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Detroit News Readers - Essay Example

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The paper "Detroit News Readers" states that Stark Jetpack is a powered exoskeleton that runs on 18 electrochemical fuel cells powered by liquid hydrogen. It is very powerful and can help the automobile to reach a top speed of 94 miles per hour and run for an average of six hours without refueling…
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Detroit News Readers
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We are requesting you to advertise about our new device launching, we selected Detroit News because of its long history of providing quality services.

Mr. Depp, who is the celebrity of the Stark Jetpack will be available to discuss how the device operates on Thursday, March 7, or Friday, March 8. Stark Industries are offering this launching exclusively in the Detroit News. We would be happy to arrange an interview with Mr. Depp as well as any of our representatives of Stark Industries.

We are sure that Detroit News readers will want to know about the new device, and we look forward to assisting you in any way.  They may contact us through the above email, I will be in touch soon to discuss possible interviews on Monday, March 11.

Thank you for your consideration and time.

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