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Levendary Cafe in China - Essay Example

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From the paper "Levendary Cafe in China " it is clear that headquarters should comprise all functional organs of the business. Levendary should build their store instead of renting a space for their goods and services. All services of the café, therefore, should be available at the headquarters…
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Levendary Cafe in China
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Levendary’s entrance into the Chinese market is precise and rightful. A fiscal study conducted by a team of expert contributes a significant role in enabling market penetration in China. Flexibility philosophy Levandary practices are vital to successes in market exploration. A strategy of using Chen in the first place is an excellent move because it seems Chen has proper knowledge about the Chinese market (Bartlett & Han, 2011). Adoption criteria of customer push technique contributed extensively to the growth and diffusion of Levendary products in the new market.

The management of Levendary believes that for any business to prosper, customer satisfaction must be a primary focus. The location of business outlets contributes massively to the success of this café. I would concur with the idea of replicating what Levendary café does in the U.S to that it continues pursuing it at Pudong and Beijing embassy because the target market in both locations is American citizens.
Q 2 Foster should introduce a sound strategic plan that outlines comprehensive ways of making profits and risk minimization.

A management team needs restructuring by creating a title like the one of the risk manager to evaluate market trends and possible risk related to foreign policies.

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