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Critical Analysis of a Human Resources Development Intervention - Essay Example

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This essay "Critical Analysis of a Human Resources Development Intervention" focuses on the requirement and involvement of orientation within the perspective of human resource development. Orientation comprises the scheduled program that one undergoes when he or she joins a new company…
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Critical Analysis of a Human Resources Development Intervention
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Critical Analysis of an HRD Intervention (Human Resources Development) Table of Contents Introduction 3 Personal Experience of the Orientation Program 4 Requirement of Orientation Program 5 The Theory of Adult Learning 6 Instrumental Learning 6 Emancipatory Knowledge 9 10 Critical Reflection 11 Conclusion 12 References 15 Bibliography 18 Introduction The world is now becoming more global; researchers must be familiar with global environment as well as understanding the needs, experiences and viewpoint of people of other countries throughout the world. Researchers in the human resource development (HRD) field are no exemption and require performing upon international HRD investigation for the reason that this field is comparatively young as well as not mature enough yet, and also the present debate on Human Resource Development is conquered by American practitioners and researchers. Organizational learning is defined as organization’s capability to disseminate, exploit as well as to create and generate knowledge which is an essential resource and also increases capability of organizations seeking to maintain a cutthroat advantage in present marketplace. There are two types of organizational learning. One is exploitative learning and another one is explorative learning. The capability to acquire knowledge unquestionably gives sustainable benefit for the organization. Organizations which are capable in creating or innovating fresh knowledge and maintain that knowledge as well as to transfer this throughout the venture are more prolific as well as more capable in flourishing than their counter parts and are less skilled at the organizational learning (Carnegie Mellon University, n.d.). The HRD research and practice describes itself emphasizing in three main areas in the organizations workplace which critically covers adult education’s importance of learning or following subjects like career development, organizational development and training and development (Fenwick, n.d.). Along with intervention, orientation holds supreme importance in the arena of human resource development. Orientation basically comprises of the scheduled program that one undergoes when he or she joins a new company. Human resource development orientation basically aims a new recruit to adopt with the organizational culture. The present day organization as well as academia provides increased emphasis upon the orientation segment within the discipline of human resource development. The essay focuses on the requirement and involvement of orientation within the perspective of human resource development. Personal Experience of the Orientation Program An employee orientation program is very important for making the employee comfortable with his new surroundings and also making them understand the work ethics, culture of the company. In my orientation program, I was given a formal introduction to all my co workers by our HR personnel. The first session was done as an icebreaking session to let my colleagues and I know each other better. Then, the orientation objectives were laid out and a welcome speech was given by our chief administrator. In the next step, one of the HR personnel told us the history of the organization, its values, and ethics and mission statements. Other information regarding reward and recognition, safety and security facts, consumers’ service related issues were all discussed. To lighten up the mood some fun issues and facts of staffs and the department were shared with other new employees and me to make us feel a part of the organization. In the other part of the orientation program, instrumental learning technique was inculcated as a visual display along with lecture program was organized. In the program, we were introduced with the key people of our organization. We were familiarized with the tasks and duties that we will be given in the organization. By using the critical reflection method we were asked to open ourselves in the new environment and make ourselves heard also make our view point clear in the new surroundings. We were encouraged to become critical thinkers and also autonomous learners and think for the betterment of the company. Requirement of Orientation Program Orientation program is part of HRD. It is helps a new employee to adjust to the job and job related activities much quicker. It also helps in adjusting themselves with the work environment and organization culture. Orientation program can help a company to reduce turnover thus saving money which may be required for ne recruitment. The program takes energy, commitment and time but is extremely beneficial for the new employees. The basic skin care is a routine activity that a human being should indulge in. The orientation program can help the new employees to recognize the required knowledge regarding the ways a person can maintain their skin. If the program is not done properly, it will create a gap among the employees regarding the products. Their understanding of the product and their value creating benefits towards the consumers can help in increasing the popularity of product. Thus, orientation program can create a feeling of belongingness among the employees and increase their commitment towards continuous improvement and also continuous learning. The Theory of Adult Learning Adult learning is basically comprised of four theories. These are as follows: Instrumental Learning This is one kind of single-loop learning. This learning permits the learner to influence their environment. This is consistently used to improve learning. Only the combined procedure of knowledge formation is used. The main function of this learning is manipulated as well as it controls the environment and other people. Principles of instrumental learning are as follows: 1. Begin with the known 2. Willingness to learn 3. Part learning 4. Spaced learning 5. Active learning 6. Over learning 7. Multiple-sense learning 8. Feedback. It consists of two steps: informational and motivational 9. Meaningful material 10. Conveying the learning to others A main thrust of earlier study was to understand neural circuitry used in the instrumental learning. To give an example, auditory prejudice learning linked to a comprehensive limbic circuitry that includes the amygdala, hippocampus, posterior as well as anterior cingulate cortex and auditory cortex and also numerous thalamic nuclei. Inside this wide ‘limbic learning circuit’, dissimilar sub-circuits formulate various contributions to learning process. To give an example, circuitry concerning the subsequent cingulate cortex as well as anterior thalamus is occupied in programming stimuli which reliably predict strengthening or the requirement for behavioral reaction. Circuitry involving amygdale, anterior cingulate cortex as well as medial dorsal thalamus is concerned with supporting concentration to behaviorally pertinent cues, specially those cues which predict highly touching reinforcement like a punishment or reward (Smith, n.d.). The responding outcome is a vital element in the instrumental learning. This type of learning is instrumental in making a change in environment and this change in environment in turn affects the prospect of behavior which facilitates creation of it. To give an example, instrumental learning is the way in future can distort hostile motivation. If a hostile response by a child towards another child is tracked through few positive events like the attacker searching out to play with one beloved toy, subsequently the motivation to behave forcefully can be anticipated to amplify in future. The Instrumental learning is extremely important in HRD related activity. The learning helps the learner to influence their environment according to their need. The leaning if implemented can help an employee learn from their environment. This learning helps the learner to manipulate their surroundings according to their need. Thus, it is very much helpful in problem solving. Therefore, for skin care related product the HRD program can use this learning to develop the employees to solve any problem by using their presence of mind. Response learning, a part of instrumental learning can help an individual grow into the work activities that they have to perform. A programmed structured instrumental learning through visual display and lectures can be very useful in HRD related activities for developing an individual. Emancipatory Knowledge In an organization, learning and knowledge is the main features of an individual. With these two aspects intact, an individual become confident and determined before moving into an organization. There are different kinds of learning in Adult education. According to Habermas’ there are three kinds of knowledge like Technical Knowledge, Practical Knowledge and Emancipatory Knowledge. Cranton had three perspective of Adult learning, they were Subject oriented learning, Consumer oriented learning and Emancipatory learning. Mainly, Emancipatory learning is a process of freedom from the force that binds the option and controls the lives and forces taken for granted or seen to be far from the control. It is constructive in nature and can be transformed. These three learning types are utilized in an organization by an individual. Emancipatory learning is independent in nature and utilized only while freeing ourselves from any force. It is hard and painful learning. According to Meizrow, emancipatory learning emphasizes on the learner’s transformation which can only take place in adulthood as because it is in late teens and adulthood that a person can identify being trapped in her/her own history and reliving it. Individuals applying adult education hold different philosophical belief on the aim and reason of the education (Imel, 1999). According to Barr and Foley, adult education has become instrumentalist and measured to provide the profit system. Barr’s observation on the adult educations is moving towards professionalization and establishing in a field where students are observed as customers and adult education as a product. Adult educators illustrate from critical theory, feminist pedagogy, and post-structuralist theories, with others, to extend pedagogical practices that promote emancipatory learning. The main suppositions primaries to these practices are empowerment, teacher as learner, construction of joint knowledge, critical reflection, dialogues and student voice (Imel, 1999). Illustrating from the studies of critical management and pedagogy, this is to propose the values and practices for maintaining the rising significant human resource development (HRD) field as a stream with the availed theory and practice of HRD. A vital HRD would confront the defeat of the knowledge of human relationships and skills and focus on the transforming workplaces. HRD practices are revolved around to justice, equity and fairness. As both the HRD practices and the critical perspectives are different, a critical HRD must prepare in adequately wide terms to support a range of theoretical developments which includes anti-racist, materialist and gendered analysis. Abstract dilemmas of a significant HRD are discussed, like ideological opposition between the drastic course of the critical theory and the performative edge to which most of the HRD practice is responsible (Fenwick, n.d.). As an analyst of HR, it can be said without doubt that emancipatory learning is an absolute must. It should be carefully judged and inculcated within the orientation program. In such program of the company, it was observed that many of the incumbents do not answer to all the questions that are asked to them while some of them take extra interest to make their presence felt. Emancipatory learning basically makes an adult understand the needs of learning and transforming of his or her behavior. Also, this type of learning helps to reduce the stress level and so is widely used in the orientation program. Critical Reflection Critical reflection literary means that a process which changes an outline of position by elegantly examining the fundamentals of beliefs. Critical reflection is about disorientating problem and also conversed slowly with the altering frames of orientation (University of Ballarat, n.d.). There are three types of critical reflection namely content reflection, premise reflection and also process reflection. Content reflection is one type of content examination of a problem. Process reflection engages in the problem. Premise reflection ensues when a problem is questioned by itself. According to the Mezirow’s theory, premise reflection is dynamic in nature through which human’s belief system and its meaning perspective becomes transformed. In such situation, learners are the retired counselors who are recognizable with architectural time duration which the organizations specializes in as well as younger full-time employees who strictly pursue traditional architectural blueprints methods. Majority of learners are those retired because the learners were feared about the organization which was becoming technically oriented (Tsao & Et. Al., n.d.). HRD and Adult learning theory, both are connected with the learning process of adults. But adult learning theory focuses wholly on individual results of learning, HRD deals with the problem between the individual and organizational results. The idea of critical reflection is developed in the adult learning theory which adds HRD by viewing the significance of dilemma solving and dilemma posing for the individual as well as the organizational performance. The notion of critically reflective effort conduct is a link in between the individual learning and organizational learning. Size of critically reflective effort conduct, such as the reflection on the character relates to the job, significant view sharing, asking for comment, and demanding groupthink, not merely the rapid individual learning process but allow the employees to optimize the effort to practice or to seriously examine as well as seek to alter the organizational principles, thereby beginning the ‘double-loop learning’ process at the organizational stage (Waerkom, 2004). The most significant aspect of critical reflection is that anyone has to set up and also make clear to the learners’ previous assumptions. After doing this, strategies can be build up to assist changing these assumptions. When learners want to go into the critical reflection then they have some sufficient confirmation to recognize the validity of fresh concept as well as to transform their meaning and viewpoint or schemes. By this developmental procedure, they become capable in opening themselves from the learners’ previous assumptions as well as become critical thinkers and autonomous learners. Conclusion These examples are very much helpful for adult learning in the organization. This acquiring knowledge is helped to boost the confident and morality about work. There are some different arguments concerning the assortment of outcomes in HRD. They range from reconciliation of numerous definitions as well as principle of HRD to the outcomes of learning and training provided to the human resources, and also of individual development to organization and performance development. In addition, this is believed that training as well as development of individual worker would improve the working procedure as well as organizational performances in the direction of attaining organizational effectiveness. The crucial outcome of the HRD intervention is focused on the performance at the stages of groups and individuals, organizations as well as work processes. The principle of Human Resource Development was suggested by most theorists as to be the development of individual worker. Generally, the process associated with an individual improvement of ‘training’. Nevertheless, this has been agreed that individual improvement is much bigger than ‘training’. Therefore, development of every worker is consisted with giving education as well as learning, before providing any type of training for the crucial issue of performance improvement. The fact is that, this has been promoted that the HRD authority has to modify an individual worker’s behavior, get better skills as well as competencies and develop performances. However, individual changes could not be resourceful if individual workers do not consult and also harmonize their nature towards change and learning. However, if training is made available to the workers it can also strengthen their motivation and willingness to work and also improve work transactions by the improvement of teams and groups, but it can not happen without commitment and also support from peers as well as subordinates. In reality, evidence in literature has pointed out that teambuilding procedure and training plans can assist to develop interpersonal relationships in between groups, departments, individuals, managers and peers within a company. It is because associates in the teams are prepared to know the team working impact, which can decrease the possibility for misunderstanding as well as conflicts which can stuck between colleagues. In addition, this has been acknowledged that working in a team create a positive effect on worker’ knowledge, skills, as well as performance. The training approaches move towards the improvement of performance as well as productivity of team at work progression stage (Abdullah, 2009). For the adult educators, young employees and those apprehensive with the lifetime learning one of great appeal of literature investigative life course progress is that this may make out problems or qualities which are the characteristic property of youth people as well as adults. If it can be completed, then the foundations exist for enterprise of specialisms like youth work as well as adult education and learning (UNESCO, n.d.). The present revolution of Information Age is speedily altering the features of personal and also corporate societies. This kind of revolution is altering the process people employ to communicate by way of each other, investigate new information, resolve problems, as well as transact business. With the thorough analysis in the essay, it can be said without doubt that orientation is the most important and upcoming aspect of the present day human resource development. With the theories like critical reflection and instrumental learning along with the personal experiences in the orientation program, the newer dimensions of the human resource development can be easily assessed. There is also no denial to the fact that adult learning has also been quite important in this regard as it has impressive influence over the human resource development orientation. References Abdullah, H., 2009. Outcomes of Human Resource Development Interventions. Journal of Social Sciences. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2010]. Carnegie Mellon University, No Date. Center for Organizational Learning, Innovation and Performance. Home Page. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2010]. Fenwick, T., No Date. Toward a Critical HRD in Theory and Practice. SAGE Online. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2010]. Imel, S., 1999. How Emancipatory Is Adult Learning? Calpro Online. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2010]. Smith, D., No Date. Neural Circuitry Involved in Instrumental Learning. Cornell University. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2010]. Tsao, M. & Et. Al., No Date. Transformative Learning. The University of Georgia. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2010]. UNESCO, No Date. Global Report on Adult Learning and Education. Executive Summary. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2010]. University of Ballarat, No Date. Adult Learning. Commonwealth Australia. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2010]. Waerkom, M., 2004. The Concept of Critical Reflection and Its Implications for Human Resource Development. SAGE Journal. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 31, 2010]. Bibliography Gilley, A. M. & Et. Al. Critical Issues in HRD: A New Agenda for the Twenty-First Century: New Perspectives in Organizational Learning, Performance, and Change. Perseus, 2003. Sims, R. R. Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities. IAP, 2006. Read More
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