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IPad Security Breach - Essay Example

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"iPad Security Breach" paper examines a corporate ethics statement for a computer security firm that would allow or encourage activities like hacking, the importance of social responsibility by Gawker Media, and an Email script to be sent to AT&T customers informing them of the security breach.  …
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IPad Security Breach
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?iPad Security Breach Over the past few years, there have been tremendous changes in information and technology (IT). This includes the development of gargets that are more advanced and are stylistic as well. This is indicated by their increased applications despite being reduced in size to increases their portability. The hallmark of these advancements is the inclusion of internet in these mobile gadgets and this has increased the number of people accessing their e-mail addresses through their mobile phones. These advancements and their associated advantages have also encouraged people to store much of their personal information in their e-mail addresses so that they can access them anywhere and at any time. Despite these benefits, users of such gadgets face security threats touching on the confidentiality of their accounts as a result of malicious hacking into IT systems. Hacking into a Web site, a real-world case involving a known company It is never justifiable to hack into a Web site belonging to an individual or a company. This is because such an action leads to unauthorized access of information of a company or its customers. The cumulative effect of this is fear and embarrassment to businesses. Fear results from the potentialities that such hackers could pose as the company and conduct an illegal parallel business or post compromised notices to its website or customers. Hacking into the website of a company also brings fear among their customers and in worse situations the withdrawal of these customers. This finally reduces business for the organization. Hacking could also result to psychological torture to the customers of the company for fear that some of their confidential information has been revealed. The situation is worse if the hacking involves high-ranking people in the society and the group responsible for the hacking is a media company. This is because of the fear that such information will be availed to the public and compromise their personal image or even critical national matters like security. Generally, the action amounts to a security breach. A breach in a company’s security through hacking and it potential effects were witnessed when a group named Goatse Security obtained the subscriber data for many iPad owners. In this situation, the victim was Apple company and its affected customers included politicians, government officials, a top military officer, popular corporate officers, many other important and famous people. It also included accounts for companies in the technology industry like Microsoft, Amazon, AOl, Microsoft and thousands of other iPad owners (Tate, 2010 a). Tate (2010 a) states that data given by Goatse Security indicates that over 114,000 user accounts were compromised as a result of the hacking. In the above case the information exposed included the e-mail addresses and network ID’s. According to CNN News (June 10, 2010), the security breach was as a result of a security hole in AT&T’s network and it occurred as Goatse Security to exploited vulnerabilities of this network. AT&T was made aware of the breach and the security hole was closed. The above scenario has a potential of straining and even breaking ties between business partners. In this situation, Apple has remained silent over the issue leaving its partner AT&T to fight to contain the damaged public relations (PR) and to apologize for the mishap. This is because the problem resulted from AT&T operating the server without strong security controls. Victimised businesses/organisations are forced to use a lot of resources to win the trust of their customers once again. According to Tate (2010 b), AT&T had to fight to stop the spread of iPad fear among iPad owners. A corporate ethics statement for a computer security firm that would allow or encourage activities like hacking In the process of running its business operations, no firm is authorized to threaten the safety and confidentiality of the customers of another firm, directly or indirectly. Importance of social responsibility by organizations like Gawker Media The Media avails information to a large population of people. They also tend to win the trust and influence of many people through the information they pass. This forms the basis of operation and sustenance of media and encourages competition in terms of availing the best news and revealing secrets. Due to their great influence and potential impacts, it is very important for organizations Gawker Media to be socially responsible. This will ensure that they obtain all information they will avail to the public through ethical means, for example, desisting from hacking. In this way, they will promote ethical values in the society. That Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) should consider when responding to a security breach. When responding to a security breach, CEOs of various organizations should consider factors like the reputation of the company and potential impacts of the hacking on their customer. A consideration of the safety of accounts of their customers will make CEOs to respond quickly, for example by notifying their customers quickly. This will ensure their customers do not remain ignorant of the incident and hence be more cautious. The CEO could also advice them to close up their accounts for a while or change them (DOWELL, 2010). In order to limit a change of mind by customers regarding the company, CEOs should be quick to identify the person or group responsible, how it happened, how they will respond to the problem and the steps they have taken so far. This information should be communicated promptly to the customers to show the company’s dedication in dealing with the matter. They should also assure them of the safety of their accounts in the near future. At such a time, the CEOs should be very careful of any commend they make over the incidence as it will impact so much on their PR. Email script to be sent to AT&T customers informing them of the security breach and a plan to resolve “We regret to inform all our AT&T customers that a security breach has occurred at the organization’s server. We also want to inform our dear customers that the organization has moved swiftly and is already making efforts to close the security hole. It should also come to your attention that the information was gathered from a public webserver and not a word of mouth. The webserver is inaccessible to other people because it has no password and this means pour iPads will be safer as soon as the organisation fixes the problem.” Though it is embarrassing, it is important for an organization to inform its customers of any breach in the organization’s security and this should be done as soon as the problem is noticed. Such a prompt action will enable the customers to take necessary steps to mitigate the problem at hand, for example by changing their email addresses. Speaking in support of this view, Ryan (2010c) states that such an action is a service to the public because iPad 3G users had right to know of the potentialities that the information contained in their email addresses was or would become public knowledge. Conclusion IT companies ensure that their sites and servers operate under strong security controls. This should be done despite efforts by such companies to ease the process of logging into the company’s website for the sake of their customers. Whenever hacking occurs the company whose customers should be informed quickly and in turn, they should pass this message to their customers immediately for purposes of mitigation. The media is instrumental in giving the public first hand information on various issues. However, rash publication of such cases without notifying the affected company is unethical as it incapacitates a company’s ability to respond to panic by their customers and employees. The media should therefore be systematic and cautious when reporting such incidences as part of their social responsibility. References CNN News. (10th June, 2010). “iPad Security Breach.” Online: Viewed on 16th August, 2011. DOWELL, A. (2010). “AT&T Blames iPad Incident on 'Malicious' Hackers.” Online: Tate, R. (2010 a). “Apple’s Worst Security Breach: 114,000 iPad Owners Exposed.” Online: Viewed on 16th August, 2011. Tate, R. (2010 b). “AT&T Fights Spreading iPad Fear.” Online: Viewed on 16th August, 2011. Tate, R. (2010 c). “FBI Investigating iPad Breach.” Online. on 16th August, 2011. Read More
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