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Intro MGT Informat Systems - Essay Example

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The implementation of project management process involves the use of several phases. Chapter two addresses the issues of project management by…
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Intro MGT Informat Systems
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Introduction to Management Information Systems Project management focuses on long term objectives of the company with several phases existing in the process of implementation. The implementation of project management process involves the use of several phases. Chapter two addresses the issues of project management by highlighting the various phases of management exist in project implementation. The project initiation stage involves the identification of the ideas and projects to be evaluated and the methodology.

Identification of ideas and scope of the project is vital in the initiation process. The clients need in the project must be evaluated to avoid mismatch of wants and need of the clients. Despite proper planning of the initiation phase, continuous evaluation of the implementation process is vital in project implementation. During the implementation phase, communication is vital in the project implementation process (Kerzner). Communication ensures that the transfer of information within the work force is effective thus improving the implementation process.

The various phase of implementation process involves the combination of different departments in the implementation process. The communication process in the project work must accommodate various technological changes such as use of latest communication technology such as the use of Email and social networks.The selection of the best possible technology for use in the project work must consider the budgetary allocation of the project. It deals with the understanding of the information management and system available and the implementation process demands.

The leadership of an organization can influence the motivation of the people leading better performance in project management. Emotional intelligent is vital in the leadership success. To have a successful project leader, the understanding of the leadership styles and emotional intelligence is mandatory allowing for exclusive understanding of the organization structure. Leadership in project management must always have the mission and vision of the project to avoid management crisis such as loss of organizational focus and goals.

The goals of the project are vital because they facilitate the development of organizational structure and organization. Additionally, the planning phase of the project must ensure that all factors that may influence implementation are evaluated. The creation of plans ensures that all activities are considered in the process of planning and the magnitude of activities, threats and opportunities existing during the implementation of the project (Kerzner). The management of information during the project planning and implementation phase is vital because the information allows for evaluation to be conducted.

The management team in project management must always provide the necessary support to facilitate faster completion of the project. The preparation and planning of project management and implementation is vital in effective completion of the project. For leaders, it is vital to develop proper leadership structure that facilitates communication in a defined hierarchy and structure. In defining the project management cycle, several drawbacks exist in the communication and implementation that need to be evaluated regularly to create a reliable and effective response to situations.

The project management process must always encourage the participation of all employees in the management process so as increase feedback collection and modification of the project activities.Works CitedKerzner, Harold. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. London: John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

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