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Human Resources Development - Essay Example

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This paper 'Human Resources Development' tells us that the term Learning Styles is largely linked with Honey and Mumford. Every individual trendline utilize a specific component of the learning cycle as his or her key approach to learning. Honey and Mumford's representation describes four forms of learning styles…
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Human Resources Development
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ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET APRIL Unit Number and Assessment Assessment Unit 23 – Human Resources Development - Level 5 Human Resources Development HND Business HNDBUS Specialist Unit23/April2014 Hand Out Date 24th January 2014 Hand In Date 11th April 2014 before 12.00 Midday Lecturer(s) Dr Osman Khan Internal Verifier Alan Jeffery Sources of information 1. Course notes and lecture slides accessible on LSST Connect 2. Recommended learning textbooks Gold, J and Bratton, J (2007),, Human Resource Development: Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 3. Websites CPD (2013) The CPD Certification Service [Online] Available at[accessed 7 January 2014] AHRD (n.d) Academy of Human Resource Development [Online] Available at [accessed 7 January 2014] To be filled by the student Student Name MARIUS GRISAJEVAS Lecturer Student ID H1109203 Group(e.g.) Assessment Requirements An electronic copy of your assessment must be fully uploaded by the deadline date and time. You must submit one single PDF or MS Office Word document. Any relevant images or screenshots must be included within the same MS Office Word or PDF document. The last version you upload will be the one that is marked. You must declare it as your final submission. Review the mitigating circumstances policy for information relating to extensions. The file size must not exceed 20MB. Answer the criteria in order, clearly indicating the CRITERIA number. Ensure that all work has been proof-read and checked prior to submission. Ensure that the layout of your documents are in a professional format with font style Arial, font size 12 for the text, font 14 for sub heading and font 16 for main heading, line spacing 1.5 and justified. Use the Harvard referencing system and provide references [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] within the text and an entry in a references list. Otherwise, it will be considered as plagiarised work. Ensure that you back-up your work regularly and apply version control to your documents. Ensure that any file you upload is virus-free, not corrupted and not protected by a password otherwise it will be treated as a non-submission. You must NOT submit a paper copy or email of this assessment to any member of staff at LSST. Your work must be original with the appropriate referencing. Pass In order to achieve Pass, students must achieve all the pass criteria below. Source: LO1: Understand learning theories and learning styles Q 1.1 Compare the four main learning styles in human resource development theory. Guidelines: (Approx. 200 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 28th January 2014 In order to complete the above task, you need to: Compare the learning styles (for example, Kolb, Myers Briggs etc) Use a reliable source Use Harvard referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: 1.1 Compare different learning styles Write your answer here The term Learning Styles is largely linked with Honey and Mumford (1992). According to them, every individual has a tendency to utilize a specific component of the learning cycle as his or her key approach to learning. Honey and Mumford representation describes four forms of learning styles - “Activist, Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatist” (Edwards et al, 2013, p. 5). Activist includes learners who will try everything once - these learners are flexible as well as keen regarding latest things, and get involved with others with no trouble. Reflectors are those learners who examine and analyze all accessible information prior to taking any action - they think before arriving to any conclusion. According to Theorist style, a few individuals are learning by principles and models - they adopt methodical and rational approach towards problems. Pragmatist style includes individuals who make sensible decisions. Similarly, in Kolb’s learning model there are four key stages - “concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation” (Edwards et al, 2013, p. 8). According to Kolb, individuals are capable of thinking in a different manner and have different point of view, they utilize information as well as imagination to tackle problems. On the other hand, the Myers-Briggs model categorizes learners in accordance with their inclinations towards scales developed from “Carl Jungs theory of psychological forms” (Lloyd, 2012, p. 29). This model has four different sets of contradictory inclinations and it says that in every pair, learners are likely to favour one side over the other, and they are likely to utilize that side for the most part, because it comes very easily to them. References Edwards, G., Elliott, C., Iszatt-White, M., & Schedlitzki, D. (2013). Critical and alternative approaches to leadership learning and development. Management Learning, 44(1), 3-10. Lloyd, J. B. (2012). The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® and mainstream psychology: analysis and evaluation of an unresolved hostility. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 33(1), 23-34. Q 1.2 The learning curve is an important tool that managers use in the workplace. Explain how this tool is used in the workplace to transfer learning. Guidelines: (Approx. 200 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 3rd February 2014 In order to complete the above task, your answer should: Describe the learning curve Explain the role of the learning curve Explain the importance of transferring learning to the workplace Use Harvard Referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: 1.2 Explain the role of the learning curve and the importance of transferring learning to the workplace Write your answer here The learning curve is an investigative tool that can be employed to assess the pace on which cumulative knowledge let employees to carry out tasks quicker as well as with a reduced amount of cost. Learning curve models are a key technique to get an estimate about the required time for starting future tasks. Transfer of learning to workplace is important because there is recognition that transfer is a central notion in learning and connects with both process as well as the end result. Whenever learning takes place, earlier learning is utilized as a foundation stone (Lapré & Nembhard, 2011, p. 98). It is also essential for cognitive activities like thinking, interpreting, scheduling, and decision-making. The employee and manager both want transfer to take place; however, it is known that training is usually quite hypothetical, and as a result, there is a failure to incorporate the learning, which causes equal lack of expectation and disappointment within employees and managers. Attention to the requirements of the individual learner and the organisation ask for balancing, so that the result of transferring learning can be beneficial for both. Reference Lapré, M. A., & Nembhard, I. M. (2011). Inside the organizational learning curve: Understanding the organizational learning process. Now Publishers Inc. Q1.3 Assess the role learning styles and theories play in the planning of a learning event (such as training new staff). Guidelines: (Approx. 150 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 10th February 2014 In order to complete the above task, you should: Briefly describes three learning theories Assess how learning theories and styles contribute the planning and designing of learning events in organisations Use Harvard Referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: 1.3 Assess the contribution of learning styles and theories when planning and designing a learning event Write your answer here According to experiential learning theory, when workers evaluate the practices of organizational learning, they come across ‘learning by experience’, which is a real factor of more or less all learning approaches. On the other hand, cognitive theory evaluates the way opinions and feelings develop the learning process, and it concentrates on a number of cognitive procedures shown by the workers during the process of learning. Another learning theory, classical conditioning focuses on behaviourism. According to this theory, learning takes place by interactions with the external environment. Learning theories play a key role while planning learning activities in the workplace as it is essential to base these activities on a proper understanding and perception about the requirement of adult learners. Appropriate land well thought-out learning activities are directly or indirectly focused on job and career. This incorporate every activity, which enables employees to become more efficient in their existing position; trains them for progress in their respective departments, or improves personal growth as well as lifelong learning. The significance, interest and timing of involvement in such learning activities are decided via “work planning and objective setting discussions between a worker and his or her manager” (Werner & DeSimone, 2011, p. 102), where manager will have the final word. Reference Werner, J., & DeSimone, R. (2011). Human resource development. Cengage Learning. LO2: Be able to plan and design training and development Q 2.1 A grocery store has staff working at various levels. Compare how the training needs of the grocery store employees may differ at different levels of the operation. Guidelines: (Approx. 150 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 14th February 2014 In order to complete the above task, you should: Describe the training needs of employees at different levels in a grocery store Compare and contrast the training needs of staff working at different levels Use Harvard Referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: 2.1 Compare the training needs for staff at different levels in an organisation Write your answer here One may find different training needs on every levels of the grocery store, from admin personnel, shop floor workers to management. There is a need to prioritise the training requirements, particularly if the training budget is inadequate, or the training requirements are comprehensive. With the aim of completely understanding all the training needs of the staff at grocery store, one should: Take into consideration the business goals - every training activity that supports these goals should be a priority Put a training plan into practice - categorize what the business would like to accomplish, and update workers about the learning and development programmes Get the input from workforce - observe and plan training activity according to the needs of the workers Perform a full expertise review - a number of workers in the grocery store may already possess the expertise that the company is unaware of (Hansson, 2013, p. 321). References Hansson, B. (2007). Company-based determinants of training and the impact of training on company performance: Results from an international HRM survey. Personnel Review, 36(2), 311-331. Q 2.2 As a training manager, you have a number of training methods at your disposal. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of six of these methods? Guidelines: (Approx. 150 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 21st February 2014 In order to complete the above task, you should: Assess six training methods available for organisations. Discuss whether these methods are on-the-job or off-the-job methods. Describe some advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods. Use Harvard Referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: 2.2 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of training methods used in an organisation Write your answer here 1. Off-the-Job Training: Managers can utilize off-the-job training to give workers an opportunity to learn away from the formal office setting. Apart from classroom training, managers can go for other options, for instance, webinars, training videos, and interactive games testing the expertise of the workers. 2. On-the-Job Training: This type of training is intended for the real work setting. Training situation should be similar to the working conditions. In on-the-job training, workers are provided with particular instructions regarding their jobs. A number of managers want their staff to “jump right into this training without classroom training” (Ford, 2014, p. 192) since they think engagement is most useful for learning the job promptly and also in deciding whether or not a worker is suitable for the job. 3. Coaching and Mentoring: Coaching and mentoring give workers an opportunity to get training one-on-one from a knowledgeable and skilled person. This training is provided to the workers mostly after some other training programme to give further details about what trainees have previously learned. 4. Group Discussions: Group discussions are most likely to take place in a setting where individuals can discuss and share ideas. It also let all the learners to talk about their concerns. 5. Role Playing: In role playing, employees act out on the issues that usually occur in the workplace. It is an effective method for involving theory with practice. However, it might not be acceptable for individuals who are not comfortable acting out in front of other. 6. Management Games: In management games, real-life issues of the workplace are simulated. Examples of management games include “computer simulations of business situations that managers play” (Gupta et al, 2010, p. 24), and games involving creativity to facilitate managers in finding innovative techniques to resolve issues within the workplace. References Ford, J. K. (2014). Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press. Gupta, S., Bostrom, R. P., & Huber, M. (2010). End-user training methods: what we know, need to know. ACM SIGMIS Database, 41(4), 9-39. Q 2.3 Working as a training manager, your boss has asked you to draw up a plan to train employees at a new chocolate factory. You are required to produce a brief plan which should use the systematic approach to training. Guidelines: (Approx. 200 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 24th February 2014 In order to complete the above task, you should: Prepare a brief plan with heading and actions. Describe the major steps in the systematic approach to training in your plan (i.e. identify training needs, define the learning required, set objectives, plan and implement training, evaluate training). Describe some of the key planning issues that you may face when designing the training plan (e.g. number of trainees, location, content, internal/external trainers, administration; training budget, training costs). Use Harvard Referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion: 2.3 Use a systematic approach to plan training and development for a training event Write your answer here Training Plan Needs assessment The systematic approach to training starts with needs assessment stage. Needs assessment is a comprehensive study of the tasks, behaviours and the setting within which training is provided to the workers. The purpose of the training program, the standards and methods of assessment of the training program are reliant on a proper assessment of the needs. Providing learner with the objective of the training program Giving detailed overview as well as example of the expected performance Explaining the type of the solution expected Specifying the issues to be answered during the training program Evaluating the performance Asking trainees to apply newly learned concept in their jobs Providing the trainees with a problem solving tasks in a simulated situation and asking them to arrive at an appropriate solution Evaluating the trainees for the betterment in their performance Improving retention and transfer Providing reviews together with different examples Providing further diverse situations for a particular task Factors Affecting the Training Program The major and most important factors that influence a trainee’s attitude are willingness and enthusiasm. Willingness incorporates both “maturational as well as experimental” (Werner & DeSimone, 2011, p. 177) aspects. The enthusiasm of a trainee to take active part training is also a key factor for the success of the training program. Enthusiasm involves behaviour that is dynamic, purposive, and objective oriented. Reference Werner, J., & DeSimone, R. (2011). Human Resource Development. Cengage Learning. LO3: Be able to evaluate a training event Q 3.1& Q 3.2 Scenario: The questions relates to Q2.3 The chocolate factory has arranged for a training event to take place at the new site. The new recruits (250) have been informed of the training event by email, text and letter. By the end of the two day training event, the recruits are expected to have an understanding of how to utilise the machinery, the clocking in machine, and a clear grasp of the health and safety requirements on this particular site. Prepare an evaluation of the above training event using suitable two tools and techniques. Guidelines (Approx. 200 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 28th February 2014 In order to complete the above task, you should: Prepare an evaluation of the above training event using two tools and techniques (3.1) Include an evaluation of the effectiveness of this training event aimed at employees at the new chocolate factory. Include the ‘what, why, when, and who’ of evaluation; planning; design; delivery; implementation; key stakeholders; achievement of objectives. (3.2) Use Harvard Referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criteria: 3.1 Prepare an evaluation using suitable techniques 3.2 Carry out an evaluation of a training event Write your answers here A successful training program is “always a work in progress” (Subedi, 2013, p. 56), and the training phase cannot be finished without the evaluation regarding effectiveness of training program, which set the basis for decision-making as well as planning for upcoming training programmes. As a result, a practical and helpful evaluation plan has to be a part of general training process. The two techniques for the evaluation of training program used here are Response and Behaviour of the trainees. Response: It assesses how well trainees liked the training program. If the company wants to have the best training program, it should ensure that the trainees are motivated for the program. This exercise offers trainees the chance to provide response to the coach / mentor regarding positive as well as negative aspects of the session. Behaviour: It measures employee behaviour alterations according to training. The manager’s objective is to find out how well trainees integrate learned values, expertise, and understanding into their jobs on a regular basis. This method asks for the help of trainers, managers, and others who work directly with trainees to study this group before and after training, and to provide their opinion on their performance ( Griffin, 2010, p. 221). The observation should carry on for three to four following the training programme, so that the managers can have a precise evaluation of whether trainees have gained performance improvements or not. References Griffin, R. P. (2010). Means and ends: effective training evaluation. Industrial and commercial training, 42(4), 220-225. Subedi, B. S. (2013). Transfer of Training: Improving the Effectiveness of Employee Training. Journal of Education and Research, 1(3), 51-61. Q3.3 The question relates to Q3.1 & Q3.2. To evaluate a training event, there are a number of techniques that managers can use. Review the benefits and limitations of the two methods used in Q3.1 & Q3.2. Guidelines (Approx. 150 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 7th March 2014 In order to complete the above task, your answer should: Discuss the major methods that can be used e.g. questionnaires, observation, trainer/trainee feedback, etc Review the benefits and limitations of these methods. Use Harvard Referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion 3.3 Review the success of the evaluation methods used Write your answers here Reaction of the Participant: It is the most simple and accurate method of evaluating a training program. Generally, the trainer carries out a survey by a questionnaire after the completion of the programme to see how the trainees respond to the training. In the majority of cases, the evaluation of training program ends here; however, there are other methods as well that can be taken into consideration if there is a need. Behavioural Application: This method checks if the trainees are applying whatever they have learned during the training programme. This method also shows the extent to which trainees put their new knowledge in practice within the real world. This can offer obvious proof of who is using the knowledge gained during the training and who is not, and can help the management to “rectify misapplication” (Hung, 2010, p. 92), and give incentive for close application following the training. Reference Hung, T. K. (2010). An empirical study of the training evaluation decision-making model to measure training outcome. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 38(1), 87-101. LO 4 Understand government-led skills development initiatives Q 4.1 The government supports a number of training and lifelong learning activities. Outline some of the major training schemes that the Government supports. Explain the role of the Government in training, development and lifelong learning. Guidelines (Approx. 200 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 14th March 2014 In order to complete the above task, your answer should: Outline general and vocational training schemes supported by Government Explain the role of the Government and its agencies in training and development work Use Harvard Referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion 4.1 Explain the role of government in training, development and lifelong learning Write your answer here Learning is natural and people take part in learning - both intentionally as well as unintentionally - throughout their entire lives. Lifelong learning is of great significance for people of every age and includes a range of advantages for them as well as for society. It supports their entire economic and societal involvement, allows them to be more active citizens, adds to their personal comfort and accomplishment, and develops their competence as workforce. The Government of UK is making efforts by means of different methods to support the employment of elder those as well as the expansion of professional life. If employees increase their professional life, they gained in the shape of better pension schemes and subsidies as well as other remuneration (Longworth, 2013, p. 162). There are several projects that are in progress within UK targeting on the betterment of employment prospects as well as working situations for elder employees. References Longworth, N. (2013). Lifelong learning in action: Transforming education in the 21st century. Routledge. Q 4.2 The competency movement has made an impact on both the public and the private sectors. Explain how this movement has impacted on the public and private sectors. Guidelines (Approx. 200 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 21st March 2014 In order to complete the above task, your answer should: Provide an outline of the competency movement. Examine the impact of the movement on public and the private sectors. Use Harvard Referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion 4.2 Explain how the development of the competency movement has impacted on the public and private sectors Write your answer here During the past decade, there has been a global development in the application of “competency models as a main foundation of HR policy” (Reeves, 2012, p. 254). The application of the competency approach is supported by professionals on the basis of enhancement of both individual professional performance as well as organisational efficiency. The competency approach impacted both private as well as public sectors in the following manner: • Better staffing practices • Enhanced programmes for personal, organisational as well as career growth • Better practices for performance management as a result of better appraisal • Better communication with respect to issues related to human resources Companies implementing a competency approach should create and use a competency model since the structure of this model supports the application of competencies across the particular operations of the company related to human resourced. Reference Reeves, S. (2012). The rise and rise of interprofessional competence. Journal of interprofessional care, 26(4), 253-255. Q 4.3 The government has introduced a number of training initiatives over the past decade. How do some of these initiatives impact on the development of HRD in organisations in the UK? Guidelines (Approx. 200 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 28th March 2014 In order to complete the above task, your answer should: Discuss some recent training initiatives (past decade). Examine the impact of these initiatives on an organisation. Use Harvard Referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following assessment criterion 4.1 Assess how contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contribute to human resources development for an organisation. Write your answer here The idea of lifelong learning in its modern and global discourse turned out to be distinguished and normally established during the last part of 20th century. Its role is to support the capacities of the employees, with the necessary expertise as well as capabilities for effectively handling the fresh challenges and eternal verifications within the globalized as well as modifying business scenario. Lifelong learning has turn into, and will remain, a key concern for UK, as it expands into a “learning society”. Businesses are turning out to be main associates within this learning society, as they offer further prospects for incessant learning to their workers, with the aim of optimising organisational learning. Businesses that clearly support employee learning, from a strategic point of view, are known as “learning organisations”. The fresh concentration on employee learning modifies the part of the Human Resource Development (HRD) function. The function of HRD in learning organisations is turning out to be clearer; however a number of doubts stay for HRD experts, particularly with respect to the issue of how to get their fresh roles into practice. There are merely a a small number of mechanisms to facilitate HRD officers in this regard. Still, a number of interesting plans are being started by HRD specialists all over UK to support strategic learning procedures of the organisation altogether. Reference Moody, H. R. (2013). Abundance of Life: Human development policies for an aging society. Columbia University Press. END OF PASS PAPER MERIT CRITERIA ONLY Merit In order to achieve Merit, students should achieve all the Learning Outcomes plus M1, M2 and M3 MERIT ONE and MERIT THREE This relates to Q1.2 In a report format, explain how electronic media can be used to improve the learning curve during a learning event. In your answer, judge and assess the role and contribution of electronic media to the learning curve. Support your answer with examples. Guidelines (Approx. 150 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 2nd April 2014 In order to complete the above task, your answer should: Be in a report format including title, introduction, main body conclusion and/or recommendations Identify three electronic tools that can facilitate the learning curve (e.g. internet, tablets, etc). Judge and assess the role that these play in aiding the learning curve. Use Harvard Referencing In answering this question, you will have covered the following merit grade descriptors: M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings Write your answer here The incorporation of electronic media in learning activities will certainly gives boost to the way in which these learning activities and programs shapes the future of the organizations. Electronic media has turned into a key aspect within a conventional learning program. For instance, a management improvement program could be improved with case study tools provided online. Trainees could create the blogs to share and develop knowledge gained. Electronic media provides content that develops via the organizational use of relevant tools, which can be an enormous source of content for the improvement in formal learning activities. These tools improve and extend formal learning activities in ways that earlier tools were not capable of achieving. Moreover, electronic media “connects content and best practices to individuals” (Edwards et al, 2013, p. 4). Previously used approaches for learning activities and transfer of learning produced extremely structured databases with strict controls that were “disconnected from those who developed it” (Edwards et al, 2013, p. 5). Reference Edwards, G., Elliott, C., Iszatt-White, M., & Schedlitzki, D. (2013). Critical and alternative approaches to leadership learning and development. Management Learning, 44(1), 3-10. MERIT TWO This question relates to question Q2.2 Disney invests a great deal of money into training its employees. The organisation has considered opening a theme park in Dubai. Your have been appointed as a consultant and been asked to select the three most appropriate training methods for this organisation in this environment. Guidelines (Approx. 200 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 7th April 2014 Research Disney Theme Parks (e.g. Disney Paris) Research into the training methods that you consider most appropriate for Disney staff in Dubai Discuss and justify the reasons for your selection of training methods Use Harvard Referencing In answering this question, you will have covered the following merit grade descriptor: M2 Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques Write your answer here Workshops and Seminars: These workshops focus on “customer service, quality assurance and employee relations” ideas pertinent to theme park administration. Recently appointed Disney’s workers may take part in workshops and seminars sponsored by Disney itself. Disney, being a theme park, has different functional approaches, so these workshops can help the staff in being acquainted with Disney’s strategies, standards and business objectives. The International Association of Amusement Parks provides online workshops for its associates. Workshops usually concentrate on business sides of theme park administration, for instance, “customer retention, advertising strategies and theme park facility maintenance”. Off-the-Job Training: To gain more knowledge regarding the industry, Disney’s staff can access security data, and “recreation legislation in different theme parks” to have a better understanding of the industry. On-the-Job Training: The employer will decide the precise requirements for this type of training. Most of the workers will undergo a six months training session to be considered capable to work with Disney’s theme park in Dubai. Reference Werner, J., & DeSimone, R. (2011). Human Resource Development. Cengage Learning. DISTINCTION CRITERIA ONLY Distinction In order to achieve Distinction, students should achieve all the Learning Outcome, all merits plus D1,D2 and D3 DISTINCTION ONE, TWO & THREE This question relates to question Q2.2 Using an organisation of your choice, critically evaluate the value of on-the-job and off-the-job training on retention strategies. Your answer will be based on the three levels of the organisation, that is, strategic, tactical and operational levels. Identify which methods would be most appropriate for each level and justify your answer. This will be in a report format Guidelines (Approx. 300 words) Recommended Interim Deadline: 12th April 2014 In your answer, you should: Use a report format Select an organisation of your choice Evaluate the value of on-the-job and off-the-job training at each level Discuss the value of on-the-job and off-the-job training in relation to retention strategies Conclude by identifying which method would best suit which level Justify your answer Use Harvard Referencing. In answering this question, you will have covered the following distinction descriptors: D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions through the synthesis of ideas D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities D3 Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking Write your answer here – THE END – Merit Criteria M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions. M2 Select/design and apply appropriate methods/ techniques. M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings. Distinction Criteria D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions. D2 Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities. D3 Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking. The following Generic Criteria may also be applied for Merit / Distinction: Generic Merit Criteria GM1 Only minor and agreed deviations from the deadlines that are set GM2 Correct technical language and notation are used throughout GM3 All sources are referenced GM4 All answers follow a clear logical structure and are pitched at the correct level Generic Distinction Criteria GD1 All recommendations made are fully justified GD2 All deadlines are adhered to GD3 Innovative options were proposed GD4 Used critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions Read More
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