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Plans for Managers & You - Essay Example

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In any business set up, setting out of the business’ goals and objectives is of considerable importance, for the investment to succeed (Smith, et al 39). Most of the victorious business owners uses a number of management tools, for example, business plan. The objectives are…
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Plans for Managers & You
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Plans for Managers & You In any business set up, setting out of the business’ goals and objectives is of considerable importance, for the investment to succeed (Smith, et al 39). Most of the victorious business owners uses a number of management tools, for example, business plan. The objectives are not for the business owner but also for the employees. Therefore, it is necessary to involve the employees when setting the goals so that each of the organization’s team player is aware of what to do.

Analysis of the situation on the ground is necessary for reviewing the internal and external setting of business. The benefits accrued by successful business owners attract many potential investors. My focus as a potential business owner is to understand all the concepts applicable for a successful business. Studies show that the owner sets the attitude of any successful organization (Smith, et al 42). This means that if the owner does not have substantial personal characteristics, the employees will not be motivated to work hard, making it hard for the business to achieve its objectives.

Therefore, my focus is to have a sound mind full of innovative techniques to instill the ideas to my employees. Strategic planning is a key to any business success (Smith, et al 44). This is possible by emphasizing on accountability in every stage of production. It is vital to follow exact business objectives to the letter and planning for all the business activities. Implementation of the business proposals and following timelines for the various activities is crucial. Another strategy is to keep on updating the business objectives upon realization of the old ones.

This is occurring because of changes in the worldwide trade. In observing all the above strategies, my future career, as an investor, in the communication industry will be a success.Work citedLarry D. Smith, et al. "Successful Outcomes Of Teaching Minority Undergraduate Students Entrepreneurial Business Planning Concepts Using Andragogy And Service Learning." Journal Of Entrepreneurship Education 13.(2010): 37-44. Print.

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