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Service Quality of Sports Centre - Essay Example

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In the paper “Service Quality of Sports Centre” the author provides analysis of measurement of the service quality level of a sports centre of UK. About 200 respondents are interviewed. The interview focused in 5 different factors of service quality level…
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Service Quality of Sports Centre
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The interview focused n 5 different factors of service quality level which are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. In order to capture how the five different factors measure up, 21 different types of questions are generated. These questions are marked using the Likert Scale. Then depending upon the relative importance of the five dimensions, the preset 21 questions are rearranged and marked and weighted accordingly. In order to produce better statistical report, the sample composition is analyzed.

In order to analyze the composition of the sample, descriptive statistics like bar diagram, cross tabulation, pie charts and correlation statistics are applied (Bailey and Pearson, 2003). These tests are applied on demographic characteristics of the respondents or the fixed factors of the respondents. The next section of the analysis reflects upon the assessment of the importance of each dimension of service quality as perceived by the customers. In order to analyze two types of tests are conducted, one is the factor analysis or the factor reduction method and the other one is the descriptive statistics analysis (Baroudi, 2003). . The next step of analysis involves testing the various aspects of service performance.

The various aspects are measured on two different ways. One involves the direct recordings on the Likert scale and the other on is the derived rating after adjusting the readings according to the relative importance or weight (Bentier and Bonett, 2008). These two types of readings are tested using the principal component analysis. In the last stage cross tabulations are done. This cross tabulation indicates the level up to which the satisfactions vary according to the characteristics of the user. 1. Sample composition The sample composition is analyzed by using cross tabs and simple pie charts, bar diagram and correlation statistics.

The pie charts are used to show the composition of the male and female and the composition of the type of people from each subject area. Fig 1: Male and female composition Source: author’s source It is evident from the diagram that the study included more number of males and the number of females. The male percentage is 75%, while the female percentage is 25%. The next analysis is the examination of the crosstabs between frequency of use and gender. Fig 2: Bar Chart Source: author’s source The users among male students show higher frequency than the users among female.

There is one very important point in this analysis. The number of non users in male is significantly more than the number of users among male. Among male most of them used the sports centre twice a month, while users among females most of them used it only once.

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