals who set their own pace, style, and direction. Since personal learning environments depend on an enabling technology, this technology will have a great influence in the next ten years. This is due to the fact that technologies such as cloud computing and mobile devices are now readily accessible to enhance personal learning and make it portable, networked and personally relevant. Natural user interface is another technology expected to have a lot of influence in future. In this case, users interact with devices by using natural movements and gestures. This technology is available in devices such as iPad and iPhone. The devices are able to recognize and interpret natural gestures as a means of control.22 The users are thus able to manipulate the content intuitively by tapping or swiping a finger across a screen. Instead of using a key board and mouse, the hand and body are transformed into input devices. The use of virtual activities will be of great importance in educational setting especially in dealing with special needs and disabled individuals who are not able to see or speak. A blind person can use the movement of his/her body or fingers to manipulate content intuitively. This allows for more feedback by touching.23 The technology can also be used to interpret sign language making it easier for teaching. Furthermore, it will also enhance motor skills, literacy skills, and lead to improved language comprehension. The technology also will enhance collaboration, sharing, and group interactions since the technology allows for group activities. The last educational technology that will influence teaching and learning is the online learning. This involves taking online courses whereby 80% of the course content is delivered online. Research indicates that many institutions especially the for-profit institutions have embraced this technology already but public schools are yet to wholly embrace it.24 Instead of using the traditional face-to-face instruction, most of it or all content is delivered online allowing for flexibility and mobility. Any student can join any college wherever he/she is and learn just like those in the classroom. Reports indicate that online learning is similar or better than face-to-face instruction. This system allows for diversity of course delivery methods bearing in mind the increased student diversity in recent years. Online learning is also critical to strategic planning of institutions and enables scheduling. Online learning enables learners to work at their own pace and enables different learning styles. The process is enhanced by availability of internet access and devices such as smart phones that enable learners to learn from any place. Teachers have also been equipped with skills through courses and professional development activities thus enhancing the use of this type of learning. There are many challenges facing the implementation of educational technology in schools. One of the challenges facing implementation use of technology is the view that it would replace teachers since the learners have the opportunity to take learning into their own hands. However, whenever change occurs it has its gains and losses hence technology should be embraced. Many activities related to learning also take place outside class making it difficult to tie the experiences back to the classroom. Conclusion Information technology plays a vital role in revolutionalizing and transforming the education system so as to be responsive to learners needs and increase collaboration. It enables learners to take control of the pace, style and direction of learning hence adapting the learning styles to each learner’s unique needs thus improved learning. It also enables the education institutions to produce individuals who are well suited to the job market where technology is vastly used. IT is also an essential tool in solving many institutional problems especially those associated with costs and administration by improving efficiency. Educational technology if taken seriously will increase the enrollment levels as more individuals will be able to access information and learn whenever and whatever they want and at any institution through online learning, electronic books and devices such as smart phones and iPads. The students will also be motivated and their level of cognitive ability enhanced leading to low school drop out rates. The technology will aid collaboration, sharing and interactions as well as satisfy the needs of those with special needs. Education in the next ten years will therefore be very interesting and suited to individual needs. References Allen, E and Seaman, J (2011) Going the Distance: Online Education in the US. Babson Survey Research Group & Qualog Research Group. Coleman, J., Hoffer, T and Kilgore, S (1982). Sociology of Education, Vol. 55 ( 2/3), pp. 65-76 Eugene, P.F., Brett, A. and McCloskey, G (2004) Computers, Curriculum and Cultural Change: An Introduction for Teachers, 2 ed. UK: Erlbaum Associates Gordon, D (2011) “Return to Sender: Schools Continue to Deliver New Graduates into the Workplace Lacking the Tech-Based Soft Skills Businesses Demand”, in The Journal, Vol 38(3). Jacko, J and Sears, A (2003) Human Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals, Evolving Technology, and Emerging Applications, New Jersey: Routledge Jackson, G.A (2012). IT-Based Transformation in Higher Education Possibilities and Prospects, USA: EDUCAUSE & Center for American Progress Johnson, L., Adams, S. and Cummins, (2012) M. NMC Horizon Report 2012K-12Edition, Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium Jonassen, D.H, (2004) Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, UK: Lawrence Erlbaum. Read More
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