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Match Day Staff Retention and Turnover - Essay Example

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The author of the particular paper "Match Day Staff Retention and Turnover" will begin with the statement that any business organization emphasizes human resources or manpower development because it is the lifeblood of an existing or new industry…
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Match Day Staff Retention and Turnover
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Match day staff retention and turnover Introduction:- Any business organization emphasizes on the human resources or manpower developmentbecause it is the lifeblood of an existing or new industry. The new millennium recognizes the importance of human resources personnel in their contribution to supplying the best manpower supply in a thriving industry. Organizations are overseeing the business functions such as hiring, training, conducting interviews, relaying of company related business trends and issues and employees benefits etc. This type of thinking is oriented among professionals because they want that the company they are working with, able to stay on top despite of existing competition against companies who compete with the same product or services a certain company caters to. The study conducted by The Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) provided conclusive evidence of how outsourcing human resources personnel and various HR functions could cut average company costs on HR spending and free them from other legal risks. The retention of human resources for long time and then giving training to them is the only issue which is very costly and time consuming. More specifically, good training programs leads to improve the capability of employees and thus increasing the confidence in employees. Employees who are sure of themselves work faster, commit fewer errors and produce more output. Thus we can say that the existence of a human resources department is vital to overall productivity and efficiency of the strong work force in any thriving company. In most professional organizations, the role of the human resources department is not sidelined. In fact, good human resources can be one of the most valued and respected departments in an organization, their job is people and people are the company's most important asset. Reasons for leaving employment are:- 1. Dissatisfaction with salary or benefits - Salary dissatisfaction can be predicted using company maintained information commonly to salary administrators. Predictors includes years of service, educational level, performance report, career potential, a measure of the most recent salary increase and employee gender. Benefits are not up to the mark which pleases the employees at fullest. 2. Dissatisfaction with training or working conditions - It is the second biggest reason for leaving the current working place. Using old and casual methods of training and working environment is not suitable. This means that one can't adjust with his current working environment i.e. working staff and conditions are not expelling healthy and positive vibrations. Training methods and modules are insufficient. Due to time constraints; the new employees are often not corrected. This oversight leads to a proliferation of bad practice. 3. Change of industry or profession - Sometimes employees change their profession or shift themselves from one industry to other industry due to higher scope of improvement and learning opportunities because according to their thinking forward looking sector or industry has better future prospects or growth. Even new opportunities comes up to you as easy as knocking the door to fulfill the dreams. 4. Others Lack of development - An individual always wants growth, power and success in life but if one's career comes to a stagnant position, he wants to leave his current job and take a new one with full positive attitude and motivation which is very useful and important like flowing water in the river because it symbolizes development at every point of time in life. Development can be in terms of salary increment or extra responsibility given by the seniors due to faith and carried over by the individual in the company. Better position elsewhere - In this scenario, companies are offering good positions to the employees who are experienced and have good communication skills which are the utmost traits of personality. Some companies are offering internal tests programs conducted to stabilize good employees which is the need of the hour. Lack of confidence in employees - Over confidence and under confidence both are perilous for an individual. But the most which affects the talent and working ability of the employee is under confidence. It has a direct contact with under rating your skills and capability even if you're more deserving than others. This is sometimes hazardous and it makes the person depressive and can cause brain hemorrhage or death even. Possible solutions to the problem are:- 1. Improving staff benefits - Benefits can be improved by initiating new schemes like 'star of the month' ,'star of the quarter', 'star of the year' etc which can be calculated on the performance of the employee. Giving food charges, mobile charges, conveyance charges, medical aid charges and providing insurance coverage to the employee and his dependent family are some of the perquisites which help in maintaining the staff for long time and even for decades. Incentives, perks and bonuses are the most recent ways of sharing profits with the employees of the company. 2. Improving the training and induction process - Training is the essential part of job because it tells about the company policies and work and activities carried on in the organization. Training modules should be designed with care so that employees can gain maximum benefit from them and able to learn new things within the specified training period because every company spend more hours and payroll percentage on training and should be up to the mark so that higher employee satisfaction can be achieved. There are examples of certain companies like Intel, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard etc whose statistics shows that more money and time spent on training results in greater success for companies. So it is advisable to modify current training methods in order to increase employee confidence, maximize the efficiency of the employees and prevent harmful litigation. It can be also taken as one time investment and full life profit. According to me the format of the training day can be as follows: Inductions (20 min) Health and Safety (40min) All HR consisting of all paperwork (40 min) Break (20min) Practical - We take the staff member to these working areas and run through all departmental specifies (120min) Total hours = 4 hrs 3. Increase learning and development - Learning is the only process which continues for full life because there are lot many things to learn and understand in which age bar never counts. According to new thinking of the professionals I can say this-"age, study and learning new concepts has no link". Knowledge is limitless and as vast as sky. But development is directly linked with learning because if we learn something, we apply it in our professional life and moves ahead towards our monetary as well as career development. It shapes our life and open doors to new opportunities and gives us a feeling of gratification. It purely depends on us how and in which direction to move our graph of prosperity in life. The skill level and productivity of the labor force is one key to ability to foster economic development. 4. Improve selection techniques and employee communication/involvement - Selection procedures should involve crucial and step by step techniques of recruiting employees. Once this is a time consuming process because screening of employees is not an easy task but at the end of the day or in long run it is fruitful to both company as well as top level management because no one is interested in handling human resources related issues every day. Right candidate at right place is equally important to obtain the maximum output. Employee communication and involvement also play a very important role in the happiness of staff members. We have found that with casual staff member's happiness in the work place can go a long way in retaining the staff member. Every thing should be communicated to employees because sometimes they give best suggestions which are the need of the moment. 5. Motivating the employees by giving the best positions and improving their self confidence - Motivation is something which has a drastic affect on the minds of the employees because it is magical in itself. It never required to combine itself with anything else because motivating is the best policy which is applied by most of the Hr's in today's competitive world. Higher positions can be gained by tasking internal assessment or promotion test conducted by the HR department in most of the companies. This is the new trend to find the best in the rest i.e. deserving candidate will be given first preference .It is the well known phrase-" Self help is the best help", so as the self confidence. No classes are arranged or conducted for fulfilling this kind of criteria because once the confidences is boosted it will lasts for life and no one dares to break it as it comes from inside and glooms the personality of the person outside. It is also essential for proving yourself and to survive in the competitive environment. 6. Working conditions - It is essential to maintain the decorum of the working place because every employee spends 8 to 10 hrs in office. It is the duty of the HR to keep a dog watch on the employees and other departments so that healthy environment can be retained for long time and within the ethics of the profession. 7. Retention - Retaining the old employees and recruiting the new ones is the tedious task because maintaining the balance between them is not so easy but I would say it is not so difficult also because Retention strategies help to remind the all the employees why they chose to work there in the first place and they are offered best incentives to stay in the company. It is the duty of the mentor to be good at both places as an instructor as well as good encourager. Graphical presentation of main activities of hiring process and related processes:- This graph is taken from CIPD website and it is a legal and valid source of study done by their organization to know the current trends of industry. Explanation - This shows that every activity has it own merits and success ratio in %. Every organization wants to attract the most qualified employees and match them to jobs for which they are best suited. However, many enterprises are too large to permit close contact between top management and employees. Human resources, training, and labor relations managers and specialists provide this connection. In the past, these workers performed the administrative function of an organization, such as handling employee benefits questions or recruiting, interviewing, and hiring new staff in accordance with policies established by top management. Today's human resources workers manage these tasks, but, increasingly, they also consult with top executives regarding strategic planning. They have moved from behind-the-scenes staff work to leading the company in suggesting and changing policies. In an effort to enhance morale and productivity, limit job turnover, and help organizations increase performance and improve business results, these workers also help their firms effectively use employee skills, provide training and development opportunities to improve those skills, and increase employees' satisfaction with their jobs and working conditions. Although some jobs in the human resources field require only limited contact with people outside the human resources office, dealing with people is an important part of the job. There are many types of human resources, training, and labor relations managers and specialists. In a small organization, a human resources generalist may handle all aspects of human resources work, and thus require an extensive range of knowledge. The responsibilities of human resources generalists can vary widely, depending on their employer's needs. In a large corporation, the director of human resources may supervise several departments, each headed by an experienced manager who most likely specializes in one human resources activity, such as employment and placement; compensation, and benefits; training and development; or labor relations. The director may report to a top human resources executive In this graph, every activity depicts the relationship with the main and sub objectives. It is the thinking minds of the HR department which activity is at priority and which is to be taken into consideration at less priority. Like recruiting new employees had been the area of concentration, with 81% accomplishment of the task company can think of maintaining its business for centuries. Cost cutting is another important aspect and motto of the companies because profits can be used for the betterment of the company in future or it can be used for future investment and use. That's why it has a success ration of 20%. Conclusion:- What to do for boosting the morale of the staff See the big picture "High staff turnover can be a feature of many veterinary practices and ours was no exception. There's no single thing that makes staff stay or go, you have to look at the bigger picture and go through the business from the top down. "Start by involving the team in redefining the mission and vision for the business, which included a strong emphasis on improving work-life balance- a big issue in the profession, as the hours can be unsociable. Then evaluate the current procedures in areas like recruitment, exit interviews, training and team working." Implement new procedures "Recognize that although we were already doing many of the right things, procedures needed to be formalized and there were gaps to be filled. We began with a staff questionnaire, which we've continued to issue every six months. This helped us to identify areas where we could be doing more to retain staff. "Among other measures taken, we introduced weekly staff meetings and a monthly newsletter, implemented a rolling training Programme and began conducting formal exit interviews. We also refined our recruitment process to ensure a better "fit" among candidates. After all, one of the keys to managing staff turnover is to employ the right people in the first place." Involve staff "Consulting and informing staff about new procedures has made them feel part of the business in a way they didn't before. We've also trained line managers to communicate policy and procedural changes so the right messages filter down from the top and everyone feels involved. "Overall, there has been a change in the company culture, with greater emphasis on team working and a no-blame philosophy that's encouraged a more proactive approach to problem solving. We've found that trusting people and giving them control over their work can be a powerful motivator and reason to stay." Seek input sooner "We've spent a lot of time communicating the mission and values to staff at all levels, but I wish we'd sought their input right from the beginning." Be patient "We didn't realize how long it takes to truly change a company's culture and management style. It took around few months before we saw the maximum benefit from the policies and procedures we'd put in place." Steps to success:- These are the answers to research done by a reputed catering company within the norms and regulations of the set by the companies act of the country. These are the sure short steps towards the success of the company when they are followed properly by keeping the entire policies and rules of the organization on the top. These can be considered as the possible solution or as the proposed methodology needed to be applied within the organization to obtain maximum output. This is based on the questionnaire which is of great help indeed. These are some of the activities on which HR department should concentrate and to work according to it. Recruitment and induction Making the right choice - are you getting the staff selection process right Do you encourage staff to recommend friends and acquaintances for job vacancies Induction - how do you welcome and orientate new staff How do you let them know where things are and what they and their colleagues are supposed to do See our guide ongetting new workers started. Flexible working arrangements - do you recognize your employees' changing needs to achieve work-life balanceUse our interactive tool to investigate what kind of flexible working will best suit your employees and you. Training and staff development Motivation - how supportive and encouraging is your business Organizational culture - what are you doing to promote an inclusive culture in which staff are aware of and committed to the business' aims Matching jobs to people - are you making thebest use of skills, experience and competencies, and helping staff fulfill their aspirations Staff training and development - are you investing in your staff by giving themtime and opportunities to learn new skills Formal appraisals - how often do you give your staff the opportunity to discuss their performance Effective grievance procedure - Do staff know how to register a grievance and are they making use of the procedure Team working - do you encourage common goals and discourage unhealthy individual rivalries Contracts, pay and working environment Contracts - do the terms and conditions of your contracts encourage staff loyalty Competitive pay rates and a fair, transparent pay system - are they in line with your industry Incentives and other staff benefits - are they relevant for your staff Can staff choose the ones they need The office environment - is the physical office environment pleasant and well designed Are noise, light and ventilation levels acceptable Lastly, the human resources field demands a range of personal qualities and skills. Human resources, training, and labor relations managers and specialists must speak and write effectively. The growing diversity of the workforce requires that they work with or supervise people with various cultural backgrounds, levels of education, and experience. They must be able to cope with conflicting points of view, function under pressure, and demonstrate discretion, integrity, fair-mindedness, and a persuasive, congenial personality. Reference: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) The HR people- What they say --- July 2008 (journal) 8) 9) 10) Read More
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