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CNS: Sales Planning - Essay Example

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This paper contains information that the CNS partially successfully introduces its product to each of the markets for which it has penetrated. This is due to the efforts made to ensure the success of this group in the market. Similarly, the quality of what they produce is an important factor for them…
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CNS: Sales Planning
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Running head: Case Study CNS Insert Insert Grade Insert 14 July I think CNS has been partially successful in putting their produce in each of the markets it has penetrated. This is because of the efforts put in place to ensure that the group succeeds in the market. Similarly, the quality of what they produce is a significant factor in the success of the group in the sense that their marketing endeavor is usually propelled by the nature of services produced. CNS has made several efforts to entering new markets in a bid to expand its presence.

Part of these efforts has been successful though some of them have not been effective owing to a number of reasons. These include low popularity, presence of other players along with poor marketing strategies.With regard to brand equity, the success of CNS can be described as brand on the group’s brand equity. The group’s brand equity is quite focused on developing the required image for marketing, which propel the marketing endeavors of the group. Brand equity denotes a company’s projection to the market and plays an essential function in increasing the chances of succeeding in market promotion (Hartline & Ferrell, 2010).

CNS brand equity can, however, be boosted to improve its chances in marketing. Penetrating newer markets could be difficult and less successful if efforts are not done to ensure that the brand equity is improved. In essence, company’s brand equity represents its ability to compete in an open market that is incidentally the determining factor in the market.As a brand, CNSs brand image is relatively powerful though there are specific areas that require to be strengthened in order to improve its chances of success more particularly in newer markets.

The most salient indicator of the success of a brand image is its ability to compete favorably and successfully in the market. As a result, the success of CNS will squarely depend on how it competes with other brand images in the market, and this will be the determinate factor through its endeavors. Therefore, the group’s brand can be described as partially effective, and CNS’s past successes in the market can be attributed to it though for future success more needs to be done to improve the brand image.

Several cultural factors would influence CNSs marketing approach toward entering New Zealand in the sense that several parameters that prevail in New Zealand could be strange to CNS’s marketing strategy. As a result, CNS will require evaluating the market successfully before making a foray into New Zealand. Such an evaluation will involve the analysis of the relevant cultural factors and how they influence the market. Secondly, CNS will develop a mechanism through which these challenges will be addressed.

Most importantly will be the development of a customized marketing approach that will surmount the inherent cultural factors. Owing to the fact that certain factors do not change, particular similarities subsist in other markets where CNS already has been established. Some of these similarities could be duplicated in this market, and they comprise of tastes, quality and approach that will essentially denote the underlying essence of every market.ReferenceHartline, M. & Ferrell, O. (2010). Marketing Strategy.

New York: Cengage Learning.

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