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Technology has been a vital ingredient in the study of organizational forms since the year 1950. On that note, it is worth noting that the relationship between organization functions and interests with technology have gone down over the years. …
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? Impact of incorporation of information systems al Affiliation) Key words: Principles, Competitors Introduction Technology has been a vital ingredient in the study of organizational forms since the year 1950. On that note, it is worth noting that the relationship between organization functions and interests with technology have gone down over the years. Apparently, it also during this time that information technologies were introduced into organizations and as a result they have come with numerous advantages and limitations for that matter. However, information technology has also incorporated some of the existing organizational features in a bid to maximize on the efficiency. On that note, with information systems innovations which serve to control the manner in which information is handled, it has also created a number of opportunities and consequently leads to the growth of the industry over and improved on the service delivery. On that note, this paper majorly focuses on the manners in which information systems have been able to revolutionize the manner in which we work (Willmott, 1995). Evidently, it is clear that information systems have been able to change the way we work and improved the efficiency. In addition to that, this paper will also document in the subsequent sections some of the limitations of employing information systems in our society. First and foremost, information technology has been able to change the fabric of organization. Apparently, information technology was mandated with the task of automating the operations that existed in a bid to improve the effectiveness of service delivery (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). Furthermore, another task of information systems in organization was to speed up and increase the communication channel of an organization (Willmott, 1995). On that note, automation of the organization entailed that the collection, storage and transmission of information within an organization employed information systems innovations as opposed to the traditional forms which required paper and individuals since they were more effective and accurate. On that note, every functional organ in an organization held information relevant to the activities they do (Willmott, 1995). For instance, the marketing department held and stored information pertaining to sales, accounting department held and stored information pertaining to the financial statements of the company. In addition to that, the functional organization was changed with incorporation of information systems. On a similar theme, the management of the organization entailed the separate management of the various organs of the company (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). In the case that more than one organ were required to work hand in hand, information technology has been able to facilitate this through creation of communication channels through which information from the various organs in the organization can be exchanged with other organs within the company. On that note, research has been able to establish since the incorporation of information technology into industries, the growth of the sector has been phenomenal (Pollock, 2003). Furthermore, productivity of industries has increased rapidly and this has been attributed to the various innovations and incorporation of information systems into industries. This is attributed to the decentralized manner of running the organization through the use various organs of the company, efficient job training strategies and the redesigning of the organization structures (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). In addition to that, information systems have been successful due to the fact that with the improvement in the information technology for instance communication by increasing the bandwidth in communicational channels, more information has been exchanged and on the long run decreasing the expense of communication. Consequently, this has led to the increase in the thriving of the information system sector and fostered more investment opportunities in this sector (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). Through the introduction of enterprise systems such as manufacturing resource planning into industries in 1980, information technology has been able boost industry development. On that note, manufacturing resource planning entails the incorporation of historical activities in a bid to improve on the manufacturing process in the industry (Kallinikos, 2010). As a result of this development, this manufacturing resource planning idea was able to evolve into the current enterprise resource planning which has been attributed to the growth of the industrial sector. Apparently, the enterprise resource planning was able to introduce information into the various organs of an organization. This integration entailed the introduction of the supply chain management system which was mandated with the task of incorporation of this new development along the boundaries of the organization (Kallinikos, 2010). Furthermore, with innovation in information systems for instance in networking and communication, information was made readily available to the various organs that existed in the organization for example the marketing and the accounting organs. As a result of these critical integrations, the management of information shifted from the traditional hierarchical system which entailed the storage of information drawers. Consequently, the enterprise resource system was able to reduce the hierarchical movement of information which in turn enabled people to be more organized within the organization (Kallinikos, 2010). The enterprise system has a had a huge significance in the fabric of the organization for instance through the various strategies championed by this system such as affordance which entails visualization of work as whole, flexible product and service creation, virtual collaboration, simulation control among others have been able to contribute to the growth of the information system sector and consequently, this has led to the thriving of the industrial sector (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). The development of the Taylor’s system was also another positive impact of the incorporation of information technology into the society. On that note, the core principle championed the ideology that the methodology of efficient organizational structure was determined by the clarity of the definition of the formal systems and procedures. In addition to that, the ideology is founded on the basic of mechanization in a bid to foster the growth of industries in the United States (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). Furthermore, Taylor championed the notion that the origin and advancement of the modern information system can be achieved by a change in the manner in which individual think. On the same note, he advocate that the through the adoption of the thinking perspective of a machine development and advancement of technology was inevitable. Furthermore, since machines are viewed as a channel through which fast and efficient service since their incorporation into the industrial sector during the time of industrial revolution (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). Evidently, he is seen championing for the automation of reason among individuals when he used the idea diversifying of labour in a bid to rationalize the production of logarithms. However, in relation to information technology, Taylor’s ideology is significant since it advocates for information systems as tool in which advancement can be achieved. For instance, he advocates for ‘machine thinking’ in a bid to improve the working conditions in our society (Pollock, 2003). On the same note, information systems presently can be compared to the machines in the time of industrial revolution. Furthermore, this is the case since initially machines were tasked with the goal of hastening the production and reducing work all the same during the period of industrial revolution (Pollock, 2003). On the other hand, information technology currently has been able to achieve these goals through creating channels in which information can be managed efficiently for instance through the introduction of networking systems which have fostered communication within an organization. In simple terms, Taylor’s is in accordance to the fact that information technology has rapidly revolutionized the way in which work is done in our society. Information systems have played a significant role in political sector. On a similar theme, one of the most obvious examples is in the business process reengineering as a form of organizational change. Apparently, according to a North American survey conducted in 1993, some of the projects of the business reengineering were documented as not successful in meeting the goal intended (Pollock, 2003). In addition to that, it goes ahead to postulate that the ideology of business reengineering represents the idea of discontinuous change which is exaggerated theoretically and in practice is not feasible. However business reengineering entails assumption deracination in taking out some of the organizational norms and traditions in a bid to foresee the spontaneous growth and foster the increase of productivity of the organization. On that note, this eradication does not only relate to the organization structural form for instance hierarchical but also on the management practices of the company (Kallinikos, 2010). In addition to that, the deracination is intended to discourage conventions of managers; Machiavellian and promote the management practice that includes the entirety of the organization governed by the policies that are stipulated by the entire process of re-engineering. In simple terms, one can consider the business process reengineering can be viewed as a critical intervention in the political landscape incorporated into working organizations. On that note, business process reengineering can be viewed as a utopian analogy in its initial radical form. Furthermore, it lays its emphasis on the manner of operation of the organization as opposed to the process of improving business (Kallinikos, 2010). Consequently, its primary goal is not to improve the business of the organization but to question on the manner in which the company is managed. On the same note, business process reengineering mandates to evaluate on the manner in which the functions carried out in the organization as opposed to ways of improving on the various function of organs in an organization (Kallinikos, 2010). Thus, business process reengineering can be viewed as reengineering of the management front as opposed to reengineering of the business. On the contrary, despite business process reengineering having numerous limitations, some positive effects of this form of organization change have been recorded. First and foremost, the holistic form of change that is advocated by the radical utopian analogy. In addition to that, this analogy brings about total change in the organizational structure in comparison to the old tradition system (Kallinikos, 2010). On that note, the current advancement of the actor-network analogy postulates that the ideology of holistic change in the organizational structure serve to provide a means in which one can comprehensively understand the technical and the social aspect of the business process reengineering as a form of organizational change. Moreover, the actor-network analogy also postulates that technology is an essential part of the advancement of the organizations. On that note, in a bid to embrace technological change, individuals must employ a number of organizational changes in order to accommodate this huge development. In addition to that, business process reengineering can be viewed as political in the manner in which in it is relayed and applied into the concept of organizational change (Hammer, 1990). Apparently, it suggests that the adoption of new policies is exaggerated in literature as compared to it general practical application which are less appealing with reference to their results in practical or real life applications. However, the success of this form of organizational change depends heavily on the commitment of the policies and the manner in which the ideology is applied in the industry (Hammer, 1990). Consequently, business process reengineering is generally radical and incorporates political dimensions in its assessment of the organization of a company. In other worlds this analogy also plays a critical role in the political structure of organizations. Information system through the use of computers has played a critical role in the redesigning of existing businesses processes. On that note, the automation and rationalization of business processes have not made a significant impact in the business sector (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). This is attributed to the fact that, companies have employed technology in the business by mechanization of the old or the existing practices rendering the old ways functional. As a result, the mechanization process by incorporation of computers was mandated with the task of improving the speed of production for instance in the case of manufacturing industries. Therefore, it follows that the issues of performance efficiency is not addressed adequately (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). On that note, majority of our business activities were developed in the period before the invention on the computer systems, therefore the flow and the basic design of the business will differ with the incorporation of computer systems. On a similar theme, reengineering strive to do away with the ancient rules since they were documented in a period before the advent of information systems therefore they are not admissible to the current dynamic industrial world. Furthermore, the drafting of new rules that is in accordance to the current age (Hammer, 1990). Moreover, reengineering is also mandated with the task introducing new practices which help and boost the production and consequently contribute to the growth of the industry. However, in the process of restructuring and reengineering, a number of limitations have been faced. For instance, some of the people who work at the industry have been able to lose their job as result of the incorporation of machines in to the business sector. On the contrary, reengineering has also served a positive goal. On that note, it has served to create new job opportunities since with the incorporation of information technology (Quattrone, 1995). For instance network administrators, computer engineers who are mandated with the task of managing the various automated machine in the company. Technological determinism is a major effect of the information technology in our society. Apparently, this entails the relationship of technology and the society as a whole. On that note, this theory suggests that one of the major reasons of societal change is the fact that technology is rapidly changing. Furthermore, it postulates that the relationship between technologies is directly proportioned. On a similar theme, it highlights that, with the advancement in information technology, the society is also gradually changing for instance with the invention of computer communication has been boosted for instance the use of e mails which are more reliable and cheaper as compared to the traditional postal system (Hammer,1990). However, despite the numerous positive impacts of the technology, it has faced a number of challenges for instance it is expensive in terms of the setting up of the required infrastructure. In addition to that, as a result of exposure to the internet, people have been able to suffer from cyber fraud and also computer systems are liable to damages from viruses thus leading to loss of information stored. In spite of having limitations information systems have played an important role in the world. For instance in professional service firms, it enable the rationalization of professional services which has in turn promoted business (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). In addition to that, through the aid of the internet, research has been boosted since the computer has been used as an educational tool and as a result information technology has boosted education. Furthermore, information system has been able to foster the exchange of information through the invention of efficient communication channels for instance through social media for instance twitter (Pollock, 2003). In conclusion, information has tremendously changed the manner in which we conduct our day to job. Evidently, it is clear that it has served to improve the efficiency of service delivery and in turn has served to make work easier. To this end, information system is an important requirement for the thriving of the society as a whole. References Pollock, N. et al (2003) ‘Fitting standard software packages to non-standard organisations: the biography of an ‘enterprise-wide’ system’, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, vol.15, no.3, pp.317-332 Grant, K. &Willcocks, L. (1995) Business process re-engineering in theory and practice: business paradise regained?New Technology, Work and Employment, vol.10, no.2, pp.99-109 Hammer M., 1990, ‘Reengineering work: don’t automate, obliterate’, Harvard Business review, vol.68, no.4, pp. 104-112 Quattrone, P. & Hopper, T. (2005) A ‘time–space odyssey’: management control systems in two multinational organisations. Accounting, Organizations & Society.vol. 7-8, pp.735-764 Kallinikos, J. (2010) Governing Through Technology: Information Artifacts and Social Practice. Palgrave Macmillan Chapter 4 [Electronic] Silva, L. &Fulk, H. (2012) ‘From Disruptions To Struggles: Theorizing Power In ERP Implementation Projects’, Information And Organization, vol. 22, pp. 227-251 Willmott H., 1995, ‘The odd couple? Re-engineering business process: managing Human Relations’, New Technology, Work and Employment, vol.10, no.2, pp.89-98 Read More
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