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The Technology Role: Creating an Event, a Product, an Electronic Device, a Machine, and Other - Essay Example

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This essay "The Technology Role: Creating an Event, a Product, an Electronic Device, a Machine, and Other" is about technology, and the ease of use and convenience have proved to rank among the first priorities for users. Most users want technology to effectively assist them in their operations…
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What if there was a way of merging these two products and providing users with an option of owning both of them at a go? This proposal evaluates the need for a convertible laptop tablet, which is basically a laptop whose screen is detachable and can be used as a tablet.

Statement of Problem
There is an increasing need for efficiency and ease of use by most users of technological devices. Tablet computers have offered a device that can be easily controlled through its touch screen and a mobile computer which is small as well as light. Tablets also have plenty of applications that a user can choose from as well as games; not only do tablets have a great display that is fast and easy to use but most of them are also thin and light. However, despite this rising use of tablets, laptops are still better as a system used for productivity and are therefore arguably faster. A good laptop’s keyboard and touchpad offer better control than a tablet when it comes to productivity. The larger screen size in most laptops is another merit when it comes to video/photo watching or editing.

Therefore, the pros and cons of both devices can all be addressed if they were merged into one device. The two devices complement each other and improve a user’s experience. The need for a convertible laptop tablet cannot be emphasized and this is might be the future of the computer world.

Plan of Action
This proposal is for a device that merges the two devices well without compromising on one device. With the launch of Windows 8, there were a number of convertible laptop-tablets that were released. However, most products have been unable to efficiently and elegantly merge both the tablet and the laptop. Most convertible laptop tablets have been forced to restrict themselves to 11.6-inch screens or even smaller; this compromises the arrangement of the touchpad and the keyboard in most instances. An example of such dire compromises is the Samsung 700T’s fickle.

An ideal convertible laptop tablet should offer the best of tablets and laptops. The way to improve this product is to come up with a way of detaching the screen of a regular laptop as well as making the laptop generally smaller. However, this is not the case with the current convertible laptop tablets in the market. Most of them are basically tablets that are tailored into a laptop rather than the other way round. The design could be as shown below.

The suggestion is to ensure that the hardware component of a convertible laptop tablet provides ultrabook class performance. This will enable users to have the performance of a laptop replicated in the device. The internal coding of the device should provide software that is polished and fine-tuned to offer third-party applications which are relevant to users as is the case with most tablets. The use of efficient technology can also provide a combination that weighs much less than the current convertible laptop tablets. The Samsung 700T available in the market weighs 3.54 pounds yet an iPad and a deluxe ultrabook together weigh 4.3 pounds. Therefore, there is no such disparity in weight difference hence no portability value to a user with the available convertible laptop tablets.

An efficient and fast processor would be able to solve the considerably poor performance of most convertible laptop tablets by incorporating next-generation processors like Bay Trail or Haswell.

A convertible laptop tablet would be quite effective for most owners of tablets and laptops. However, it is crucial that the hardware and software for each device work the way they were designed in order for there to be optimal performance.

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