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Evaluation and Recommendations for Further Work - Essay Example

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This paper calls that this means that the research paper has to use the number of resources that it deems fit. These resources ought to be adherent to the quality standards demanded in order for them to validate the assertions made in the paper…
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Evaluation and Recommendations for Further Work
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Evaluation and Recommendations Evaluation of the sources The reality of the matter is that there are no numbers of sources that can be termed to be sufficient. This means that the research paper has to use the number of resources that it deems fit. These resources ought to be adherent to the quality standards demanded in order for them to validate the assertions made in the paper (Bryman and Bell, 2003). The paper could have used more scholarly resources which are the resources used in other papers on the topic of business management. They could also be sources made by the authorities in the topic of business management (Creswell and Plano Clark, 2007). The sources used in the paper were mainly of the popular-scholarly type. The paper could have had a better appeal if the sources were corroborated by other sources that are of the pure scholarly nature. The resources also had to be made in such a manner that they were relevant to the topic of business management. The paper sources were generally acceptable and they provided the audience with the sufficient amount of information. Quality of the resources in relation to the topic The ultimate test of the ability of a person to write in the upper college level is measured by his prowess in matching the quality of the resources with the quantity. In this case, the paper was capable of attaining this threshold. However, resources could have been more involving and engaging. The degree of the resources in engaging the reader makes the paper match the strength claims made by the thesis (Bryman and Bell, 2003). The quality of the paper was also adequate in meeting the demand or the expectations of the target audience and the topical demands. Currency and relevance to the topic The other point of evaluation applicable in the analysis of the project is the capacity of the paper to use the sources that are current and relevant to the topic of business management. The most relevant article is the journal articles. Articles are better as sources compared to books since they have a narrow and deep scope (Cooper, Schindler and others, 2003). The use of the books in the library to make up the report is a major flop since the implied content in the books may not be really practical. The paper was not capable of using the resources that have the amount of currency demanded. Sources used in the paper lacked the currency and scope limitations since they were mainly composed of books (Creswell and Plano Clark, 2007). The bulk of the information in the books could have been reduced had the research paper borrowed a lot from the articles (Creswell and Plano Clark, 2007). The chances of misunderstanding the information in the books would have been lost due to the depth of the topic of business management coverage. It is also difficult for the paper to make the best evaluation of the resources due to the depth. This makes is hard for the creation of the most accurate picture (Cooper, Schindler and others, 2003). The paper used a scholarly source in the development of the review and the evaluation of the relevance of the practice of turning a hobby into a viable business venture. In the event that there was not scholar source touching on the issue, the paper would have used other sources provided that it included a footnote explaining why it had not resulted in the use of the scholarly source. However, the use of this approach was not warranted since the paper has the adequate number of scholarly sources. Parameter for the evaluation of the sources Another parameter used to evaluate the literature review is the currency of the resources used in the paper. The major force behind the currency of the sources used in the paper is that it make the information contained therein more persuasive. It is easier for the target audience for the research paper to believe a resource made in the recent past than an outdated source. The sources used in the paper are credible since they were developed in the recent past. This attribute makes the project have the appeal and credibility level needed in a research paper. Thesis The thesis used in the paper is organized in a manner that makes the paper assume a unique approach (Bryman and Bell, 2003). Whenever a research paper or a project has a unique thesis statement, the level of the paper moves beyond mere reporting of the information contained in the research work conducted by the other people to answering the issues needed according to the research. Upon the attainment of a unique and captivating thesis, the author of the research is capable of moving to the next level whereby he or she is capable of reasoning in a creative manner. The paper attempt to attain this measure of the research paper writing. However, it does not come out clearly in the differentiation between the certain, probable and possible conclusions (Quinlan, 2011). The paper made some conclusions that are easily contended. The paper also has some logical fallacies. Logical fallacies result from the attempts of the writers to force their intuitions into the research and claim that they are true. Some aspects of the paper are therefore, marred with significant prejudices. The analysis part of the paper lacks the impartiality that the ultimate research paper ought to have. Audience The research paper ought to addresses a scholarly audience. The level of knowledge possessed by the audience ought to be easily estimated by the writer of the research paper. Since the paper is addressed to the professor, it ought to put the knowledge of the audience into perspective. The paper does not consider the audience and the expertise that the target audience has. The trend of informing the audience of the trivial and mere common sense indicates that the research does not consider the estimated level of information that the audience has. Mechanics and documentation The paper is written according to the correct rules of grammar. The language use is consistent to the English language syntax. The language used in the paper is professional and the person used in the language is appropriate for academic writing. Sentence construction is correct and the paper has a generally good appeal. The flow of the information contained therein is high and the audience can easily identify with the flow of information. The transition from one paragraph to the other is undertaken in the right manner such that the coherence of the entire reports is maintained. The referencing or documentation style is standard since it follows all the rules of referencing. Research process Data collection Collection of primary data is important in all the projects. The approach chosen in data collection ought to be relevant to the subject matter of the research (Quinlan, 2011). The project under evaluation used interview, focus groups and closed ended questionnaires. The mode of data collection used in the research paper is not exhaustive. Interviews conducted on the staff are not directly applicable in the subject matter of the research. This means that the data collected using the interview may not be of value in the project. The needs of the market are not limited to the staff at the university. Given that the mode of marketing used by the business is mainly web based, the correct source of information could have been the students since they spend a considerable amount of time surfing the internet. The students can also provide relevant information as far as the use of the internet market is concerned since there is a high chance that the students use this platform on a regular basis. According to the research proposal, the interviewing mode of research ought to look at the collection of both primary qualitative and quantitative data (Zikmund, 2003). However, the interviews are normally effective when it comes to the collection of primary qualitative data. The point where the data collected is of the quantitative nature is not clear (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2003). Interview has a tendency of providing the researcher with information that is personal and subjective. The paper does not provide measure used to ensure that the informational credibility is attained. Use of the focus groups as a source of data collection is called for in the research. The project uses the data collection method in the appropriate manner. Information obtained from the focus groups sis relevant to the attainment of the organizational goals. This approach is capable of providing the researcher with relevant information with regards to the competition and business viability. The questionnaires used in the research were well dinged since the questions were unbiased. The current questionnaire design helped in the reduction of the ambiguity of the questions and use of leading questions. The avoidance of the above elements led to the reduction of the possibility of loss of credibility. Recommendations Data collection and analysis The project used data collection approaches that were generally accepted. However, the information contained in the project could not have been attained using the primary methods of data collection as the sole source (Krishnaswamy and Satyaprasad, 2010). The project had to integrate the other data collection techniques such as the secondary research or desk research. Desk research would have been effective in the reduction of the costs and time used for the collection of the data. Secondary data would also be a standard for the assessment of the consistency of the research findings with the other research that has been conducted before. Thesis The development of the argument to prove the thesis statement is marred with instances of personal judgment. The information that is provided in the discussion part of the paper is not indicative of the freedom that a paper ought to have. On the contrary, the paper is based on the personal convictions of the author. The argument is full of logical fallacies that water down the information that is actually collected through data collection method. The prejudices and earlier convictions of the author are forced into the paper. If presented with another chance to handle the project, the author ought to avoid the clouding of the objectivity of the research with the previous convictions. The only way of attaining this goal is by ensuring that the thesis and discussion part is made of information that will be less likely to be influenced by the personal conviction that the person has. The other issue that comes out in the thesis part is the misuse of the probable, certain and possible. The words may seem less effective but they have the potential of reducing the credibility of the information. The wrong use of any word above can change the entire meaning of the paper. It may also form the basis for the challenge of any information contained in the project. The best way of ensuring that this does not happen is through thorough examination of the words and phrases used in the paper. The writer should restrain from the practice of forcing his assertions in the paper and terming them to be the gospel truths. All the information that is entered in the project has to be backed with evidence from the actual data collection activity. This means that the researcher ought to restrain from making rush conclusions no matter how appealing they are. The researcher may also request another person to go through the project and assess how the paper is written. The editor ought to be a person that is an authority in the field. This could be the lecturer or any other person that has higher information on the topic of business management matter of the research. Sources Sources used in the research are mainly books. They are good sources of information but the information contained therein may be easily outdated. If the project has to be done afresh, the sources that ought to be used have to be scholarly articles. The articles are important in that they have the most current information. The paper, therefore, has to consider the sources that provide the most current and relevant information. As it stands right now, the information in the books is sketchy and may limit the informational credibility of the paper. Evaluation of the entrepreneur Financial evaluation The entrepreneur has a financial acumen that determines the ability to convert the invested capital into a viable business opportunity. In the project above the investors plans on funding the business idea that he has from loans and saving. The planned investment of the capital in the areas stated indicates the willingness of the investor to come up with the right financial plan. The expectations that are indicated in the financial plan are realistic. She has made provisions for the eventualities that may affect the ability of the business to meet its financial obligations and the potential ways of dealing with the eventualities. The financial plan for the company could be improved by adding other revenue streams and breaking down the anticipated approach in the repayment of the loans that will be used to fund the business. It can also be improved through the identification of alternatives to funding such as open account trading. This way will increase the chances of the business having a successful financial outlook. Passion It is hard for the majority of the people that start the business without any passion to succeed. This means that the commitment and belief in the potential of the business to succeed is a major predetermining factor as far as the success of the business is concerned. Companies leaders that lack the passion end up failing in running the businesses on a successful note or even end up failing in running them entirely. The passion of the project development is commendable since the entrepreneur is changing a hobby into a business. This means that the person has the ability to persist even when the business is not performing according to the expectations. The passion indicated by the entrepreneur has been relevant in the direction of the business. Personality The best entrepreneurs have a personality that is outstanding and exceptional. This means that the more a person has some unique set of personality attributes, the higher the chances of him or her increasing the performance of the business. The entrepreneur has the desired qualities that can provide leadership to the business and the employees. She is determined to convert the hobby into a business. She is a risk taker since she has delved into the business world in spite of the ever present chance of failure. She has interpersonal skills since in the process of developing the business ideal she met with people and debated on the merits and demerits of some options adopted for the business. Project management skills The project management approach adopted by the company has been effective in the design of the operations of the company. The manager has been successful in the organization of the activities to mirror the goal path of the organization. The organization of the activities has been sequential whereby the predecessor activities have been completed before other successor activities. This means that the overall performance of the project has not been haphazard. Some of the activities have been expedited to ensure that the project is completed in the right time. However, the expediting of the activities has been undertaken with the cost dimensions in mind. References Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2003). Business research methods. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Cooper, D., Schindler, P. and others, (2003). Business research methods. McGraw-Hill/Irwin New York, NY. Creswell, J. and Plano Clark, V. (2007). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. 1st ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications. Krishnaswamy, O. and Satyaprasad, B. (2010). Business research methods. 1st ed. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House. Quinlan, C. (2011). Business research methods. 1st ed. Andover, Hampshire, UK: South-Western Cengage Learning. Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2003). Research methods for business students. 1st ed. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall. Zikmund, W. (2003). Business research methods. 1st ed. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western. Read More
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